Words of Wisdom

Hey Caver: Are You Kidding Me?

Hey Caver: Are You Kidding Me?

Are you fucking kidding me?

“Forgive me for falling off the wagon?”

Oh sure! You’re forgiven! No problem! In fact, we’ll just forget you caved. Why not just post up and pretend it never happened?!

Is that what you were hoping for?


Dude: you made it through the worst of the shit. You stopped for what? 20-some days? And then you just cave because you had a stressful day at the office?

Hey FUCKUs: Raise your hand if you haven’t dealt with some SERIOUS stress since starting your quits?


Yeah. I thought so.

Let’s see: I’ve had a friend die. I’ve had a friend suffer a massive stroke. I’ve overdrawn my bank account. I suffered a significant back injury that laid me up for three days. I got in a huge fight with my girlfriend. I have enormous work pressures… I could go on and on.

Guess what? I didn’t cave. You know why? Because tobacco wasn’t going to make my friend return from the grave, or make my other friend miraculously recover from his stroke. And it wasn’t going to put money in my bank account. And it wouldn’t fix my back. And it sure as shit wasn’t going to solve my girl troubles. And it wasn’t going to do my work for me.

Chewing, undoubtedly, only compounded any “stress” you might have had and put you back at Day 1. Congratulations. Hope it was worth it.

For chrissakes. You know the drill. I don’t want to hear this ‘please forgive me’ horseshit. Explain yourself and repent. And then get over to March.

And this is not a “disease.” You’re not genetically predisposed to chew tobacco and you didn’t “catch” it, either. It’s a choice and it’s an addiction. There’s no “cure.” You have to be a man and own your quit.

Until you realize that you’ll fail again and again.

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