– Quit Dipping Today!

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Welcome to the first day of the rest of your life!!!

When you’ve made the decision to quit dipping you need support. You’ll get it right here at KillTheCan! This site is dedicated to helping people QUIT dip, smokeless & chewing tobacco! It will be a long & difficult road, but we are confident that you too can be successful and quit dip!

All articles on are written by members of our forums. These are people who understand what it means to quit. They write these articles from the perspective of a quitter. Don’t believe the “experts” that you find out there on the web – believe someone that has successfully QUIT DIP.

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9 years ago

Day 4….Had a rough night. Can’t sleep, cold chills all night. I had no idea it was going to be this hard. Last night was the closest I have been to giving in. But I did not and I think it is mainly for 2 reasons. One is this site. I kept thinking if I slip up and have just one dip, I will not be able to be a part of this site. The other reason is I really don’t want to have to start back over again at day 1.
Well I’m off to try and enjoy my first Saturday dip free. Wish me lock

9 years ago

Day 3 and headed into the weekend is no joke. It’s going to be brutal. Stay quit no matter what. This will be one of the hardest couple of days in your life, but if you stick with it there will be better days ahead. It’s totally worth it.

9 years ago

Yesterday was day eight. For some reason a pretty tough day. Fog was back, I felt like I wanted to rip someone’s head off. Got a little better as the day went on until I started cleaning out the garage after work. I wanted a big fat pinch of that disgusting worm dirt so bad I couldn’t take it for some reason BUT I pressed through it somehow and woke up this morning, day nine tobacco free still. Fixing to jump in the shower and craving my morning fix! Slapped a piece of sugar-gum in and punched myself in the balls instead. Day by day friends.

9 years ago

Day 3….Well I think the phantom pains are kicking in. Having flu like feelings…soar neck and sholders. I guess this is from the nicoteen cravings. Going to stay the course. Also worried about getting thru my first weekend dip free

9 years ago

Lol, SIG I’ll take your word on that! I will probably just stick with the Smokey Mountain stuff, stay quit my friend!

9 years ago

I am on day 9 and it has seemed harder these last few days then the first few. I did finally find some fake dip (Smokey Mountain – Classic) at a local grocery chain here in Texas (HEB). Check Smokey Mountains website under where to buy in your state. Hang in there, we are going to kick the shit out of this together brothers!!!!

9 years ago


Tear a real cotton ball the size of a dip and cheek and gum it. Worked for me in a pinch.

9 years ago

I am on week three. Anyone feel like they were dying when they first quit? Dry mouth. Swollen lymph node. Sore throat. I saw a doc and he said I was normal, but I am just curious if anyone else had those symptoms.

9 years ago

Cotton balls?

9 years ago


You may try Walmart for the fake dip. Also, I know you can order online through links on this site. Also, ground coffee, cotton balls, gum, seeds and hard candy may help you out. Stay strong and QUIT.

9 years ago

Hang in there buddy! Day 8 here and I’m having the roughest day since day two for some reason. Read everything on this site you can do give you motivation and inspiration! We’ve got this. Nobody said it would be easy!

9 years ago

The local smoke shop have the fake dip but that can be a bad thing going in there. I quit cold turkey and was the best way for me. The cravings go away. Trust me on that. Stay strong and take it one day at a time bro.

9 years ago

Day 190 in my quit and living life to it’s fullest. Stay quit everyone

9 years ago

Day 2… Lord help me. I had a rough day yesterday and a worse night. I knew these first days were going to be rough but I did not know it was going to be this bad. Dipping is all I can think about….non stop every minute of the day. I will not give in to this crap again. Con somebody tell me where you can buy this fake dip? Something as close to Grizzly wintergreen as possible

9 years ago

Smokey Mountain is a life saver. Really helps, I encourage it to you guys. Also the wild bill beef jerky dip…the texture cuts a little and really hits the spot. One of those two will really help any cravings.

9 years ago

Comes in waves. Hang in there. Three years now and yesterday my mouth watered thinking about a chew. But the waves getter shorter and longer apart. And it feels great not to chew.

9 years ago


Glad to hear that you are feeling better. Press on and stay QUIT.

9 years ago

You nailed it: “I’m not going through that first week again.” I’ve so badly wanted to give up over the past week, but I will not, ever, under no circumstances, go through that week again. Period. I pray no one here has to do that again, either.

9 years ago

Congrats on your decision to QUIT. Take it one day at a time and each day Nicotine free is a victory. I know for certain that you can do this. Heck 155 days ago I was standing in your shoes.

9 years ago

On day 10 now. The last couple days have actually gotten much easier, didn’t think I was gonna make it after the first week. The fuzziness and lack of concentration are starting to fade out and I’m starting to feel better. This is the longest I have ever made it on quitting though and I’m not going through that first week again

9 years ago

Day 37 no nicotine !!! Still have some emotional flip flops, but the cravings are becoming weaker and less frequent. I am feeling so much better physically. For those having problems with anxiety , strong urges may I suggest some kind of workout program if that is possible. I am an anxious person by nature anyway, and working out I know will increase my chances to stay quit !!! My endurance is through the roof since I’ve quit.
And it will only get better. !!! Everyone is different, and has there own quit methods. Running, biking, lifting, snowshoeing, hiking, …..anything to take my mind off the poison ….Through the support of this site, and your own decision to stay quit you will be nic free all day !!!

Chuck Moser
Chuck Moser
9 years ago

You got this! The best advice… expect a mental hell. It is tough. The mind games are truly ferocious, and you do not realize the attachment your brain has to this stuff. It is very much like a security blanket. You may very well experience some pretty severe anxiety. I did, and didn’t realize what it was until l had already spent a few hundred bucks on doctor visits and the like.
Lots of phantom mouth and stomach pains coming. Most likely even a few sores to make you lose sleep.
Grab some toothpicks and/or fake dip. It’s a royal bitch that first couple of weeks, but it does get better. Soon, you will stop thinking about it. It took you a while to become addicted, it will take a while to become unaddicted.
Stay strong, man.

9 years ago

Congratulations on your decision to quit. Today is my one week anniversary. Like you I have tried to quit several times, I actually quit the last three years during the whole 40 days of Lent. This year I decided for myself that I was just going to go ahead and quit for good. This site is awesome, a bunch of dudes going through the same struggle that we are. Good luck to you!

9 years ago

Day 1 .. I have been dipping for 35 years. Picked up the habit in high school during football. I have tried to quit more time than I can remember with no success. Today is my 50th birthday. I have 3 great kids and wife that I want to be around a long time. So today I quit. Enough is enough!!! If I don’t quit now, I feel that it will never happen. I feel like I have lost my best friend but I know it is really my worst enemy. Any words of encouragement are very much welcomed. I plan to post on this site very often, especially the next few days

9 years ago

You can do it! Don’t cave. Press on brother! I’m only on day 7 and I feel like I’ve conquered the world! Prayers to ya bud!

9 years ago

Day 48 the last two days have been real tough. My knee has been killing me so I haven’t been able to work. With all the extra time I am not used 2. I have been thinking about chewing. Plus I seem to back in the fog. I was doing so good but for whatever reason the fog came back.

9 years ago

Thanks for your support folks. On day 16, and it’s been the best day so far – I know there is still a long, long way to go – but I definitely needed a bit of a breather from the past couple weeks. Checking on the site has been a blessing, so thank you all!

9 years ago


I was a 35 year Copenhagen abuser and have been quit for 154 days. From my experience, you are feeling the “new normal” without nicotine running through your veins. Embrace the quit and day by day the new normal becomes the daily norm and you will forget about the old nicotine induced feelings. I can guarantee that if you stay nicotine free, you will feel better for it.

9 years ago

Day 6 here. Has gotten easier every day. Still have my moments. Strangely my overall mood has improved, I think because I realized I am going to do this, and the cancer worries are going away.

9 years ago

Thanks grizzly. This is the best decesion we have ever made. Best of luck and remeber there is just too much to live for

9 years ago

oh and i dipped copehagen for 44 years so we can do this

9 years ago

Day 35 saved over 236 bucks the wakeup in the morning is the hardest for me its like i wake up and thats the first thing on my mind the one bad thing it feels like my sinuses are always draining and my eyes water

Buckeye Quit
Buckeye Quit
9 years ago

You’re gonna get yelled at for that.

9 years ago

12 year can a day dipper on day 8. When does it get easier I feel like I’ve been walking around in a cloudy haze the last week, no focus, no concentration at all

9 years ago

Day FIVE not 85!

9 years ago

Man that’s awesome that you are closing on 200 days dip for yo that you are closing on 200 days dip free! I am on 85 and it seems to be getting a little bit easier. The first two days were pure Hell! I hope this is not considered cheating but I went ahead and broke down and bought some nicotine patches. They definitely seem to help take the edge off. Congratulations again.

9 years ago

Day 171 i used Jakes in the beginning of my quit and smokey mountain recently. I remember Chewie stating he used the fake dip for the first 200 days and now that i am approaching that it funny how i just forget to use the fake dip and i am doing it less and less. Is does still help as a crutch especially if i have a drink or two. Good luck everyone. I am a 25 year dipper who quit on Aug 28th and if i can do it anyone can. My previous attempts would never last more than 3 days.

9 years ago

21 day quitter here. So far so good. Get about 3-4 cravings a day. Keeping myself busy and sugar free gum helped. Along with Cranberry juice…lot’s of it

9 years ago

Sorry, I meant Hooch!

9 years ago

Just received a 6-can order of Hoch winter green over the weekend! For those thinking about buying a fake dip product, do not buy Hoch. There is no taste and zero spit juices in the winter green flavor, the product blows. However the Smokey Mountain winter green is damn close to the real deal, stay quit my friends!!!

9 years ago

There is no better time to quit than now. There is no right time. You just need to make your mind up that you are quitting and then focusing on anything but the quit. I quit after hitting 59 years of age. I started using tobacco in 6th grade. Join the roll call and quit.

9 years ago

It helps a lot to see other people trying to quit and to see people who have been dipping a lot longer than me. I’m 32 and have bee dipping for only 2 years and it’s way harder to stop than cigarettes. I quit for a week last month but found my self dipping again. Hopefully next time I make it!

When I see people who’ve been dipping for like 10 or 15 years that were able to give it up, makes me more optimistic. Good luck to everyone here!

Tom S
Tom S
9 years ago

Day 123. Sometimes i forget what it was like at the beginning of my quit. Its crazy reading the stories of all those at the beginning of their quits. I was there. You really do feel the benifits of it. Yesterday i went hiking a mountain for 4 hours. I was suprised by my endurance now. I didnt plan on going all the way to the top but i found i wanted to. If i had been chewing i would have turned back alot earlier went home to relax and chew. Ive been lifting weights like mad lately on average i am curling 60 pds 200-300 times a day. I wish i had a bench. I have found motivation i havnt had since i was a kid. To all of you just starting your quits i know it sucks at first but dont give in, the benifits of quitting are so worth it. I wont lie i still rarely have some bad days, usually when i dont get enough sleep(which is why i started lifting weights) but 99% of the time i feel great. Stick with it, you will be glad you did.

9 years ago

Michael, I’m on day 5. The cravings come and go in waves. Sometimes everything is normal, other times the cravings hit hard. What ive done is load up on all the junk food i could have ever wanted and stuff my face. Also, Smoky Mountain helps with the physical feeling of it in your lip, and some of the jerky chew helps with the cutting aspect. First 3 days I didnt think I could do it, but im on day 5, and the light at the tunnel is getting bigger. WE can do this. We’ve got to.

9 years ago

Robert-hang in there. It does get better. If the anxiety and depression gets unbearable, perhaps talk to a Dr. There is no shame in needing some help through this. Make sure you have you quitting tools handy, at all times. Seeds, gum, fake chew. Just don’t give up! It will be worth it.

9 years ago

Robert, give it a good 3 months and i think you will see things begin to return to normal. Im at a a little over 5 months and i rarely ever have a craving or the anxiety anymore. I still have heartburn like a mofo though lol…

9 years ago

Day 14: almost caved last night. The depression and anxiety are unbearable. Everyone around me is tired of me not being me. Dipped for 12 years, mostly grizzly pouches. For the past year I was using 20-25 pouches/day, often 2 pouches at a time. Someone please shed some light on when I’m going to feel normal again and not constantly be thinking about dipping?

9 years ago

33 days and going strong and have saved and banked $222.75 i find that is a good motivation to bank the money everyday hey it gets me through and thank God for this sight

9 years ago

Just dumped my 3/4 full grizzy wg down the toilet.. Im finally ready to quit

9 years ago

For all the calming effect dip has on me…being off it for 4 days has actually made my blood pressure return to normal levels…i can just feel that.

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