– Quit Dipping Today!

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Welcome to the first day of the rest of your life!!!

When you’ve made the decision to quit dipping you need support. You’ll get it right here at KillTheCan! This site is dedicated to helping people QUIT dip, smokeless & chewing tobacco! It will be a long & difficult road, but we are confident that you too can be successful and quit dip!

All articles on are written by members of our forums. These are people who understand what it means to quit. They write these articles from the perspective of a quitter. Don’t believe the “experts” that you find out there on the web – believe someone that has successfully QUIT DIP.

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9 years ago

Day 12.. Doing good but still have moments where I say “damn” when I get an urge, and think why did I ever take that 2nd chew when I was 15!! I say 2nd because the 1st almost made me puke, I should have just left it at that. I’m 42 now and have quit several times but I have never been more determined, this site is great for support. I’m doing this for my son, I think of him when I get an urge and that helps. Using a lot of candy and sunflower seeds.

9 years ago

Tom S, if you can handle today and get through it without a dip just think, you can get through anything. You have had a tough day only to show how much you can handle. Make all that crap worth it and hold off the dip. Show the world and yourself that you can get through it.

I quit with you today.

Justin V
Justin V
9 years ago

What is the best way to deal with the fog?

Tom S
Tom S
9 years ago

… Having a seriously bad day. Started out good but then my dog pushing me out the door at 6 am. Then he wouldnt eat his food and then threw up. I have my family seeming to intentionally irritate until i snap. The bank screwed up and ill be overdrawn becuase they charged the wrong acct and it will cost me to fix it… I thought i was out of the woods after 65 days clean but a chew really sounds good to me right now.

Chuck Moser
Chuck Moser
9 years ago

If it were easy, you wouldn’t be here. If it were easy, you wouldn’t have a yearning to put a poison weed in your mouth that makes you want to spit brown juice everywhere. It’s called addiction. It’s a royal bitch the first week. Be prepared for mind games. The cravings do go away, and you will stop thinking about it all the time. It takes time. This is a crock pot weaning… not a microwave. The think to remember is you did this to yourself, and it took some time to get hooked. It will take some time to get unhooked.
Rock on, and continue flipping the bird to your addiction.

Justin VonAllmen
Justin VonAllmen
9 years ago

2nd day quit… so freakin hard not to go buy a can of grizz

9 years ago

Yea the Jake’s Def helps out alot. I just reached day 9 and there has been times that I go hours without thinking about a dip. Then all of a sudden it pops in my head and I’m like hmm should I go get one but my faith and strength kicks in..1 dip will lead to 2 dips and then I’m back to dipping and I also look at how much money I have saved as well and we all have saved from dipping. Just looking back how did we all dip for so long?

John Besse
9 years ago

How’s your quit going

9 years ago

Thank you airbuspilot. I just wonder if I’m going to ever stop feeling it there even though it’s not there. Lol.

9 years ago

James – just wanted you to know that I’ve been exactly where you are today- right now. I dipped every second of every waking hour and oftentimes in my sleep. My wife could smell nicotine coming out of my pores at night. I’m almost two years into my quit. I started at day one just like you. You can do this. Get help from a doctor to get your quit started. It’s not easy. I won’t lie. It’ll be the hardest thing you’ve ever done in your life. It’ll also be the most rewarding endeavor you will undertake. Good luck.

9 years ago

Jpezzy you can do it. I knew for years i needed to quit but one day i just said no more. I am a single dad with 2 boys 9 and 12. If i die from dipping i felt i would be the biggest horses ass. I bought my Jakes for urges and now i am on day 111 and not looking back,

9 years ago

So I’m deciding right now that I want to quit. I pulled my can of grizzly from my back pocket and put it in a drawer so it’s not right there at my finger tips as I walk around and do something. But beings that I’m only about 20 minutes into my quit, as I read some of the comments on here it makes me want a dip badly. The longest I’ve gone with out a pinch in is about 30 minutes. I even sleep with it in sometimes. Have gotten pretty good at not moving it or needing to spit. I want to quit so badly. The worst thing is being able to taste it and feel it there even though it’s not there.

9 years ago

Oh, and for some people the withdrawals can last from 2 weeks to over 6 months. Genetics, enviornmental factors, stresses, and personality all have huge impacts on how you handle any type of drug withdrawal. I’m past 120 days of my quit and am still learning how to deal with stresses without dipping.

9 years ago

It really depends on how long and how much you dipped. You have taken a substance away from your brain that it has relied heavily on. After using for a long time, your body and mind feel as if dip — along with its almost 30 chemicals it releases — is needed to live and function. Your brain is yelling at you to give it dip just like it would yell at you for food or water. Hang in there and the addiction chain that you formed during your dipping years will begin to break. Hope this helps.

Tom S
Tom S
9 years ago

+craigselk66 ive been trying to quit for 2-3 years. I started smoking when i was 13. Did that for 20 years then about 5 years ago i quit smoking and started chewing. In between i was trying to quit smoking and used the patch. i just got addicted to the patches. After that is when i started chewing. Ive been fighting for years trying to quit cold turkey and this time i finally got it. My record was 11 days. Im on 62 today. I had to get to the point where i just really did not want it anymore. I didnt enjoy it anymore and didnt want it controlling my life.

9 years ago




Tom S
Tom S
9 years ago

+craigselk66 one more thing before i go. You say you havnt felt right even at 61 days? Everybodys body reacts differently to quitting and eveyrone has their own way of doing it. I wonder alot if i have been feeling so much better because a week after quitting alot of my life started changing. I went on a diet( not on purpose lol dont have the money), also i quit drinking so many sodas. When i was chewing i would drink a soda after every chew to get the taste out of my mouth. So i was drinking 6-8 a day. Im down to 2-3 sodas a day. i eat 1 meal a day plus some vegetables to supplement during the day. I have been getting more exercise because ive felt more motivate, lifitng weights again. I wouldnt suggest pushing yourself to the point you are stressed but try some things.

Tom S
Tom S
9 years ago

+craigselk66. I havnt had the anxiety or strong craving in 4+ weeks atleast. Feeling kinda down today, think im getting sick and all the stress on top of it. I spent 6 hours building stuff on minecraft. When i tried to get back on later it said the file was corrupt and made me delete it. I was so pissed!!! I was suprised though.. Getting chew was not my first thought. There was a brief moment about an hour later when i thought a chew would make me feel better but i easily forgot it quickly. Im rebuilding my greek fortress on minecraft ..again so i g2g. Keep up the good fight.

Cory R
Cory R
9 years ago

I’ve personally have dealt with SM wintergreen on and off for the past 5 years in my struggle to quit, it became a dependent this last time, but it wasn’t so much an addiction to it as something to put in my mouth and the need to spit. And what got me off SM was just the hassle of putting it in and taking it out, just so messing compared to real dip, and that my mouth was still raw feeling from it. More so now it’s just a habit to keep a can in my back pocket, so I resorted to jerky chew, but I might use some when I get my worst cravings to want to dip still and it helps and I can actually eat it, I last used it to help calm me some before I shot a buck last week, but left the can in the deer blind, and plan to leave it there. I’m on day 74 now, the cravings never go away, just don’t hit as hard and embrace into something else when you usually know you want one, like after a hearty meal is still the worst.

Scott Cole
Scott Cole
9 years ago

Approching day 332 of the quit. I used Smokey Mtn. just enough in the beginning to get past the urge. Went to gum and then nothing soon after that. Exercise has really helped me. Lost almost 40 lbs in during the same 332 days had I haven’t felt this good since my late 20’s. (Almost 49). But regardless, never go back and best of luck.

Tom S
Tom S
9 years ago

2 months, 60 days today. Idk how i made it this long. My previous record was 11 days. I never really expected to last this long but now it feels like i really have quit for good. I dont get cravings even when i see people smoking( could be different if i saw ppl chewing). I dont get the strong cravings like i did the first few weeks at all anymore. My biggest enemy now is myself if i start forgetting how tough it was in the beginning or when i wonder how would a chew feel now. I am glad to say my gums are healing nicely. They had me worried for weeks. They were bleeding and i had a big bruise under my front tooth. The benifits from qutting are great. My teeth dont hurt and i dont have that nasty taste in my mouth when i wake up, i feel more motivated to get out and do things, i dont feel miserable anymore, ive saved $180, and nicotine isnt controlling my life anymore. Stick with it, i know its tough to begin with but it gets easier. Im getting to the point where i hardly even think about it anymore.

9 years ago

Day 7 that’s 1 week down!
Super glad I’ve got the post to check up on thanks.

9 years ago

John shoot me a message on the forums. My username is Andrew33. I have questions id like to ask you.

9 years ago

I’ve noticed my throat hardly hurt until 3 days in but wasn’t bad at all.. My symptoms have been cold sweats or hot flashes? I haven’t taken a shit in 4 days though

9 years ago

Day 29 of my quit! Been dipping for 15 years and decided this was a good time as any to quit the shit. I have been running since 2011 and have done 13.1 and 26.2 races while on the shit! Crazy I know. One tin would last me a little over a day on average. Bought my last tin of shit on 11-6 and I stretched it out to 11-13. This seemed to help as my first week of freedom was not all that bad. I substituted Teaza and Grinds fake stuff but I was never into pouches. Way too dry for me. Then I found Smokey Mountain from reading all the reviews on this fantastic site. WOW what a difference! Great taste, moist, and very splittable. Now 4 weeks into my quit I’m having a harder time now then I did my first week! Now I have a Smokey Mountain addiction. Hahaha things could be worse. Has anyone had similar experiences with SM and do the cravings demininish over time. Thanks all and embrace the quit!

9 years ago

My throat thing happened like 5 days after I quit. It has lasted a good week n still going. Hurt at first now it just feels swollen on the outside and a feeling of fullness. Not sure if it’s the heartburn/acid reflux but it sucks. Good luck n maybe u won’t get it at all

9 years ago

When does the throat thing happen the pain bc I am on day 3 and none of that is happening. Not saying I’m looking for that pain lol. I have to say that I have wanted to go buy a can just to take a dip but haven’t went out and did that yet.

9 years ago

Haven’t had a chew for two whole weeks now. Was chewing half a can a day of cope wg for about 3 years. Just wondering how long it takes for your mouth to feel normal again? Until your lip isn’t so raw anymore? My teeth have felt kinda weird lately too

9 years ago

Paul, Wow you made me laugh. Thank you for that…. go to bed early so my wife would not kill me. I did the same thing. I was off from work and spent my first three days curled up in bed. I got up to eat, drank some orange juice because the sugar was a special elixir and then went back to bed again. I would say our spouses will put up with almost anything as long as we do not go back. When you are not raging, take special time to tell her how much you love her and how much you appreciate her support.

I have quit numerous times. The main thing for me this time is that I absolutely decided I am not going back. So, I was no longer debating with myself whether I would dip again or not. There was no debate. I knew from some reading that the most important thing was to distract my mind and focus on anything else but what I was quitting. If you allow yourself to think about the quit, what you miss, etc. It will make it much harder. So do not allow yourself to think or dwell on it. Make your mind move on.

Congratulations on your quit. I quit with you today. Dundippin – day 88.

9 years ago

I’m on day 1445 today. Keep on quitting. The “suck” is awful but it is only a season. The craves are awful but they will fade. Stay strong, quitters!

9 years ago

I’m on day 3 as well. Nothing easy about this. I go to bed early so my wife doesn’t kill me

9 years ago

Halfway throo day 3. MOTHER FUCKING BULLSHIT. Had to let that out… hardest part so far is after I eat I usually pop one in. Not only are the nicotine withdrawals hard but breaking the habit is too. I’ve “quit” before for a couple weeks but I weened myself off this time I went cold turkey. Already saved about $25.

9 years ago

So I am on big day number 2 and I don’t have the cravings but I am having the fixation of having something in my mouth. As I am writing this, this is my ultimate test bc I am at home relaxing and this is normally when I have a dip. The great thing is that I have to say is my determination, your guys post and Jake’s mint chew. Keeps me strong

9 years ago

Day 5, Cravings are not bad atm,
I wish to congratulate all thoses who have made it past 100 Days! gives me something to look forward too

To all thoses who are on the same day with me! look up to thoses who have made it 100+ days and say One day that’s going to be us Goodluck

9 years ago

I’m on day 117 and still have dizziness, anxiety, and trouble sleeping every now and again. I delt with my life problems by putting a dip in. I dipped 1 to 1.5 cans a day for 7 years. I quit right before I got married, trying to find a more fulfilling job, just found out my dad is not going to get a heart transplant, just got a dog, and am trying to handle a crazy sister that HATES my wife. Needless to say, I would love a dip right now. Dealing with the anxiety on top of going cold turkey right before all these life changes and drama has added a whole new layer of suck to my quit. I quit with you guys today.

9 years ago

CJ, Alex get well soon .. I am sure this is just a passing phase, look at the brighter side of life guys.. Celebrated my first anniversary of quitting the can today .. I used to dip almost a can a day for almost an year and then one fine day decided that this shit should stop and just STOPPED it. Be strong enough to overcome your withdrawal symptoms (I kept myself really busy at work) which helped me focus on other important things than this stupid can. Guys, easier said than done but nothing is impossible For all of you who have stopped, congratulations and be strong, stay away, keep yourselves busy with other important things in life and make your life beautiful This forum helped me quit and it’s now time to give back for which I am here. God bless you all with good health and a long happy life …

9 years ago

Tomoro is day 3… I want a pouch so bad… when do the cravings end?

9 years ago

I am on day 122, it has been a very hard road for me and my wife. Still have bad days like this whole week! The gum and sunflower seed route didn’t help me too much, I had always chewed gum when I didn’t have a dip in, and chewed seeds a lot too. I have gained about 30lbs after loosing 80lbs prior to quitting dip. I am not sure if I am going to be able to stay quit, but I am giving it a shot. I have been trying Jake’s mint chew and Smokey Mountain. Sorry to those guys looking help, I know I didn’t provide much.

9 years ago

Its been 58 days since I have dipped or had any form of nicotine and I have saved $652! This is the longest I have ever went without it so while I am excited I am worried too that I could cave any day now. I used for 36 years and quitting has been one of the hardest things I have been through. I want to just get a big ole fatty so bad but my motivators that have kept me straight so far are the number of days that I have went without and the disappointment that I know that I am going to feel if I put that cancer in my lip again.

William Harding
William Harding
9 years ago

I’m on day 5, and so far I’ve damn near ruined my marraige. If I weren’t so dead set against my wife having to live through me being an asshole again, I’d say fuck quitting. But, she’s made it this far with me, and I’ll be Damned if I make her do it again. I’ve been dipping since I was 13, just turned 39, and the longest I’d gone without snuff in my lip was about 2 hours. That includes sleeping with it every night. Eating with a dip on most of the time. Pretty much having snuff in my lip unless I knew for certain I was about to get intimate with my wife, and hell, sometimes even then. So, five days without is 60 times longer than its ever been for the last 17 years.

9 years ago

Stick with it bro!!! I’m on day 6 and honestly on about day 3 my wife and I got in a huge fight and I thought about going back. I kept telling myself “that is a cop out, I am looking for an excuse.” Which was actually true, our fight had nothing to do with my chewing or not chewing… The freaking addiction had me trying to find any reason to go back… Still does. Keep up the good fight brother!

9 years ago

Day 6, everyday seems to be getting easier since about day 3. I can honestly say that the first 3 days were probably 3 of the worst days of my entire life. I’ve been chewing a can a day for about 12 years now. My entire world feels like it is turned upside down. One of the things I am doing is writing in a journal everyday so later on when I feel like I can have “just one” I can look back at this struggle and realize I made it through the worst part and hopefully I will be smart enough to never go back!! I just have a question, when will I start getting solid sleep again? Even though Everyday is getting better, I have not slept in 6 days. Thank you!

9 years ago
Reply to  Matt

Oh one more thing, this is the 2nd time I have attempted to quit and this is the 2nd time in the first week I have gotten a cold. Is that normal? Or a coincidence?

Tom S
Tom S
9 years ago
Reply to  Matt

6 days without sleep??? One thing i noticed when i quit is every day it seemed like i had more energy and motivation. I had trouble sleeping then started lifting weights again and getting more exercise. I wouldnt push yourself until you burned out but personally i was enjoying more so it wasnt feeling like i was making myself, more like i was wanting to get out and do things.

9 years ago
Reply to  Tom S

Thanks for the Reply Tom! I feel more motivated as well, like I want to go out and do more to keep my mind off of it. The no sleep thing is mostly tough when I am at work, I am having a hard time focusing. When I say no sleep I really mean like 3-4 hours a night right now with most of it being off and on if that makes sense? Thanks again for the reply, this site is awesome!

Tom S
Tom S
9 years ago
Reply to  Matt

Yeah that makes sense. My first few weeks were like that. Not really anxiety or restlessness but i just wasnt sleepy, then i would wake up at after only getting 5 hours of sleep. One thing i did notice though is when i was chewing i would wake up and i had a hard time even getting out of bed and feeling groggy for awhile after. After quitting i find i wake up alert. Stick with it. I found it was almost like a rush not using. My blood circulation improved, my arms/ legs quit falling asleep, my blood pressure has dropped, and i enjoy doing things.

Tom S
Tom S
9 years ago
Reply to  Tom S

One other thing that really helped me after those first 3 days is it isnt worth it. Every night i would crave chew and i would remind myself yeah i may get a rush from it and might make me euphoric but.. If i would have screwed up last night when i was having these craving that rush when i dip would already be gone and not only would i throw away all these days i suffered through i would just feel miserable again nomatter how much i chew.

9 years ago

I can’t stop thinking about the spots. They’re painless and you can’t see them unless I stretch my lip against my teeth and look closely in the mirror. I’m not sure if I’m just being paranoid or not but I’m only 23 and really don’t want cancer. I’m never going to have a dip again.

9 years ago

First time coming across this site.. I haven’t had a dip in one solid week, 2 weeks prior to that I had cut back to only 1 a day. So far quitting has been very easy, I haven’t had the want to have a chew since besides the day after. I had been chewing for about 4 years. Just lately I’ve noticed that when I look at my lip in the mirror and stretch it out theres two spots that seem slightly lighter then the rest of my lip. They’re not red or white they’re just pale, and flat like the rest of my lip. I’m just wondering if this is normal? if anyone else has noticed anything similar on their lip? or if I should be worried and booking a doctors appointment? It’s made quitting easy because I’m now scared to death.

9 years ago
Reply to  Chewie

Woah I’m surprised you got back to me so quick and I really appreciate it. These spots are very small by the way and on the outside of my lip aswell like on the actual lip. I think I’ll see my dentist but I feel a little better thank you.

9 years ago

103 days and the best decision i have ever made. I will not dip today with day 104 right around the corner. For those who are struggling fake dip helps me a lot and now i do that less and less because it doesn’t contain the heroin my Kodiak did for 20 years.

9 years ago
Reply to  Russell

I am on day 1, I had a dip the first day I decided to stop. I got Jake’s mint chew and as of today at 730am I flushed my remaining dip in the toilet and tossed the can away. I haven’t had the urge to put one in but I look at my two little girls as my motivation

Tom S
Tom S
9 years ago

I would say no days using patches, gum, does not count. Years ago i tried quitting smoking using patches and i just got addicted to patches. Then i quit smoking and started chewing and did that for the last 5 years. I finally just started trying cold turkey, no nicotine replacement or even fake chew. It took awhile before i got it righht but i had to get to the point where i truly did not want it anymore and it was effecting my life. I mean everyone has their own system they have to find. Some use medications, some nicotine replacements, some have family support. You have to find what works for you. 56 days and $168 saved.

9 years ago

Nicotine is the addictive substance. Days with patches, gum, or any other form of nicotine do not count.

9 years ago

Do I count the days with no dip or days with no nicotine? This two dated seem to hold different weights? Thanks guys

9 years ago

21 days free here today’s a real struggle, always right before bed my throat and jaw feel tight get super anxious and grumpy. Reading everyone else’s comments and stories on here have helped a lot though reassuring me how terrible this shit is. Quitting for my son who just turned one and never going back

9 years ago
Reply to  Trace

Good for you. The throat tightness is acid, i have dealt with the same thing for the last 3 months – its finally starting to recede (day 97). Don’t sweat the side effects, just give it time and you’ll start feeling like your old self. I am thinking less and less about dipping each day, it is becoming more and more a distant memory.

9 years ago


Cory R
Cory R
9 years ago

Just wanted to say that I am on day 68 without dip. It’s been a struggle the first couple weeks with stress and knowing that would be the easy way out, but I fought through it. I also want to add that this isn’t the first time I’ve tried to quit but they never lasted more than 2 weeks.
It all comes down to that you want to truly quit, you can always say you want to, but you have to mean it. And I don’t plan on starting back up, well unless I was on my death bed, shoot why the hell not.
The cravings don’t go away, even have dreams that I dipped, scared myself that I caved, but dipping for almost 10 years will do that to you.
And if y’all are curious on what I used to quit, it was a combo between Nicorette gum, mini Nicorette lozenges and Wintergreen Smokey Mountain herbal snuff, but try to hold out on the herbal snuff for at least 2 days after quit, your mouth can tell the difference if you use it too soon. And took less than 2 weeks to stop tobacco once I had my mind on quitting and less than 2 weeks after that cut out all nicotine.
And lastly, all those “substitutes” they say to use, and how they really just baby you so you keep buying, you’ll realize too soon enough.

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