– Quit Dipping Today!


Welcome to the first day of the rest of your life!!!
When you’ve made the decision to quit dipping you need support. You’ll get it right here at KillTheCan! This site is dedicated to helping people QUIT dip, smokeless & chewing tobacco! It will be a long & difficult road, but we are confident that you too can be successful and quit dip!
All articles on are written by members of our forums. These are people who understand what it means to quit. They write these articles from the perspective of a quitter. Don’t believe the “experts” that you find out there on the web – believe someone that has successfully QUIT DIP.
Day 281. I will not dip today. Wishing everyone the best of luck with your quit. 25 year Kodiak dipper and Aug 28th I will be dip free for 1 year
Well I just now put chewing behind me and I want to know how long it takes for sores to heal
Dustin, about 2 weeks max is how long mine took when I would even dip still and just deal with them. So maybe a weekish without it two tops. I chewed 3 or less cans a day for 3 years and I always got sores but I found it extremely funny how when I quit, not one single sore appeared. It was odd but I will just take it as a blessing.
Day 105.
Five days ago I made it to day 100 and celebrated by going fishing. 100 days before that was the start of a journey I honestly didn’t think I could complete.
100 days seemed impossible to someone who chewed for twenty years, 2 cans a day for the past ten years. I couldn’t go an hour let alone a full day without my grizzly wintergreen.
Someone on this site, I don’t remember who, said in these comments “Just win today.” Those words stuck with me and I carried them as a shield out in front of me, blocking temptation and excuses. “Just win today.”
I didn’t join a quit group when I started this because like I said, I didn’t think I could do it. I read the comments everyday though. It became my morning ritual and the further I made it, the more proud of myself I became. Success spawns more success. “Just win today.”
I regret not having a quit group, but I also consider all of you as part of my quit group. We succeed and fail together no matter what day, week, or month we are on.
I still gauge my success by how long it takes me to think of chewing from the moment I wake up in the morning. Today was two full hours before it even crossed my mind, which is really good for me.
The thought is usually brief and fades away quickly, but it serves as a reminder that I’m still an addict and if I don’t keep my shield up, it will bring me down. “Just win today.”
So with a tear in my eye, I want to thank all of you for getting me to this point, even you guys like me who don’t post. I know you’re out there struggling with me. You have helped give me freedom I didn’t know existed.
For you guys just quitting and even the guys who have made it years without touching this nasty shit, keep your shields up and just win today.
Congratulations……and well said
Mornings are brutal man. Super high morning anxiety, stomach turning, don’t wanna get out of bed. Although I have had some issues with anxiety so I know the feeling quite well. Seems as soon as I get my day started I feel a bit better although the fog is still there and each night i tend to dread the coming morning filled with nervousness
Today is day 5 for me, I have been dipping a can a day for 7 years now. A year ago I quit for 3 months and fell back on my habit. It’s been so hard between the hot flashes at night, dip dreams and nic fits. I just don’t know even know if it’s worth quitting.
You may not see it now, but I can tell you beyond a shadow of a doubt that it’s 100% worth it.
I remember saying the exact same thing at the beginning of my quit. I was such a jerk to my wife and kids I honestly contemplated returning to the can. What you are going through as completely normal and it passes with time. I am on day one 113 and rarely feel the kind of rage that I felt in the beginning. Trust me when I say it’s completely worth it. Don’t be a slave to the Can any longer
I quit June 22, 2015 after 22 and half years does it get better yes do I miss it duh! Remember you started the path just follow one day at a time.
Day 5, you got that shit!! Im on day 17, it keeps getting easier
Henry, The NIC bitch still has a hold on your mind right now. She is messing with your head making you think that nothing can be enjoyable without that fat dip in your mouth. I know exactly how you feel. You need to make up your mind that you are stronger than her and that you can beat her. The way you win is to stay the course, day by day, and not dip. If you cave than she wins. Its that simple. I can tell you that it is a good feeling not to have that monkey on your back and to be able to turn down dipping with out loosing your mind. I’m only at 53 days quit but I do feel a hell of a lot better. Hang in there brother
Thank y’all!! Today was rough especially the morning. My wife is starting to understand what I’m having to battle. In the 7 years or so that I’ve been dipping i don’t remember ever waking up to an empty can ever, and now its day 6 it feels remarkable.
May I suggest vaping. I know it seems stupid. I thought it was dumb since it came out. But one day May 27th I checked out a vape store next to a Microcenter after I finished buying parts for my pc build and I walked out spending $120. I bought a vape pin and 6 flavors for that price. Amazing deal. 2 flavors had 0.6% nicotine the lowest you can go. That’s how I did it. I’d hit it for an hour a day for 3 days and I found myself not wanting nicotine anymore so I trashed the two nicotine bottles. I still have the 4 fruity like flavors and just hit it here and there when I feel like I want a dip. It’s helped a-lot. Just a suggestion though.
Day 51…. I don’t know why but dip has been on my mind constantly the last few days. I have been doing very well the last couple weeks and was thinking I was pretty much thru with the whole quiting process and then the Nic bitch snuck up on me. It scares me because I spent a lot of time this weekend trying to justify dipping. I know it is all BS but I could not get it off my mind. I guess the mental battle will continue in my head for a lot longer than I expected.
But….I be dam if I will cave to that poison, and give up my 51 hard earned days. So if God willing, and the creek don’t rise, I will be Nic free today.
If anyone has any advice or recommendations, please respond.
I reached out to you via text message, sent you a video on how to join the appropriate quit group and post roll daily but never heard anything back from you. I can lead a horse to water but I can’t make it drink. You need to be in your appropriate quit group posting roll every day without fail. There will be many people in your group going through the exact same things you are that are willing to help. I was in my 42nd day before I learned how to post roll and have made many friends across the country that have helped me a long the way. As a matter of fact I wouldn’t have made it as far as I have without them. Shoot me a text or PM and I’d be glad to visit with you!
I do thank you for your help. Grizzly, I did get your text and video but still could not figure out hoe to join the quit group. To me it was very confusing. Especially the difference between roll call and post roll…. It sounds like I need to figure it out and join my group. Any helpful advice is very much welcome. Thanks guys for your help
You still have my number on PM? If not let me know. A quick ten minute phone call and I can have you in the right quit group and posting roll like a pro! Let me know
I quit smokin after 25 years and started the Grizzlies green wondering how to quit!
I am a 35 year NIC addict with 250+ days clean. Every morning I wake up and think about Copenhagen. I can now, with the tools I have learned and the help of my QUIT GROUP, The December Disciples, WILL myself not to use any form of nicotine. I agree with Grizzlymint, you should join a quit group; the sharing and support is the reason I am still quit. I have learned that it is not easy to stay quit but it is necessary to enjoy a full life. Stay QUIT one day at a time.
You using any fake dip?
I tried it but I can’t stand it. I do eat a LOT of seeds
I wasn’t thrilled with it at 1st, I lowered my expectations, I got used to it.
Eat seeds until you barf – no tobacco today.
What’s your exact quit date?
Grizzly, my original quit day was Feb 17…..but I fell of the wagon April 10th and started over on day 1 on April 11th. Today is 52 clean
I am 317 days clean of chew and dipping after 50 years of chewing most of my time on this earth. I chew spearmint tea bags now. I quit because it screws up your arteries. If you want to grow old and see you grand kids quit. You either have a strong mind and will or you don’t. You have to want to quit. Took me 50 years.
5 weeks in and it’s getting easier! Proud of the progress I’ve made so far!
Been dip and nic free for a week and a half now! Still going strong!
I already take anxiety meds prior to dipping! I think I picked up dipping as another coping mechanism for anxiety which is unfortunate but I’m at this point, oh well… Did u dip for 33 years if you started at 10? does it get worse when you drink?
I had my 1st dip at 10, full time dipper by the time I was 15. So I dipped full time for 30 yrs. Drinking has no effect I can think of, if anything it calms me down.
Would you say the first few days were the worst of the quitting process?
No doubt, the 1st month or so got rough at times. I quit cold turkey with no help at all from fake dips. About 3 weeks into my quit I found KTC while looking into fakes dips. They helped alot.
Geez only slept about 5hours last night. Woke up super irritable And anxious. How waS the irritability flr you
Day 3
Oh yeah, a full time dipper for over 30 yrs. Drinking bas no effect that I can think of.
For some reason there is no way to reply to your last post, so I put it here. It most def affects your sleep. It still affects mine. I just don’t seem to sleep as long. But it does gets better. Just takes time.
Just quit on Thursday, already have anxiety issues. The fog is super unnerving. Any advice. I only dipped for like 8 months but a can a day I feel like I’m dreaming. Does this pass? I’m also pretty down on myself I never thought I’d get addicted to something but this is real I feel a lot of symptoms any advice? When does anxiety subside or fog atleast.
I had an anxiety attack 6 months after my quit & so have others here. I figure I took away my bodies way of coping with the suckage of life when I quit dipping. It has gotten better. Working out really helps me. If you are like this after 8 months of dipping, when I quit dipping I was 43, I had my 1st dip when I was 10. My point is quit & stay quit. It may not seem like it, but 8 months of dipping may not have allowed that nic bitch to firmly get her claws inyo you, do it man, no excuses.
dan that means so much to hear right now. I’ve dealt with anxiety for a good 5 years now but I think 8 months is pretty unique of a time to quit. Hopefully it hasn’t fully grabbed me. 2 days I feel like I may be over analyzing it. I feel like I’m giving myself symptoms that I don’t have. At what point did you feel in a comfortable state of mind after your quit? If your interested in talking more I’d appreciate it!
I don’t mind talking at all bro. It was weird, as bad as the quitting was, it wasn’t as bad as I thought it’d be. This was in Feb 2015. Quit was going great & then out of the blue in September I started getting chest pains. Scared the shit out of me, I’m only 45 & in decent shape. I go to the ER, end up staying 2 days, ran an assload of tests on me, no heart issues at all. So I do a little research myself on signs of anxiety attacks & chest pain was right at the top. I have alot on my plate, a severely handicapped child that requires alot of my attention. I think just the day to day grind of life coupled with quitting dipping, which I think was a coping mechanism for my body, caused the chest pains. Take away the dip, when I got to the end of my rope the dip was gone and anxiety issues started. Let me warn you, this is all a guess on my & my Dr.’s part, he is fully aware of my situation. I would never say let health issues ride, by all means get checked out. I am only telling you my situation. I still have mild chest pains, but working out regularly & just trying to deal with stress better seems to help. I take no medication for this & that would be a last resort. As far as when I felt comfortable with my quit? A hard one to answer, the want is still there, just not as strong. Went to a Bad Company/Joe Walsh concert tonight & a buddy was dipping. I had a mild craving, but I don’t date cave in, I would be too disappointed in my self if I did. I hope this helps bro.
Matt, we’ve quit the same day then ha. I dipped 2 cans a day for 3 years. Was up to 3 when I was in a stressful relationship for 2 years so yeah. Between 2-3 cans. I didn’t think i’d ever pick it up but a buddy said here. Every since then it’s been a hole in my wallet and something to help me cope with stress. Day 3 into quitting i’m a little edgy. Little less energy than normal and less appetite for some reason. But if you’ve not thought of it I’d suggest vape honestly. I went out and got a kit and non nicotine flavors. Currently I love the bananna bread flavor ha. But it’s helped me. Since the hardest part is your body forcing the nicotine out and your mouth is like uh you used to always have something in me, vape is a good sub. You’re not stuffing your face pointlessly and less desire to cave into a pinch. You’ll be good man trust me. The first week is going to be our hardest but we can get through it man. Think of the money saved, the health you’re preserving. Like I said maybe you should vape a little. Test flavors you like without the nicotine in it and try it out. It keeps my edge off and soothes my stress a-lot. best of luck man! You can do it!
Hey Joey. Glad to know I’m in this with someone together. I’m having trouble admitting to myself that I’m addicted. I know 8 months isn’t typically a long time for someone to be addicted to tobacco. It’s weird being in college where tobacco is so prevelant and used frequently. Not only is it used frequently but it seems like people can use it only when they’re drunk and that makes me really jealous. I have had some pretty serious anxiety issues in the past and I realized when I quit that I was coping with any issue with grizzly. So in a way I was dependent on it but at the same time I think it says something that it’s only been 8 months. Something about admitting addiction makes me feel ashamed. It makes me feel like I didn’t have control and I can’t admit that to myself. Anyway Joey if u ever need anyone I’m here and I’m glad your here for me! Everyday will get better I hope! Let’s do it buddy!
Hey guys, I feel the need to chime in here. I have been nic free since Feb 2015 & I haven’t looked back. I used to post alot & then life BS took over & I haven’t been as active posting. Been popping in more lately & I find alot of new quitters & those trying to quit on KTC, which is outfreakingstanding. I will say this, Chewie & his helpers @ KTC have put together a site that has just about every tool you need to help you with your quit. Fake dips, testimonials, quitters to help talk you off that ledge, as much information that can be put together & guess what? It’s 100% free. There is absolutely no way I would’ve stayed nic free w/o KTC, no way. Please, if you get weak, use every resource here to help you out. We (the quitters that know the suck) will talk you down, but we don’t hold hands or pull punches, man up & get it done. The best quote on KTC is so fitting, YOU ARE HERE FOR A REASON!!!!! Get it done quitters.
One more thing, forget weening yourself, cold turkey baby!!!!!
I quit dipping yesterday (an hour ago) when I looked in my mouth and my gums were not only gator gummed, but they were yellowish. You wanna talk about a wake up call… Dentist appointment Tuesday to get that checked out. Four year habit (started at age 12) is finally going out the window
Hey Kyle it’s a rough road when you quit. I quit a week ago. I only dipped for less then 2 years and when you quit you think every little sore is cancer. Let me know what the doctor says. Keep up the quit!
good for you kyle — keep up the good work, odaat.
Coming up on 77 hours since my last dip, and 73 hours since my last nicotine intake (gum). Decided on the first day of quitting that nicotine gum wasn’t going to help as I wasn’t removing the drug from my body. So, I said to hell with it and decided cold turkey was what I needed. Anyway, been dipping for almost 13 years now (since 18), and this is the longest I’ve been without nicotine during that time.
What made me do it? I guess I’m tired of feeling like shit (guilt, etc.) every time I put in a dip, and I’m tired of being a slave to a drug. I’m tired of worrying about my health, and I’m tired of spending time and money on something so unproductive. You suck, nicotine, and you can kiss my ass.
I know I’m in the infant stages of this, and I can already tell that dealing with the mental symptoms of withdrawal will be where the majority of the battles are fought.
Nonetheless, I will win. No question about it.
Anyway, figured this would be a good site to peruse, for obvious reasons. Glad to have found it. Hope all of you that are also quitting are doing well.
Justin, congrads on your decision to quit. Just so you will know what to expect, you are going to go thru hell for the next week or so. You will have withdrawal symptoms at first and them the mental war starts. If you really want to make it….you have to bite your lip, grit your teeth and make it thru the next week with out caving. The second week will be better. Good luck
I already failed. I had a dip this morning. No excuse, I just gave in to the lie. Starting over now. I’m such an idiot.
You’re not an idiot bro, you’re a nic addict my man, worse than heroine. Start a new day 1 & push on. You got it.
You have to want to quit.
Your in the same exact spot as me my friend I’m 31 and started at 19
Today is my HOF 100 days no nic it works just make a promise to yourself a group and fight like hell this is a small step but it’s one in the right direction and it feels great
At a boy Rex, congrats on your ?‼️
Did you get canker sores when you quit? I’ve been dip free for a week and I have one that’s been there since Wednesday. I keep thinking the worse about it
Hey Colin – I’ve dealt with canker sores quite a bit during my quit. Here’s a couple of items you may find interesting:
How do yall know that you don’t have cancer. I’ve spent everyday since I quit looking up signs and symptoms of cancer and I keep thinking that I have it. I’ve quit for a lil over a week now
My cheeks look funny
Bro, make an appt & go see a dentist. You should get a once over anyway now that you are quit, plus it’ll ease your mind.
Today is my first day of trying to quit after five years of grizzly, do I need to like cold turkey quit or decrease my intake ? Any help is much appreciated
Brandon, here was my response to someone a few days ago that was asking the same thing as you. For me, it was sunflower seeds & mainly Skittles that helped me get over the hump, I ate them by the bagful. Look into fake dip, Hooch & Smokey Mt ain’t too bad. Go to the review section, a ton of them. Drink lots of water & don’t let your dickhead friends beat ya down. It’s doable, but takes some effort for sure. Good luck.
Should I go to a dentist or a doctor? I’ve been nice free for a week and a half. The hypochondriac side of me is really coming out
Another thing Brandon, if you get some fake dip, you need to lower your expectations. When I 1st quit, I didn’t like any of the fake because it wasn’t exactly like the Apple Skoal I LOVED. Once I made my mind up that I needed to find something that would get me by & not replace the dip I loved, Hooch filled the need. I don’t even use it much anymore. Look into Teaza too, it’s awesome. BTW, go cold turkey, get that shit out of your system
Thank you man , it’s been a rough day ,but I have to quit , hot because I have to but because I want to and I’m sick of hindering on something like dip to make me feel less frustrated , thanks again Dan o
Check in here everyday, I did during my 1st 100 days of my quit. I’m nic free since Feb 2015. Get thru day 1 first, then worry about day 2. Make sure you have something to handle the cravings. I loved sucking on Skittles till they got soft, then I’d maneuver them in my lip like a dip. It would sit there for awhile & dissolve. I then had to deal with a Skittles addiction after 6 months, but that was easier to kick than Nicotine. Lol.
I’m getting through day three man , I’m struggling pretty hard but I have managed not to fall into it.
I will say this, without others here talking me off the ledge daily, I would never have succeeded in my quest for nic freedom. KTC is the best.
Day 106
Brandon, just go cold turkey…put a period to the end of the sentence.
I went cold turkey myself. I would try decreasing my intake but that never happened.
Nicotine bitch had her arms around me.
Only way it worked for me was to quit cold turkey and never look back.
1st week was tough as hell.
I started with a fake chew called GRINDS– had a caffeine pop that helped out.
Mixed that with Oregon Mint loose cut & pouches as well.
Mixture of all three.
Whatever I had to do to stay QUIT when I first started out
That’s what you have to do — do whatever you have to do to stay QUIT.
Keep busy and sooner or later you come out of a thick fog feeling better.
Trust me, you will.
It will be all worth it.
I don’t ever want to go through the 1st week again.
I put fake dip in still and soon I will let that go as well.
It gets better my friend.
Sun will rise and you will be all smiles 🙂
Congrats, Dave. I’m on day 129. Started chewing Cope in 1986 at basically a can a day. I “quit” about once a year every year for a few days and sometimes even a few weeks. Always did it for someone else and then when moody said screw ‘me and used it as an excuse to chew again. I quit cold turkey. Did it for myself. Every day I remind myself that I’m an addict. It’s all mental and I just have to win one day at a time. It it is wonderful to win every day…but we all need to remember that the voice that says “that was easy” or “just one dip for old ties sake” is BS.
Brandon, congrats on your decision to quit. Now buckle down for a rough week ahead of you. You need to go cold turkey, any other way is just prolonging the quit process. Just for info, I too was a Grizzly wintergreen guy for 35 years. Been quit for 45 days. If I can do it, you can do it
I quit cold turkey on the 22 May…’s 3 days now….the urges are strong in day 1 and 2….now its a different ball game all together….blurred vision, sore throat, excessively sleepy, hungry, mad at everything…..just to name a few. I just need to make it through today…..tomorrow will be another day another battle.
My advice is to go cold turkey if you can….that way it is a clean cut between your grizzly past and your dip free now.
Brandon , write it down- your thoughts, your goals etc. Writing on piece of paper helps a lot.First go by hours and then days. Feel that you are winning every hour you go without dip. Today is day 29 for me. I started with the goal of 100 hours then 5 days, 10 day like that & my next goal is 100 days.
Thanks a lot killthecan support and members
This is hard for me , harder than quitting smoking . I feel so aggravated and it’s only my second day , my wcheduke is so busy so I’m trying to focus on that to keep my mind set and be preoccupied rather than be bored with nothing to do , I found out that hard cinnamon candies are working a tiny but , I can’t do sunflower seeds cause I eat the shit out of them and I spit way to much , thank you guys for being such a great motivation for myself and others . It makes the struggle worth it
Look, it’s mind over matter here. Yeah your going to feel like you “need one” or “one more” pinch won’t hurt ya, but iv been there and that doesn’t work. One more pinch leads to one more and eventually your months if not years down the road chewing just as much if not more, than before. Go get some smokey mountain from Walmart and use that as your last resort. When you “NEED” a chew put that in and just forget about it. Trust me, take it one minute at a time, and worry about the present not the future, and you’ll be a-o-k. Come in here to rant. Read the comments when you get the urge, we’ve all been there just own the day and stay quit my friend.
We’ll see you in here tomorrow morning.
Good morning to all of you , today I am doing surprisingly better , with Altoids both cinnamon and mint, chewing gum , and tic tacs, it’s still difficult but I been eating the shit out of some candy lol
I you can have something in your mouth while you work, try Teaza, they are the best. One day at a time Brandon.
I’m staying strong haven’t had one at all , as long as I chew on these cinnamon candies and work constantly I’m good , after lunch is the hardest part though , like its my normal to put a dip in a right after lunch , and I’m getting low on candies ….but I’m not gonna give it up at all
Day 22 feeling a lot better about my choice to stop chewing after 30 years of chewing skoal.I do have bad days but fake chew seem to be working .
Nice Dave. I did the same after a 25 year Kodiak habit. Fake dipped really worked for me. Day 272 and i quit with you today
Been about 2 months for me, maybe little over. I dipped for 6 years and a lot! The method that best worked for me was just quitting it. It’s that simple! I woke up one Monday morning, which I have been trying to quit for weeks and just decided that that was the day. I feel like the more you plan it out the more you feign for it an not look forward to it. Either way it’s gonna suck but just think one more can one more pinch is gonna make it that much harder. It ain’t making it any easier. Next week ain’t gonna be better than right now. Nor is next month or next year. You do something you do it right. Man up say screw this POISON!!! Because it is pure poison, google images proves it every time. Start there look at pictures, find new friends and new hobbies. It’s a new life completely, heck I even went to organic everything now bc I was tired of poisoning my body. Started working out everyday to push through the urges. And honestly it wasn’t that hard bc I just told my self NO I already quit I refuse to poison myself any longer. I also thought about the fake stuff but they put chemicals in that stuff to and you aren’t quitting the addiction you have. You are just substituting it for something else, so again just say no to the addiction all together. Worked for me I hope it will work for someone else!
Also I chewed gum for about a week then I realized every single pack of gum in the store has Aspertame in it. Google what that POISON is too. So I even quit gum as well bc it’s just poison as well. Just like 90% of the shit that humans ingest on a daily basis. So don’t say owell it’s impossible to be healthy. Fuck that go organic you won’t regret it. I spent my down time researching healthy ways to live my life instead of crying about how “MY BODY” wanted tobacco. Fuck that be strong you only have one chance on this earth don’t wast your life away with the cancers of this earth!!! Sorry for swearing if that offends anyone but man up!
Trying to start quitting. Looking for any feedback on best kinds of fake dip. I can deal with flavor not being exactly the same, just looking for a brand with similar consistency to the real stuff, something that packs well and lasts more than 10 minutes.
Tone of reviews & discussion available here: If you don’t find what you’re looking for there let me know. Happy to help point you in the right direction.
Smoky Mountain
Day 106
Brian, I came across a couple fake dips that I really enjoyed
– one is called The Grinds…one of the best feels of a dip for when I started out.
Also Oregon Mint loose cut — awesome texture to a chew.
Oregon Mint has pouches as well that helped out.
Combination of all three with chewing gum helped me stay QUIT.
Sorry havnt been on, like i said before i am just trying to not think about chew as much or at all so i quit looking at this site every day. I actually went over 2 days last week without even thinking about chew once. I was playing borderlands 2 and was distracted for a few days but suprised when i realized i hadnt even thought of it? I really dont think about it alot maybe a few times a day now. I couldnt remember how many days i had so i hopped on and see i have 222 days without now. $666 saved….creepy. Anyway i know it feels selfish, this site had been such a big help and im sorry i havnt been on but if im constantly looking at it counting the days reminding myself of my previous nicotine addiction i will never put chewing behind me.
Hi guys just look back and found its been 5 and half months been quit first month two was hard honstly becasuse 7-11 years is enough to keep you in sircle for long time anyway at this point i have no craving or desire feel great without but yes if its came to mind i still do feel an urge for it keep it up guys if i can do you can also do this .my father had quit recently smoking 30-40 years he was been smoking but for him first month was hard now he is ok and happy to quit it ..
Thus starts day 1. Friend of mine quit and showed me the site. Figured it was about time. Been chewing for about 11 years now. Need to quit.
Earl, congrads on your decision. Now hold on tight because its going to be a rough ride for a week or so, but if you stick it out…I promise it is worth it in the end.
Good luck!
Day 2, it’s killing me. Griz straight for the past 4 years.i have been meaning to quit, but never saw the real reason or had the motivation. I just went to Canada on vacation, ran out of dip and stopped at a gas station. You know how much dip is in Canada? $26 a can. I paid it. When I knew I had to stop right now. I hate gum, any suggestions on assistance?
Brando……Hang in there man. I know that first week is living hell but it DOES get better. As far as substitutes, I used a lot of the shredded beef jerky (Jack Links) and a LOT of sunflower seeds. Use anything that will keep your mind off dipping
Brando, for me, it was sunflower seeds & mainly Skittles, I ate them by the bagful. Look into fake dip, Hooch & Smokey Mt ain’t too bad. Go to the review section, a ton of them. Drink lots of water & don’t let your dickhead friends beat ya down. It’s doable, but takes some effort for sure. Good luck.
Another thing Brando, if you get some fake dip, you need to lower your expectations. When I 1st quit, I didn’t like any of the fake because it wasn’t exactly like the Apple Skoal I LOVED. Once I made my mind up that I needed to find something that would get me by & not replace the dip I loved, Hooch filled the need. I don’t even use it much anymore. Look into Teaza too, it’s awesome.
Great Pat ! You can do it it’ll be the best decision and the hardest thing you’ve ever done and the most rewarding that I can promise you. . Chewed for over 20 years can and a half to two cans of COPE a day .I was a serious Nic freak now I’m not IM FREE
Appreciate the support. Over 25 years here, Skoal Straight has always been my flavor….
Good luck Patrick. One day at a time and you’ll do great.
Hello all! New to the site…finally made the decision to kick the can. Hoping this site helps me become dip free.
Get in the appropriate quit group and post roll daily bud! Congrats on deciding to take your life back!
Looking to quit on 5/27/16. Ramping usage down, looking guard to the day. Got a good supply of fake stuff. I also began mixing the fake in yesterday,and sticking to 3 plus a day tops. I found that using a cathartic song during those times i really want a real chew helped keep me focused. Not quit yet, but looking to a brighter future. I think having a song might be a good idea, to give an idea i use b empire of angels by Thomas bergesen. See you guys in 9 days in the forum!
I quit a while back and a couple things that helped after the final phase out
1) have gum handy ( I always had juicy fruit cuz the large pieces at least can mimic a chew – sounds weird but trust me)
2) I never chewed around the ladies, if you’re the same way go out and let the freak flag fly two birds with one stone
Why wait? I’m on day 44 here and the first few days were a little rough but after a week it’s not that bad. I made quitting to be a bigger deal than it really was. To be honest, if I knew how easy it’d be in would have done it sooner. I do still have a craving from time to time but it passes. Just go for it and be done.
Just quit.
Day 101 here. Haven’t posted since twenty something, because quitting wasn’t an issue anymore. Lately I’ve felt it sneaking up on me, starting to think about it more and more. I don’t crave it, I don’t need it. But I miss it, and I want it. It’s like an old college roommate that was always trouble but you loved to hang out with because he knew how to have a good time, you know it’s not going to benefit you to see him again but you know you want to. Anyways had a rough day and found myself in a gas station buying some Busch light and grizzly wintergreen, I’ve cracked a couple beers and have been staring at this can a while, haven’t broke the seal yet, still contemplating. Thought I’d post on here again to see if it helped
Don’t hold it! Don’t touch it! Throw it away! Now! Do you REALLY want to say goodbye to 101 days??? I don’t think so! You don’t NEED that shit! That’s what it is:SHIT! Don’t be BLUFFED by your mind! Stay the course! I’m on day 184, and there is no RETURN! Same for you, my friend!
Why even buy it man. Are you in the habit of playing Russian Roulette?? Get rid of that can now! Simple as that!
Your analogy is moronic, so was buying the can in the first place. Fuck the slow death, go get some heroin & a syringe and try some mainlining tonight. I’m never this harsh but you are on this site to stay quit and to HELP OTHERS do the same. You’re a narcisistic douche who comes here only when he needs help. Piss off and dip away. You don’t deserve the wisdom of the great people who are here to give more than they take.
…”only comes on here when he needs help…”
Isn’t that the point? Keep the heroin for yourself, man.
Cody–Stay strong.
Cody, do you not remember why you quit in the first place? If you take a dip after 100 days I promise you will regret it. I caved after 42 days and went thru a whole can of Grizzly. The next day I felt like SHIT. Not to mention that I really did not injoy it that day because I knew I was doing something wrong. I started over the next day and now I am 39 days NIC free. Take it from me, starting over SUCKS
Read the Tom Kern’s story above and if you still want to dip at least you know what your signing up for. Day 266 and I am not gonna dip today
3 days no chew
Yes sir but it’s incredible how quickly the human body will heal you. More importantly is how much nicotine you’ve been putting in your body it’s the nicotine that is evil.. be strong you can beat it
I’m on Day 71 was a Cope Snuff guy, Just wondering if anyone’s found a good cope snuff alternative. In my area Smokey Straight & Wintergreen and Mint Snuff are the only Nic Free chews readily available. The Smokey Straight is alright and has keep me clean but would like to find a better taste that was similar to Cope snuff. My feeling when I was dipping and even now was that wintergreen, mint, and straight were all too sweet. I’ve got a more of a salt tooth and would like to find something with a littler better taste.
1.5 years for me now .. I was a nic freak. 2 cans cope per day 30 years. gained 20 lbs now but worth it lol stay strong
Nicely Done!
Hey new here. Been a avid grizzly wintergreen chewer for years. Just wondering what the community think is the best spitablity and longevity chew alternative on the market. Thanks in advance.
Hi Nathan – I was primarily a Kodiak Wintergreen Long Cut guy. That said, I do think there are a couple of Wintergreen substitutes out there that stand head an shoulders above the rest:
Hooch Wintergreen
Bacc-Off Energized Wintergreen
Those two (along with Smokey Mountain are probably my favorites.
I’d also suggest checking out a couple more:
Elicit Wintergreen
Triumph Wintergreen
Golden Eagle Wintergreen
A word of warning about Elicit and Triumph. They DO have versions that contain nicotine. Stay away from those. My reviews are JUST about the nicotine FREE variety.
Hope this is helpful.
Thanks chewy. Love that there is a supporting site out there like this.
Chewing I noticed you said stay away from the nicotine elicit. Any reason other than theyour still have nicotine?
Sorry for the terrible auto correct everyone. It’s 1am, I can’t sleep and all I want is Kodiak. It’s only been 4 days and my mouth is going through some extreme rough times. I chewed one tin plus every day for almost 6 years. If I was awake I had a lip in! I’m assuming since I used so much my mouth is already trying to heal even with the use of elicit full strength replacement in.
I was addicted to nicotine. As of today it’s been 3,587 days since it flowed through my veins and I won’t do anything to reintroduce it.
So no, no other reason other than the nicotine.
Nathan i use Jakes mint wintergreen and smokey mountain and i was a Kodiak guy for 25 years plus and today is day 264 for me, The fake dip helped me a lot in the beginning. Jakes ships quit like 2 days and smokey mountain a little longer. Good luck it can be done
Day 101, got busy yesterday and forgot to post the hundred milestone. Feeling great and looking forward to the next hundred cope-free. Stay strong everyone and keep making the decision everyday to stay quit.
Congrats, KEN! That is quite a milestone! I remember my 100th day; I was so proud, as you should be! Stay strong, my friend!
Congratulations Ken, You should be proud! With just a little luck, I hope to be there my self soon.
Thank you Sir
Triple digits is a great feeling, you are so through the worst of it. Whatever you have done, whatever your routine, whatever the motivation, KEEP doing it. It is working. Everyday that goes by, better things happen. I reached a bit of a milestone as all form of substitutes : gum, Smokey Mountain, seeds and /or hard candy have no place in my life really. The seeds & fake dip are gone. Gum & candy are used no more frequently before I met that whore we all hate. Best of all, my brain is so close to what I believe normal is. Thanks KTC
I’m dip free in NC too! Day 31 this time. Stopped before but this time it is a quit! Been lurking on this site for over a year now and don’t know how to post roll. I follow on Twitter and everything. I read all the stories, comments etc. I stopped last year for 3 months. Prior to stopping then I was doing 2 cans a day. Grizzly wintergreen was my dip. I started when I was 17 and I’ll be 25 this August. But then I started doing it again here and there. Drinking, hanging with friends, you know how that story goes. Not doing it that much but it was still a part of my life. Fighting the urges to do it when I shouldn’t, and trying to justify it when I had a dip in. Then I started playing ball again and what goes great being out on the diamond? A big ol dip. So every Monday and Thursday night (and a lot of weekends too, tournament ball) I looked forward to playing ball again. But I started looking forward more to the dip I was going to have while playing. That was really bothering me. Here I am knowing what I know about this poison but still stuffing it in my mouth trying to justify it by playing ball. Man what a messed up mindset I had! All I thought about all day at work was dipping on the ball field. I knew something had to change again. I finally gave it up 31 days ago and I feel like a new man. This time feels so different. It feels permanent, a actual quit. I play better, I work better, everything is just better. Freedom is worth so much more than any temporary buzz nicotine will give you. I thank God for the strength and courage to give up the nasty can of death. And all glory is to God. I hope and pray everyone of you on this site is pushing through each crave and can resist every temptation thrown at you. We all have the power to fight it. So let’s keep quitting on and thank all of you on here, because this site has been a great tool in my quit. God bless y’all.
I smoked for 12 years, dipped on and off, and started to dip regularly to quit smoking. Now I’ve dipped for 6 years and am trying to quit using the patch. I’ve quit before and am well aware of the effects but need some advice on keeping my cool. I love my wife and she is supporting me on this but I can’t handle talking about problems. I have blow up under pressure.
I’m going for it. I’ve dipped Skoal/Grizzly pouches for nearly 17 years, about 3 cans a week and became increasingly scared about getting cancer and leaving my wife/kids without a dad. Day 1 wasnt bad, but I keep thinking about the next time I play golf or take a long drive and how I’m going to do it without a dip. One day at a time I guess.
One question- during times I’ve tried to quit before (maybe for a day or two), I tend to get rough or dry patches on the inside of my cheek. Anyone else get those?
Yes, it is all part of the process. They will heal in time. Actually, your mouth is in the process of healing right now. Stay the course! It’s SOOO worth it!
A bunch of weird stuff will happen with your gums, tongue, cheeks & teeth. It is all normal. Get through these tough few days of quit, focus on that. Your brain and mouth are starting to heal but the process is painful at times. Stay the course, go see the dentist in 30 days or so & let him give you a clean bill of health and get rid of that anxiety we all have in the deep recesses of our mind from tears of addiction
37 weeks today which is day 259. I will not dip today stay strong stay quit
I have a serious habbit and it’s beginning to scare me. I’m 21 and I dip a can a day never less. I’ve been dipping since 8th grade and been dipping a can a day since I graduated high school. My gums are seriously receded and I’ve switched to my left side and they’re beginning to recede quickly. I dip so much I spit it out and immediately crave more and often just go wash my mouth out chug some water eat a spoonful of peanut butter and load up my lip again. I go absolutely insane when I don’t have it, im in desperate need of help before I get myself killed before I hit 50. What do i do?
Make your decision. Join our forums.
Don’t worry about “forever”. It’s too big. Quit for today and we’ll worry about tomorrow when we get there.
Nick, click on the link that Chewie sent you. Then click on quick groups, next go into the group named August. Make a promise each day to all your August brothers and sisters that you will not use nicotine for that day. Then do it EDD after. I know it sounds crazy but it works. If you are a man of integrity at all you will keep your promise every day. I was a one Can a day dipper for 20+ years. I’m not going to sugarcoat it, Life is going to suck nuts for a good while but it does get easier over time. Stop letting a little tiny can control your life get pissed off and take your life back! I will follow this message up with a link that shows you how to post roll daily. That’s the hardest part once you figure it out you’re golden. Good luck brother!
I appreciate it man, I just ordered a 10 can roll of that smokey mountain chew so I’m hoping that’s gonna help.
Good luck! I never used that stuff because i was afraid it would make me want the real thing even more but it definitely works for some. Most importantly make the decision to quit for YOU and no one else! Don’t make the same mistake most of us did, I wish I would have quit when I was 21! Once again good luck! Cinch up a little tighter and cowboy up because it’s going to be a rough ride! Definitely worth it though….
One last thing. Get in the appropriate quit group and post EDD without fail!!!!!
How to post roll daily.
Nick my man, this is the place to come. I have been nic free since Feb 2015 & there is now way in hell I could’ve done it on my own. Without KTC, I’d still be slamming tobacco in my lip. You gotta participate in the roll call, helps talk you off the ledge when you get weak. Get some fake dip, seeds, candy, drink water, tell your asshole friends that don’t support you to pound sand. You can do it if you really want to, but you gotta be ready to put the time in, it is not easy. Do it today…..
One more thing Nick Riney, if the nic bitch has it’s claws in you that bad, don’t be surprised if you have some kind of an anxiety attack. Talking from experience here, I know others around here have had them too. Absolutely do NOT let that deter you from quitting, try keeping stressors down if possible during your the beginning of your quit. You got this.
I am feeling better every day still. I used fake dip alot in the beginning and now I am using it less and less. When you are closing in on a 1 year the urges are met with I am not giving away all these days away. I recently took my kids to Cancun and as i was leaving when i was only down the road I realized i forgot the fake dip but I kept on driving and was fine. In fact in Mexico dip and cigs have a picture of a dead rat to display the health concern so i got a kick out of that and knowing I am no longer a slave to nic. I dont really think about the Kodiak i used for over 25 years but know even one dip may be the start of my addiction that cost me my life. Stay quit
I’m on day 3. Woke up Monday and thought I’d finally give it the old college try. I’m 25 now, been consistently packing 1-2 tins of griz and skoal wintergreen pouches since freshman year of college. I’ve got my sunflower seeds to help the quitting process.
My mouth already feels much more fresh but do feel an occasional pain from time to time. I’ve “quit” in the past but only lasted about a week. Hopefully this is it. Reading all the stories and experiences here is great motivation
I quit Monday also, 31 years of Copenhagen.
I’m on Day 177 and the anxiety is still a bit bad. Good days and Bad days with it. Today, so far, seems tolerable. Like you, I would NEVER fathom that defeating nicotine would be this difficult! It has taken a lot. I still have “fog” from time to time; like the anxiety, I just walk through it. “Normal” is SLOWLY returning to me. There is really nothing else to do. Congrats on your 210 days, CRAIG! That is quite an accomplishment! Keep going, my friend!
Mark…..I do have to admit that it is disappointing to hear that things are still tough around the 175 to 200 day range. I would have thought that by then I would be completely over with the whole deal, that tobacco would be past memory. I’m at day 31 and I’m coming to the realization that I have a hell of a long road ahead of me. Well, I have been under the influence of NIC for 35 years so I can’t expect to completely get over tobacco in a few short months. I’m in for the long run.
Well, CHASEMAN, you did not become addicted overnight; therefore, you cannot be cured overnight. Without a doubt, this is the TOUGHEST challenge I ever had in my life! The road is long, but the rewards are LONGER! Stay tough, my friend! It’s worth it! Trust me!
I hear you. Day 34 for me and the past few have been tough. Glad this sit exists.
Also, remember, I’m JUST SPEAKING FOR ME! You MAY NOT experience half of what I and the rest on here have. ALL OF OUR BODIES ARE DIFFERENT. I did not mean to come across as so pessimistic.
Mark, no problem brother. Bottom line is at least I know what I may have to face down the road. Without everyones advise, and if I was trying this on my own, I probably would have thought something was seriously wrong with me at day 200 if I was still having effects from the NIC. At least now I am educated and will know what is going on. I’m in for the long haul, I will overcome this demon
Congrads CRAIGSELK……You are winning the war and are on the down hill side of this quitting battle. I so look forward to the time I will be in my 200th day range.
I have just ordered Smokey Mountain and 10 cans for just $30 is a steal. I should be receiving it with the week. I can’t wait to begin my process of quitting chewing tobacco. I eat Indian chewing tobacco and have heard a lot of stories. I’ve wanted to quit for a while but just don’t have the will power to stay away from it. I’ve been eating for 10yrs and I feel that it is time. I don’t know if I should wait for my shipment to get in to stop chewing it so it will make it easier or if I should stop now. Chewing this stuff has made my craving for food go away. It’s come to the point that I only eat once a day. I had my physical not to long ago and thank god that I don’t have any form of cancer. But my vitamin counts are very low. Not being able to quit has played a major role in it. I’m looking forward to telling my wife that I’ve completely stopped now. After research I’ve found that Smokey Mountain does not cause cancer, Atleast I haven’t read anywhere that it does, and I’m happy to have found out about it on this website. I’m hoping that it will help curve the need for it just a little. Will be posting my progress on here.
JIggie. You may want to refer to our forum. That is the best place to progress in. There are thousands of us all going through the same thing every day.
Quit on day58 now. not gonna lie… this is probably the hardest thing I’ve ever done. and I thought running a marathon would take that title. It truly does get a tiny bit better each day though. and this site is the only way to go. daily accountability. knowing that if you cave, you’re also letting other brothers down. not to mention your family and loved ones. speaking of, my wife is super happy to not have our little battles about dip anymore. looking forward to my HOF 100, and then my first year. word to the newbies. be prepared to grind the first couple weeks. keep lots of gum and seeds on hand. go for walks or excercise. stay busy as much as you can to keep your mind off the clock.
Day 29…..I’m doing pretty good. I’m kinda in that place now where the newness of the quit is wearing off. Kinda getting bored with even thinking about quiting. It was such a big part of my life that now I feel like something is missing. I need to find something to fill that void in my life. I’m sure everything will work its way out
I quit without quitting in 2005 after Rick Bender visited my son’s school. He came home and said “I love you Dad. Will you please stop using spit tobacco? we saw this guy at school with half his face gone and I don’t want you to die.” The way I quit was with fake chew which I still use today. Smokey Mountain and Jakes are my go to’s but I like experimenting with other brands. Dentist says my teeth are ok and I still have all of them. Love this site, especially the reviews
Sam i am with you use both Jakes and Smokey. Day 256 for me and the fake dip was a big help
I mad the decision on Monday after 20+ years to quit cold turkey! For the most part my symptoms have just been the hazy or fog part! I have been trying the smokey mountain to get me by and thus far is working!!
Danny I did the same thing on tues. I order mint snuff packs like chew. I chewed for 30 plus years. Tried of bad breath gums hurting and every time I mouth sore would pop up I freak out. I’m sick it all. Time to stop.. I had no withdraws yet now going on my 3rd day. Good luck to everyone.
Nice Danny! I was a cope addict for 12 years and have been dip free for 280 days with the help of this site and smokey mountain. You can do it man!
Day 109……….kicking a 25 year can a day habit. Still crave, but getting easier (slowly). Fake has helped me quite a bit. At this point, each day is an accomplishment for me as I’m still taking one day at a time. Lost my father to nicotine addiction (cigarettes) and don’t want to be the same as I cared for him the last three years of his life and witnessed what this poison can do. New to posting, but your comments certainly help me along. Thanks and for any new quitters out there, hang in there it will get better and easier. Great site especially for quitters like me.
Great job, keep it up.
Thanks Ken.
Never posted before, but wanted to thank all those who do. On day 106 of the quit, and checking into the site and reading comments daily got me through the tough days. To all those who are new to the quit, or are thinking about quitting. It gets better, way better. Let people around you know you will be a bear for the first month, battle it out, and people will understand and appreciate your quit later on. There is no “perfect time” to quit. Not when school is done, not when a sports season is done, not when an important date at work is past, the perfect time needs to be now. You’ll perform at life just fine without the shit. You did before you started, and you will without it.
Good job!
Michael Congratulations on making it to triple digits! To do it on your own is a impressive accomplishment. We here at KTC, refer to your 100 day as your Hall of Fame day. I actually just celebrated my on the 1st of May, so we are very similar in quit dates. One again, congrats and hit me up if you every need someone to bounce anything off of.
Way to go, man. I’m on day 21 and I have visited this site daily but never posted. I can relate to so much of everything that everyone is saying, as well as that list of 100 things we will “miss.” How many new drinks did I ruin by spitting in them, or gallons of gas wasted by driving the long way to extend my dip? We got this. Thanks to everyone.
Day 23…..Today I’m kind of in limbo… I quit back in Feb and made it for 42 days before I caved on a Saturday and went thru a whole can of Grizzly. I woke up the next morning with a tobacco hangover and was soooo pissed at myself. I have been clean for 23 days since that cave. So if I had not re-lapsed that one day I would be in the 60’s of my quit. Take my advice… you don’t want to make the same mistake I did and have to start over…it sucks!!!!
That was one of my biggest fears and kept me from screwing up for the past 6 months. If i had caved in and bought a can, it would make me feel high for alittle while, relaxed all night… but the next day waking up after the effect has worn off how low i would feel starting over from day one again. I tried for so long to quit, usually making it 3-5 days and i dont think i ever really believed i would make it, more of just seeing if i could break my record. This time idk how i made it but i have to be finished with it. If i go back to using i think i would just be done trying anymore.
Tom….I read an interesting statement yesterday. It said there are only 2 reasons why anyone would want to go back to dipping….#1 They want to go back to using as much tobacco (or more) as they were before and slowly eat their face off. #2 They enjoy starting the quit over again and like going thru the hell of the first weeks….I think that pretty much sums it up
Day 264 of my life back. So happy that I made the effort to quit and stay quit. Got my open water diving certification last weekend. Can’t spit when you are underwater. Get quit and stay quit is my advice to one and all.
Day 250 and its getting a little better everyday. Relied on fake dip alot and recently even that is losing its appeal. I dipped for over 25 years and could not quit until i was really dedicated on Aug 28th 2015. Bought a log of jakes and smokey mountain and said i will not use nicotine and made that promise everyday. Before i knew it i had some time since my last use and i was vested. Even if i had an urge i was not giving up my days quit. Now i have 115 days to my one year anniversary and i will get there one day at a time. Stay quit and do not dip today!!
Day #262:
– Had my first great 7 day stretch last week
– Anxiety and Depression have been my worst symptom
– Dizziness faded after day 100
– Dipped over a can a day for 10 years
– Had an Brain MRI, ENT visit, Heart Echo, and multiple other doc checkups… everything has come back normal
Quitting really messes with you and your brain chemistry. The lack of dopamine after quitting puts you in a really weird state. Hang in there… Each day gets better.
Remember that one can of dip is equivalent to 80 cigarettes (4 packs of cigs). Dipping is way harder to quit!
I’m on day 168! The anxiety is still there, along with some bouts of depression. I do hope it ends soon! Looking forwards to the 200’s.
Day 22……I’m doing OK today. Kind of a rough weekend. I really miss the chew when I’m cutting grass and doing yard work. Went thru a lot of seeds. But I may as well get use to it because I’m not going back to chew. On the other hand, my gums feel a lot better, no sore spots in my mouth. This is the longest period I have gone without dip in the last 35 years. I am pretty proud of my self
200 days without nicotine. Seems like the last 100 went pretty fast. Sorry havnt been on alot, trying to just forget about chew.
@joe hang in there bud. I quit for you you quit for me and stay strong!!
Day 20….question. Has anyone had problems with headaches ? I have never had a problem with headaches but I have had a terrible one for the last week. I’m sure it has something to do with my brain trying to re-program itself after 35 years of NIC abuse. Just wondering how long this will last
Yes, it part of the recovery process! I have had headaches that only lasted for a few minutes and ones that have brought me to my knees! Just hang in there, Chaseman! They will pass!
Hi..I am waqas…i am from Pakistan..I want to quit tobacco…but it’s not helping me…Anyone here to give me some advice…I am only 18 years old…I started it when I was 14….It also giving me some health issues… An year ago I suffered Jaunduce.. Doctor told me that it is because of chewing…
I’m wanting to quit but unsure of which fake chew is better for the big day of my first step any suggestions? I chew longhorn wintergreen long cut now
Hey Bigracks, Hooch or Smokey Mt WG would be right up your alley. Go checkout the review section here, good info there & more than a few companies offer KTC discounts & sample packs. Good luck.