– Quit Dipping Today!


Welcome to the first day of the rest of your life!!!
When you’ve made the decision to quit dipping you need support. You’ll get it right here at KillTheCan! This site is dedicated to helping people QUIT dip, smokeless & chewing tobacco! It will be a long & difficult road, but we are confident that you too can be successful and quit dip!
All articles on are written by members of our forums. These are people who understand what it means to quit. They write these articles from the perspective of a quitter. Don’t believe the “experts” that you find out there on the web – believe someone that has successfully QUIT DIP.
After 43 yrs of torturing my body with nic, I am now starting day 4 100% nic free
Starting day 2 Hang in there we got this
Been dipping for 3 years and its been affecting my relationships. It affects them because im ashamed of it and dont like doing it around people. I’ve been wanting to quit but when i go a few days without it i get all angry and anxious
I am 34. Been dipping pretty much since I was 18. Have tried to quit before and would be successful for a month or two. But now I am ready to be completely done. But it’s a big time struggle. Especially in construction industry. Need as much encouragement as I can get.
Good job for those who have quit. And good luck for those trying.
Day 358. Went striper fishing off of montauk and had 2 teaza’s. Didn’t miss the dip. It does get better! much better!!
I quit with all of you.
Day 56, having a mad craving at the moment.
Day 76 for me Paul and I am too! I will keep my promise though. Posting roll is pretty powerful stuff.
We are in this together. I am proud to be here with you fighting for our freedom.
Just dropping by to share something, I recently stumbled on some fake chew called Grinds. I am well into my quit as today is day 259 but sometimes I have dip dreams and I still crave hard every once in a while, and I can honestly say this fake dip has helped so much, it feels so much like the real chew… Like my drug of choice (Grizzly wintergreen) That I no longer think about the Grizz bitch. Hopefully this can help someone else out there, oh and I also am wondering if anyone else has craved kind of hard into days 200 and beyond? QUIT ON!!!
Be careful with Grinds or other coffee products. Used it less than 24 hours and quit producing saliva. Is a painful situation
Hi Matt, I got some terrible craves at 240, 260, 280, 300, 320. I am at 341. The craves come, I recognize them, they are an annoyance, I turn my mind to other thoughts and I move on. But yes, they craves always seem to be right around the corner ready to attack. Do not let your guard down.
I quit with you today.
I’m a huge fan of Grinds. If you like coffee it’s a great product. If not, may not be for you.
Chewie, do you notice you crash at the end of the day from caffeine in it?
Hey Matt – I can’t say that I do, but I drink a couple of cups of coffee every afternoon (after two in the morning). Also in the interest of full disclosure, I didn’t use Grinds when I first quit and was first going through withdrawal so I’m probably not the best person to ask.
I will say this – there is a very strong link between nicotine and caffeine early in your quit so it wouldn’t surprise me if you’re feeling that crash. Check out this article for some more details.
Thanks for answering the question for me Chewie, I am sensitive to Caffeine a little bit 🙂 I’m on day 266 so I am pretty deep in the game now.. But I think that sensitivity is what is causing me to crash hard. Either way, glad it got me through a tough few days and now I am back to feeling good again.
Thanks for the support
The lord tells us not to judge. As dippers we judge and we are denial. We say things like well i dont do drugs. And looked down on people that has used drugs. Well guess what have someone take your can away and go a week whithout how do you feel
We. are users of a different drug that comes in a round can
Bob Patty Garrison
I’ll be im not quitting. I will rejoin. After i get out of the hospital. Major operation coming monday
I’m reading the what to expect page
and i’m definitely familiar with the first 30-45 days of withdrawal..tried multiple times…i’m currently 4 or 5 days into this one but am using patches
does that mean I am essentially not starting any of these withdrawal stages based on the fact that there’s still nicotine in my system technically from the patch?
Yes. The timeline laid out on the What To Expect page – – starts from the time you stop ingesting nicotine.
I’ve been dipping since I was 13, I am 23 now (minus the 9 months I was pregnant). I want to quit but I feel like I can’t I’m struggling with this so much. Does. Anyone have tips?
Melissa, just decide in your mind that you are quitting and that is that. Do not dwell on the quit. That makes it worse. Instead, focus on everything else in your life beside that. Change your focus and be firm in your decision. As Nike says, just do it.
I quit with you today.
My name is mike. Im a dip alcoholic. I need to quit dipping. .i dip 15 or more cans in 5 days. Its like something nagging me to quit
From the inside
This is the place to do it make
Thanks. Ive been dipping since 5th grade and im 50 now
Mike – that is some serious nicotine uptake. I think it is time for you to quit as well. all of us have done it and are doing it every day here. join us brother
I am ive got it in my head to quit. You dont think about skoal being like a drug. Buy when havent had any skoal for 5 thinl anout the people thats on drugs and when they come down. My drug is dipping skoal. You feel moody not in a good mood. Hateful. I cant describe the feeling
Mike it sounds like your body is trying to tell you it’s time to quit.
Today is my 100th day off Copenhagen. I was up to 3 cans a day and dipped for more than 40 years
I pretty much had the same feelings as you which led me to quitting.
Mike, I am 60, been using tobacco since 6th grade and finally quit last year. I am at day 340. You can do this. Just resolve to quit, quit and don’t look back. It seems impossible that you can quit this but it is possible. I am proof. This site with all its quitters is proof. Now quit messing around and quit.
I quit with you today.
Mike, I found a legit hypnotist. Just sat there and listened to him for an hour. It made it so much easier.
I find myself eating more junk. When im getting the craving
Day 3 of my quit. Teeth feel like they are going to jump out of my face, numb face and sore throat/ jaw. Anyone else have all of these?
ABSOLUTELY. I remember this feeling vividly. Hang in there man. Drink lots of water to flush your system. Day 3 is typically one of the worst.
Day 146 today, I gotta say it’s getting a bit easier. I know some people on here have said days 140-160 were tougher but so far so good. I quit with all of you today.
Does any one else feel like they chew the fake stuff more than they did the real stuff?
I like it as a mental aid or whatever you want to call it but man does it tear up my gums/cheeks.
Any one else have these problems?
Just quit bro. Those are definitely not safe NOR smart alternatives. You’re any more addicted to nicotine than any of us were I promise. Just gotta Cowboy up and do it. It gets easier over time I promise. Grizzlymint Day 190 I promise no nicotine today!
Ronald…i’m afraid it doesn’t work this way…. you gotta go cold turkey pal…
Ok let me confess, I took a shitty dip in a force of crave @ day 49. I did it one time and no crave then after, it was like I did a biggest crime to myself. Now I will call it my day 2. Let me start from beginning though have taken once. Tough time!
I’ve been chewing for 26 years. Really starting to notice pain in my jaw, gums Starting To Decay etc. No white marks or anything of that nature. But i know my gums are very unhealthy. I’ll never be able to just quit cold turkey. I have been able to cut back some however. But any tips on alternatives? I thought about chewing redman. Not sure if that’s as bad as Copenhagen. I’ve also noticed skoal snus curbs my craving. Again, doubt that’s a safe alternative. But those don’t have fiberglass as far as I’m aware.
My goal is to cut back from a can a day, to a can every two days, then a can every 3 days etc. Until I can get to the point where I only crave it a few times a day. As of now, 2-3 hours max before the cravings get so bad I just want to break stuff. And once you quit. Do your gums heal much?
Ron get fake dip jakes mint or smokey mountain. You have to get the nicotine out of your body. Cutting back never works because you will get a trigger event like stress or booze and next thing you know you are dipping like a champ again. I used fake dip and still do and I am on day 356. Dipped Kodiak for over 25 years. You can do it but find a non nic crutch to lean on. Good luck it is very big deal dont put it off
Ronald, there is only one way to quit, and that is cold turkey. I was pretty close to you with 20 years at about a can and a half a day. I said that I would not be able to do cold turkey and I am currently on day 9 100% nic free. I have tried many other times…..cutting back, cutting down, Nicorette, patch. None of this works. It’s a life decision that you need to make for yourself, and nobody else. We are here if you want the support. I couldn’t do it without my quit brothers here at KTC.
You have to quit cold turkey! Period!
Your gums will heal in that they won’t hurt but what’s lost is lost, it won’t grow back.
Decide now to stop and do it, I chewed for 25 years just like you. All day everyday, it can be done!
Your gums will not grow back, they will heal and become normal in time. I haven’t had a chew for 3 months and I will never go back to it. I can’t believe I use to think I liked it. I didn’t lower my intake before I quit. I got some 4 mg nicotine pills and after a few weeks moved to 2 mg. now I chew on candy sometimes. I did t want to cut back on chew because if I had to be honest with myself I knew I would eventually have a bad day and there goes that I’ll be back to chewing my typical 3 cans a day. I originally started chewing to stop smoking and that was a huge mistake. The ENT Doctor told me to stop or I would likely get cancer. I have older teenagers and can’t stand the thought of not being around in the future. Last thing is I no longer stay awake sometimes at night worrying about a soar in the mouth or my guns hurting. Just stop. Trust me in a couple months you’ll be so glad you did.
Day 756 ,2 cans a day for 10 years plus cigs before that. trust me it gets a whole lot better. I sounded just like that. Freaking out about everything only to find it was in my head. Every piece of info this site has helped me relax knowing others have gone through it. Keep telling yourself you want it and make it happen. Don’t give in!!!
It will be a week for me tomorrow. I have quit before and lasted 6 months. This time has definitely been a challenge. I have an amazing little girl starting school for the first time in one week and I WILL be around for all of life. Chew will not get a hold of me anymore. The fog is real though everyone. We can all do this!
I’m at day 15. I have really no desire to chew, but I can’t stop freaking out. Started with a Cankar sore that healed, but now I have ear and neck pain and a weird feeling in my throat, not soar just weird. Did anyone else have this?
Yes I had the exact same symptoms. They eventually went away.
I agreed, I stop for three months. Every month of the 13th I celebrated. 24 yrs and I’m done I had those tripping symptoms but it take times. Important eat healthy, brush ur teeth a lot,and exercise
I have the same thing. Kind of like flem is just constantly there. A little bit of a scratchy voice but that’s it
You will be fine man I went thru the same thing. I even went to an ENT to get an oral cancer screening. Everything came back fine. Maybe you should schedule one just to get piece of mind.
Went to ENT today. Everything was good except one of my tonsils is bigger than the other. ENT said it could be normal, but wants to get it looked at. I have a CT Scan for next Friday. Trying not to freak out.
Proud of you man let us know the results. Don’t freak out over the unknown its probably nothing.
Ok that was fucked up. I havnt had a bad dream in a long time and i dont think ive ever had a dream about chew but last night i woke up at 3am freaked out in a cold sweat. I dont remember the entire thing but it was like in my dream i had woken up and realized i had just imagined quitting chew for a year and was actually still chewing and very much addicted. It was like the ending of that movie 1408 when he imagined he was at home for months and he thought it was over then the room pulls him back. he wakes up and he realizes he never even left and it only just begun. I felt like screaming no!! it isnt fair, i had almost a year!! Like i just imagined my quit. Anyway feeling better now and still have 307 days today lol. I have to say i dont think there is anything that would make me start using again, i felt so freaked out by my dream of just losing everything ive gained in this last year.
Day 2. Holy shit it feels like I’m hung over. Dizzy at times and bad head ache.
24 years of cope. Think I’ll get something to eat!
Same dream at day 30, I woke up at once and checked my cheek. I felt like I was doing some crime. Still on day 49
I had been reading the posts here for several weeks contemplating quitting, Thank you to everyone who post here you have inspired me to stop after 7 years of addiction. This is day 5 nic free, i am quit and will stay quit, lets keep fighting the good fight!
Awesome to hear that BAM. It gets easier. I’m on day 144 today.
:thumbsUp: rock on!
I have quit dipping for 3 months after three years of chewing, today I caved and took 1 dip, I immediately felt dissapointed in myself. I’m dedicated to quiting for good but I’m seriously wondering how far back this will set me? Will I have the strong withdrawals again? Any help will greatly be appreciated!
Keith, the most important thing is to start your quit as soon as possible. You will experience the same symptoms but you are now familiar with what you will go through so you know what to expect. However, it is always tough. The tougher the better. You do not want to go through this again.
I quit with you today.
I think about it daily!!!!! When I want a chew I tell myself about how 250,000 people die (from heart disease) each year from chew and that pulls my shit back together.
Hi everyone im gonna start day one tomorrow been in this same boat many times i keep letting myself go back dont know if you can start a group at day one would love a quit buddy to help stay motivated cause this is some hard shit wish everyone luck like they say day by day for me i think ill go minute by minute for awhile
Are you in a quit group?? I’m on day 184 so you’d most likely be in mine!
Day 350 i quit with all of you today. 25 year plus Kodiak dipper who could never quit. Found this site bought a bunch of fake dip and now its 350 days later. Best decision I ever made. If i can do it so can you. Good luck
Are you ever able to stop thinking about it? Let me explain. It’s been difficult for me to quit dip because I work a lot and go to school full time. On many occasions I use dip to cope with the additional stress and to not become complacent. In the past I have tried to quit and quiting warped me of my determination and drive. Just was wondering if you woek behind a desk? Are you required to stay attentative and focused through most of the day? How long did your production output disipate as a result of quiting?
You need to stay busy to help keep your mind off it. Driving is the worst for me. Keep trying man
What and where do i find fake dip?
You can find links to purchase, reviews, ingredients, etc. here:
This gives me hope! I’ve been chewing for 26 years. I’ve been trying to cut back and wen myself down. I really know I won’t be able to do it “cold turkey” what fake dip did you use? I tried smokey mountain but it was horrid
Day 182 – Just had an “out of the blue” craving that was the worst one since the early days. Thank this site again for helping me through it. Put on a few lbs but it is worth it. Keep up the good fight ladies and gents.
I just finished Day 1! I am 27 and have been dipping for 12 years. Around lunch time today I was experiencing a lot of pressure behind my eyes accompanied with slight blurred vision. Luckily, I was able to take a nap around that time and sleep those symptoms and cravings off. The cravings have been on and off all day and night. I have not caved yet. This may come off as slightly odd, but if I just occasionally crack open and smell the can, it eases the cravings for a little while. At one point though I had opened the can and grabbed a large pinch. I held it there for a few seconds and seriously contemplated putting it in. I stood there and thought about how I would have start the agonizing process all over again and how if I were actually put one in I would have tortured myself all day for no reason. I put the pinch back in the can, smelled it and closed it up. I have been reading through these threads for over an hour and have had a can in my hand the entire time. Out of habit and inability to let go I have just been holding a can most of the day. I have read so many posts on here and it’s comforting knowing that I’m not the only one going through this or who finds it so difficult. I have attempted to quit so many times, but have always caved as soon as the blurred vision starts. Today was the first time in 12 years I was able to force myself to push through.
Stay strong and DONT give in!!! Join your appropriate quit group and start posting your daily promise to not use nicotine ASAP! I promise it gets easier! Day 183. I quit with you.
wtf are you doing?! dump all that shit in the toilet now!!
Stopped today. After reading all these comments its gonna be a tough road.
Sean, congratulations on your quit. Good choice. Drink plenty of orange juice to keep your brain sugars up. Fill in your introduction and introduce yourself to the group. You will then be notified of your quit group.
Make sure you focus your mind on things other than the quit. Do some exercises when you start getting fidgety.
I quit with you today.
One minute at a time. You can do it.
just flushed mine down the toilet as we speak, 5 minutes tobacco free and reading all this is making me nervous.
Nothing worth doing is easy. Take that nervous energy and put it to use. Replace your habit with a new, healthier one. Good Luck!
Day 39, feeling good. Cravings are becoming weaker. Still morning time(when I used to take my first dip for a day) bothers me by generating craving. Other one, visiting my hometown where dipping is most common and one can have fresh custom made chewing tobacco products. So seeking blessing from God and guys who have already crossed the hurdle of craving and anxiety. Thanks
I am currently on day 45 my friend; I know how you feel. I’ll be praying for you. You can do it.
Come Aug 13th, I will be 365 days clean. To all you thinking about quitting or fighting to get through the day keep this in mind. It is the best thing you can do for yourself first then family next. Quit for your health and stay quit. I am quit with you and will stay that way
Mitch August 28 is my one year. Best decision of my life. I quit with all of you.
Today is my first day I just took my last dip about 3 or 4 hours ago I usually take a dip every hour. I’ve been dipping since I was 16 and I am now 26. I’ve decided to quit because I have 3 young boys that I don’t want to leave with out a father. I guess hitting the gym will help me quit so that’s what im going to do. Wish me luck.
Good job dude! I’m on day 5 right now. It’s brutal but I feel both really good and really bad depending on what time of the day it is haha. Just gotta keep yourself busy that’s what helps me!
Stay Strong brother TJ you can do it, I have been hitting the gym a lot harder, feels good to be off the stuff if you need anything we are here for you
Today is my 6 month Birthday. I’m surprised I made it this far. For me, I think my success so far this time around was that I started tapering off 2 weeks prior to my Q date. Also I picked a personally important date, which was the anniversary of my father’s passing. Lastly, I’m 48 years old and have used tobacco (cigarettes or dip) since I was in my teens. You just can’t sugar coat 30 years of addiction and continue lying to your self (yeah I’ll quit next year, its not so bad for you, its too stressful right now, maybe I won’t get cancer). It is sooo easy for the nicotine demon to get into your head…and you need to fight the nicotine demon fucker hard to stay quit.
I wish everyone here (including myself) continued success in staying quit from all forms of tobacco use. Life if so much better without.
Hi quitters, a little off topic here, but I’ve been a tooth pick guy for yrs. Been quit since Feb 2015 & I’m always on the lookout for anything to take the place of Apple Skoal, my old weapon of choice. I remembered back in the day buying cinnamon flavored toothpicks @ conv stores. I looked on Ebay & sure as shit I found them. I ordered some & they’re are pretty cool. I got Hooch, Teaza, & now cinnamon toothpicks in my quit arsenal. Stay quit my friends.
I’m on day 34 but on the brink of falling off, super stressed right now.
Stay strong, Paul. This is a tough fight; I wish I could tell you it will get easier, but it doesn’t. However, better days are ahead! I guarantee it! Your addiction to nicotine took years; your recovery is gonna take awhile; right now, your brain is trying to figure out what is going on, especially during stressful moments. Try to keep yourself occupied. Take a walk, swim, workout, etc. Stay physical! Drink a TON of water! I’m on day 255! You got this. Trust me! It does get better!
Thank you.
Chewing ice is currently taking the edge off.
Day 33 here. Some days are harder than others, on the hard days I try to take it one minute at a time if I have to. Gum and sunflower seeds have helped somewhat. Stay quit my friend!
Thanks buddy. I made it through the weekend, now on day 38. I appreciate the support.
Your all good man I’m day 5 and going insane!
Day 335. 1 month to my 1 year anniversary. I quit with all of you today.
Hi man…I am 17… dipping for 3 years…any advice how to quit dipping…I really want to be nicotine free….but the cravings are holding me…. really happy that U r nicotine free….
Awesome! Here I am waiting to complete one month, will be completed tomorrow. Feeling good that I am not chewing anymore. Will never ever go back to Nic.
62 days free, doing pretty good. Shockingly I don’t get cravings unless I see someone else doing it but it goes away pretty quickly. The last time I didn’t want to quit, I was forced. This time I am doing it for myself and this wonderful girl. So it’s made is so much easier. I’ve noticed I don’t always feel as weak as I used to at work since nicotine isn’t in my blood to relax my muscles. I got a gym membership to keep myself busy after working my third shift job. My appetite surprisingly did not increase. Stayed little, my gums haven’t felt this good since before I started 4 years ago. Teeth color is finally returning. Only thing that’s gotten a little worse is temper control because whenever I lost my short fuse I would put a pinch in to tame it and now I don’t do that so learning to actually control my short fuse has been a struggle but I keep looking forward and have zero plans on going back. Keep it up quitters! 😀 it’s worth it.
I’ve always had a short fuse and when I was old enough to start buying snuff I started and told mussel “it helps me stay calm.” Well….everytime I try to quit I get pissed off at every little thing. Any advice? I’ve tried gum, seeds, nicotine free snuff. Nothing keeps me as calm as nicotine anymore. I’m tired of it though and long for the day I quit for good! Hoping it’s tonight. Saw something on my tongue I don’t like that I’m getting checked out tomorrow.
Been dipping for 7 years. Trying to quit for the first time, any advice? Im 23 years old. Also, do your gums heal and grow back at all?
Gums won’t “grow back” but they will certainly get healthier, less enflamed, etc.
Gums don’t but I started dipping Copenhagen natural and never changed it from age 13 and now 28 I quit on July 23 2016, I went caming and didn’t buy dip lol it sucked but u can’t make ur mind think anything opposite and just stick with it don’t give in, yea I crave it and I’ll just put some gum in and totally forget about dip or seeds or tooth pick with flavor, I’m telling you man don’t ever give in even once or you’ll go back, just stick with it and be positive about your decision, you’ll that yourself maybe tomorrow or 10 years from now, beca use u never no when it could be the wrong or worst time to quit
I’m on day 3 on my second go round of quitting.
I used nothing but skoal mint for 5 years, half a can a day, every day. Tried to quit often but only succeeded once. I left the country for 3 weeks and didn’t bring a can with me hoping that not being able to access a tin would make the difference in me quitting. It worked like a charm for an entire year and I felt better than ever.
But them one day I was driving through PA and I saw their $2 tins and thought that one little pinch wouldn’t hurt. After another 7 months of dipping I am trying to quit again…this time for good. I want a healthy and long life and know in the back of my head that cancer is around the corner if I can’t be strong enough to kick this habit. The problem is I simply enjoy the act of spitting. There is nothing quite like a dip in the shower after a long workout.
The hardest part is somehow I keep convincing myself that one more tin won’t hurt, but that one tin turns into 50.
Day 1 completed
Day 4 going ok
Want to stop so bad but the cravings are terrible I’m only 19 got hooked around 15 when friends would do it. Have tried quitting multiple times always end up starting back up. The hardest reason I find is. I get a terrible rash on neck that itches like crazy then sometimes on arm. Scared for the idea of cancer. Have done some research to know that tobacco also increases risk of psoriasis which I already have. Anyway have tried smokey mountain ( terrible in my opinion after the first day ) grinds ( ok but just not the same doesn’t help at all just want a chew more). For.the past 3 years I chew about 5 to 6 times a day which is awful it seems every time I drive somewhere or I’m alone I throw one in and I mean it’s always a half/ horseshoe. So not small pinches. Go through around 2 cans a day sometimes one. Really just need to stop cold turkey it’s hard and everyone on here who has been doing it for 20 to 40 years it’s very encouraging to me that you have stopped. I’m just in sp much pain from the itching and side effects of everything. That it seems like having a chew helps. I hope I get the strength to quit and I only pray nothing serious has already taken place… has anyone else expierenced a itching on neck that gets more irritated once it’s scratched?
Anything that causes gum disease cancer tooth loss decay stain and more shouldn’t be legal anyways. I.guess I was just a stupid kid that wanted to fit in .
I tried for years to quit. I started smoking when i was 13 almost 30 years ago. 6 years ago i quit smoking and started chewing because i thought quitting chew would be easier, i was wrong. Idk if im one to give advise but you really have to want to quit and dont give up. I have 281 days today and i have to say how much better ive felt sober without nicotine. Not to mention all the money ive saved. I suffer from seizures which have almost gone away completely which i really think had alot to do with nicotine plus my blood pressure has gone way down. My biggest regret is i wish i had quit a long time ago. My nicotine headaches are gone, i used to wake up with a nasty taste in my mouth nomatter how much i brushed my teeth, my attitude and patience has totally changed for the better. When i quit i wasnt worried about diseases or losing my teeth i was just sick of being an addict and my life revolving around nicotine, not being able to function or enjoy things without it. Just stay strong Brian, you wont regret it.
Great work done…. Chewing tobacco worst thing .. . Please everybody quit Chewing and get hundred benefits
Brian, to steal a KTC quote, you’re here for a reason. You want to quit, that’s half the battle. Kudos to you for being 19 yoa & knowing you need to quit. When I was 19, I bought dip by the sleeve with zero thought of quitting. I am 45 yoa & have been totally nic & tobacco free for a yr & a half. Not gonna lie, it is a bitch. Drink alot of water, stay busy, go through the review section for fake dips, & post here & rely on your fellow quitters to talk you off the ledge. Like I said, check out the fake dip section, alot of products reviewed offer good sample packs. You will not find any fake product that will replace what you dip now, it just will not happen. Lower your expectations, if you do that, you get used to the fake stuff. I only sporadically use fake dip now, but I still have if handy when needed. Good luck buddy, you can do it.
Read the Sean Marsee story. Kid started at 12, dead by 19. All school athlete many many awards. All gone.
Quit hard man! It is much easier than loosing your jaw or life!
I’m going thru this with my son & trying to get him to quit do you have any
Day 20, feeling alright now, still dizziness is there. Now no cravings but I get sometime tremendous craving for a while if I see someone dipping etc.
God may give me strength to keep moving forward.
This has got the be the hardest website to navigate. 79 days quit and have yet to figure out the forums
What are you having a problem with on the forums? I’d agree they’re tricky to pick up but once you get the hang of it you’ll be breezing around.
Where are the forums?. How do I post
The Quit Groups are located here: Beneath each group are the dates associated with that particular group.
If you need to register (it’s free) head here first:
Congrats buddy……the Jakes Mint chew helped me immensely…peace
Nice job day 1 here chewing gum and seeds like crazy didn’t not buy a can today on my way to work itching and tmreChing for that can
Boy I “need” a chew. Before n after sleep, eating, pooping, walking running, pretty much every thing days where maybe I can’t breathe without it
. Much like any addiction, infiltrates and spreads. Consumes then controls. A weed that moves into a garden isnot pulled and takes over a garden not right away hides until th problem may seem to be unmanageable
Believe me or not I prayed before I put in down for good and asked for some help and I just quit, man I don’t no your beliefs but when a man prays for help and can just give it up after 14 long years of it then that’s saying something strong, buddy good luck
To the guys I met at Bethany Beach yesterday, this is the place I recommended. Please look through the site, read the introductions and get comfortable with the site. This is where all we hardcore long time users come to quit. Don’t say I will quit tomorrow or I will quit next week. Quit now and just go Cold Turkey. You have made it here. You are now ready to quit. So quit.
I quit with you today.
Next week will be Day 300 (10 months) and each month the craving pitch from the brain gets weaker and weaker and easily discarded, because we are all creatures of habit; you say “no” enough, your brain won’t ask you as much as you continue to build your credit base within yourself through every decline of using the can.
I can say there are a myriad of reasons to quit tobacco, as you most likely will need multiple reasons in order to reinforce your quit, one that I learned as I was killing a 2 can a day Copenhagen Long Cut addiction is to be successful in quitting the source, not suspending it, by doing it primarily for yourself, and not for your wife, kids, etc. if you do it only for them, an unannounced argument can trigger a relapse, and now fingers start pointing in every which way on why you started again.
Realize it’s an addiction not a habit.
Herbal chews helped me cope with the physical withdrawals the 1 st month, by splitting the problem in half by keeping my psychological addiction busy temporarily. But, remember that although there is no nicotine, it may be habit forming, and keeps spitters around and leaves clothes stained with juices, which are some of the reasons I quit in the first place.
Quitting has been every bit worth it, as I am starting to understand what freedom means again. It has been the best decision of my life. Good luck!
Day 323 best and hardest thing i have ever done. I quit with all of you. 25 year plus Kodiak user
36 years old and user for 21 years on day 4. So far this has been my easiest attempt. No depression and not much anxiety. I quit for a month back in March and got so depressed I could hardly get off the couch the first week. That’s just not the case this time. Don’t even feel like I miss it just feel pumped for the future without this demon on my back. Going to buy a membership at the gym tomorrow and get fuckin ripped! Lol. Walleyes in the Mississippi River better run for cover too. My new life has started.
went to doctor today and no cancer from 45 years of dipping. on day 10 and quitting for good.
That’s great news
Good for you!
Very nice to hear, I’m on day 20 myself, keep up the good fight.
I just use that fake stuff ..either smoky mountain or mint snuff. It’s really not that bad but I think after a little while I’ll get sick of it and just quit that too. I have to admit that the smokey mountain tastes alittle like wintergreen wax but it serves it’s purpose in quitting.
That’s great to hear
What tests do they run?
First day fucking blows…enough said..I hate it, my mouth is so sore and tongue hurts, but the can is calling me. I can’t sleep with out it
i’ll tell you what dude..i have an appointment tomorrow with a ENT doctor from using snuff. you go to the doctor for me and i’ll go through day 1 again. c’mon man
Maybe pick up some zz quilt it’ll help with sleeping
Moses… I am with you.. I quit on the 8th of this month.. after almost 30 yrs.. I have quit before (many times) this time I am taking a more mental focus approach. I am using the niccotine gum and lozenges.. that is helping.. but maintaining a mental focus of my goal has kept the mood swings to a minimum..
It does fucking blow Moses, but I promise you it will get better. Get that shit out of your system.
Today is 152 days for me, for the past week I can’t stop thinking about it, I ask my self if it is really worth quitting feeling like this , it feels like someone is standing behind me with a switch hitting me and they are gonna keep going until I start back , I’ve hung in there through some pretty rough spells, but I’m not sure how much more I can handle , I feel like I’m about to make a mistake , I almost did already I even had the lady at the gas station ring up a can, but made her take it off because I was afraid of wasting the past 152 days, I made it through this time but I’m not sure how many more days I can go feeling this way , any one else made it this far and it feel like day 2 all over again? Any advise ?
I am a cancer doctor and came to this site to help a gentleman quit chewing AFTER HE HAS ALREADY SURVIVED (3 years, so it could still kill him) from head and neck cancer. Please don’t start. It kills people…the slow, humiliating, terribly painful and horrendously awful way. DO NOT START AGAIN!
Doc Liz is right. it is not pretty at all. For I am on the receiving end of when doctors can not fix what you did to destroy your own body. Quit for YOU!, nobody else. I am quit. I been quit for 49 days. and I will never look back or get hooked by nicotine again.
Wow, now that’s telling it like it is and I love it!!!
Do you have any recommendations for quitting I tried jolly ranchers seeds gum and it just made me crave it more i’ve tried the fake ones they shreded my gums more than a actual dip did ive tried pouches of fake dip same effects I really wanna quit but im in a rough environment right now with family akways yelling at me for a little thing thats not bad not chewing but they yell at me for little issues or mistakes I make so I reach for a can when they in a way attack me with words now before someone says im just overly sensitive my parents have been like this for years so not giving whole back story I just don’t want cancer
Let me guess, Samuel1987, anxiety and nervousness got you? I’m 240 days nicotine free. The 140’s-160’s were, by far, the WORST! Better days are ahead. The monkey will come down off your back. You just have to stay the course; you have to walk through the rain to see the sunshine again. I wish I could tell you there is a ‘magic pill’ or easier way, but there is not! It does and will get easier. It is worth all of the sacrifice you have thus far made! Trust me! Each day you don’t put that shit in your mouth, your body is getting stronger. You didn’t get addicted overnight, you will not GET WELL overnight either. Stay strong; you have got this. You’ve come to fat to turn back! Think about it…
Thanks MARK GRAGO and CRAIGSELK66, it’s nice to talk to someone who made it through it , I figured there was an end to this tunnel because I’ve been through so many of them but this one seems to be a little longer than the past few, I’m sticking through it though came too far to turn back now.
I am with you. 140 – 160 sucked. But other days much later will suck as well. There is a reason people stay committed to this site for years. The nicotine bear is always ready to come out from behind the tree and get you. Most days are better but embrace the bad days, they show that you are really quitting something very bad and your strength will get you through this. Day 308.
day 9….no issues anymore. 45 years of snuff and called it quits. if you really don’t want to do it then you won’t
Anybody ever get a little white spot on their bottom gum?
Yes. Normally, these go away after one or two days, but it is a sign that perhaps it is time to stop chewing. You may also want to consult your dentist about this. But as I said, I would not become too upset; just think seriously (if you have not already) about stopping.
Good luck!
Nice job KEVINPA!
45 years is about 3 times as long as I threw that crap in my lip… As they say ‘Win Today’ and sounds like your mind is made up… Keep Strong…
Hopefully your ENT visit went well when you said ‘no issues anymore’…
thanx quit_nic appointment is tomorrow hope it just something else but whatever I’m done with snuff for good. Anybody reading this …trust me when you have to make a doctors appointment over snuff that will help you a lot in wanting to quit
Day 10, been chewing for 23 years. The fog is starting to lift. I didn’t realize what a hold chew had on me till I quit. Been reading around on here for support and Just wanted to say Thank you.
Thanks Craig ! Glad to hear that you’re doing well. Let’s keep going! I appreciate your comments about slow process. You are definitely right on the money.