– Quit Dipping Today!

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Quitting Around The Holidays

New Year’s Resolution To Quit? Why Wait?

Declaration of Independence From Nicotine

Fall Is Upon Us. Here Come The Seasonal Triggers

It’s Almost Turkey Time… Cold Turkey!

Welcome to the first day of the rest of your life!!!

When you’ve made the decision to quit dipping you need support. You’ll get it right here at KillTheCan! This site is dedicated to helping people QUIT dip, smokeless & chewing tobacco! It will be a long & difficult road, but we are confident that you too can be successful and quit dip!

All articles on are written by members of our forums. These are people who understand what it means to quit. They write these articles from the perspective of a quitter. Don’t believe the “experts” that you find out there on the web – believe someone that has successfully QUIT DIP.

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8 years ago

Very happy to say this is my second New Year’s where I was nicotine free. Many thanks to KTC and all its members. I could not have successfully quit without this site. Thank you.

Jason 336
Jason 336
8 years ago
Reply to  dundippin

This is my first day just join too

8 years ago
Reply to  Jason 336

Just joined the site my self to

Tate Smith
Tate Smith
8 years ago
Reply to  Jason 336

Welcome Jason 336 glad you decided to quit it’s ruff but it can be done hang in there.

8 years ago

Day 158. Still sucking some days, but I’ve saved approximately $1k. Iowa prices. Bought a Glock!

Tom S.
Tom S.
8 years ago
Reply to  Doug

Nice. Dont forget to reward yourself people. I bought myself a custom handmade sword for my one year anniversary. What a beauty. One of a kind.

8 years ago
Reply to  Doug

Right on! Happy for you, today is the first day of my 25 year addiction ending. Stopping for my family and self. Congrats on the glock!

8 years ago

Day 6. Last night I broke a PS4 controller which I have not done in quite some time. Also, had bad road rage this morning….pack a lip and chill was my mentality and didn’t seem as angry soooo is this normal

8 years ago
Reply to  Ray

Naw, you’ll push thru it, get some fake dip.

8 years ago
Reply to  DAN O

Where can I find fake dip?

8 years ago
Reply to  Jimmy

Word of advice Jimmy, dumb down your expectations when it comes to fake dip. If you think you will find anything that absolutely replaces the nicotine & chemical laced crap that had it’s claws in you for yrs, not gonna happen. Just find something to get you by. Checkout the link Chewie left, you’ll find something there to get you by, alot of choices & sample packs available.

8 years ago
Reply to  Ray

Yes, for only being quit for a week, that is normal. It took me right around a week to not be short fused and anxious about every little thing. Then is started gradually getting better. I still had moments of that rage for 2-3 weeks, but it goes away so gradually that you hardly even realize that your mood is better than it was while you were dipping.

I’m day 61, I still have cravings when I’m sitting idle, but for the most part its pretty easy by this point.

Alex Webb
Alex Webb
8 years ago
Reply to  Ray

My temper has been bad the past couple days too so I’d say yeah. Day 6 for me.

Angelo Charles
Angelo Charles
8 years ago

Went to the Dentist and everything looks great ! Day 7 and today was very tough wanted to pack a monster after the gym so bad…. but all I kept thinking about was the anxiety that DIP had given me about possible having oral cancer. NEVER AGAIN… I have ordered a variety pack of grinds !

Griffin Griffin
8 years ago
Reply to  Angelo Charles

I’m on day 9 man I’m right there with you. It’s tough but we got this!!

8 years ago
Reply to  Angelo Charles

What is grinds?

Mark GragoMark G.
8 years ago

Day #407 Nicotine Free: Okay, so there is a lot of concern in the comments about Anxiety. Let me write a few things that I think(and hope)will help some folks. Like so many of the fine people have written on here before, it is perfectly normal to ‘feel’ what you feel! How long will you have to endure this? It is different for EVERYONE! Some of you will go only a few weeks; MANY of you will go months! I am one of those who went months! Up until now, you have dealt with EVERY issue, good and bad in your life, with a chew can; now, your baby doll has been taken away. Like an addict who gets sober for the first time in years, the world is quite a different place for you. You now have to come to terms with things AS THEY ARE, not as you used to ‘SEE’ them! I remember times when I so conditioned myself to think that every little pain was a MEDICAL EMERGENCY, literally! My mornings greeted me with chest pains, dizziness, confusion, heart palpitations, inability to think clearly, not being able to have a bowel movement, sweat and fatigue, not understanding my emotions, blood pressure increases, you name it! I could not believe what I had to deal with! Then, like so many ask on here, I kept asking myself is it worth quitting? You have assured yourself that it is impossible to deal with any situation without a chew. If this way of thinking has not convinced just how powerful nicotine has been in your life, nothing will! Your ENTIRE well being was influenced by a Chew Can! Needless to say, that is a cycle that is hard to break! Your addiction speaks LOUDLY to you! It tells you to come back and deal with life like before; this is why you now have anxiety! “You can’t make it!”, it screams at you…it’s a lie! You can make it! Don’t be bluffed by your cloudy thinking and thoughts. It will pass. Let each day pass, let more time pass. TRUST THE PROCESS! It works. ANXIETY WILL NOT KILL YOU! Your body(and mind) has the outstanding capability of healing itself and freeing you from this DEMON. Yes, the climb uphill takes a lot of strength; but just wait till you see the view from the TOP! I stay QUIT with ALL of you in 2017! Happy New Year!

8 years ago

Anxiety after dropping nicotine is a Bitch. Had a anxiety last yr that cost me 2 days kn the cardiac unit & a $5k deductible. But I’ve learned to cope & remain nicotine free as well as no anxiety medicine. Anxiety is no joke my friends, deal with it accordingly.

8 years ago
Reply to  DAN O

I developed an Anxiety Disorder this past summer after I had a Heart event (while on vacation) that resulted in me getting a Stent placed. Before that time, my Doctor was the Emergency Room meaning that unless i was hurt or really sick I didn’t see Doctors. I was in the Hospital for about 3 days and I can tell you I dipped about 2 cans a day while there. I was scared, I had just had a piece of wire mesh placed in my heart and I had no idea what to expect next. Besides a few broken bones I had never had health issues. I promise you all tobacco was my friend. When I finally got home I dipped A LOT. For 20’ish years i was a can/day dipper. After getting home it went to almost 2 cans/day. About a week after I got home I had my 1st panic attack attack. I thought I was dying. My chest was crushing pain, my hands and feet were numb and my pulse was racing. I remember before I went to get the Xanax, I put in a dip. 20 minutes later I was calmed down again. About 2 months after I got home is when I decided to quit tobacco. I went cold turkey and been Nic free for 62 days. What i didn’t realize is that part of nic withdrawal is Anxiety. Unfortunately, the combination of quitting tobacco and my now health Related Anxiety issues I’m dealing with is/has put a strain on my marriage. So short story long, I 100% agree with Dan O. Anxiety is very real and nothing to take lightly. For me personally, my health related anxiety I am dealing with far outweighs giving up tobacco. I look at this as a positive because its at least 1 thing (health related) i dont have to worry about. I log into this site everyday and read all the different posts. This site helps

8 years ago
Reply to  DAN O

i am on second day, i feel like some crack head or something, checking,stashes 4 times to find chew with no results lol, this sux….never thought actually a tobacco usernor addicted, i was wrong

Angelo Charles
Angelo Charles
8 years ago

Day 5 never going back you guys are the best…. any time I wanna throw a monster in my lip I just type in Google kill the can and I look to you guys for strength…… one day at a time!

Robert Adams
Robert Adams
8 years ago

I quit February 2016… Cold turkey with the help of Jesus…i started dipping drained and redrained tea, mixed with peppermint schnapps for the burn for about 5 months, just got the mind part.. I’m completely free now and your comment is 100% spot on brother

Angelo Charles
Angelo Charles
8 years ago

I have dipped on and off for about 3-4 years I also drink heavily and occasionally smoke cigars… I went to the dentist on October 11th 2016 and everything looked good …. today is December 26th and I’m on day 3… can’t stop freaking out about a small pimple I found on my tounge. 🙁 tomorrow I am going to see a new dentist because my old one retired…. on top of everything I think I have a cold coughing . I’m 27 now and praying I did not ruin my life.

Angelo Charles
Angelo Charles
8 years ago
Reply to  Angelo Charles

I also feel like I am dealing with debilitating anxiety and depression legit cannot leave my bed.

8 years ago
Reply to  Angelo Charles

Adversity is not meant to be feared; it is meant to be worked through. If you truly want to quit, you will find great support and experience on this site. Stay focused and keep moving forward.

Tate Smith
Tate Smith
8 years ago
Reply to  Angelo Charles

It will get better I’m on day 111 and still have hell with anxiety just about everyday but it always seems to go away just hang in there dude you will be fine.

Shan man
Shan man
8 years ago
Reply to  Tate Smith

Today is 104 days quit, I also still deal with anxiety and fear, the worst is in the mornings when I first wake up! All I wanna do is fall back asleep and never wake up. I keep holding on to the hope that it will pass

8 years ago
Reply to  Shan man

I have the same thing more or less…Day 93 and I could sleep all day> And I NEVER was anxious or depressed, every day was a new fun thing, and right now most days I struggle to be interested in anything. Sheesh I hope this goes away sometime soon.

8 years ago
Reply to  Angelo Charles

Angelo, the main thing is that you quit and you stick with your quit. You are lucky in that you are young and you have not been dipping very long. The most important thing is that you realize that this is your last quit. No more on and off. You are quit and that is it. What a great Christmas and New Years present you gave yourself and your family. I quit with you today.

8 years ago

These boards have helped me by letting me know I am not alone in my struggle and the experiences are common. I don’t see many solutions being offered beyond “stay strong”. I offer what I have done to combat some effects of the quit. Fatigue & the Fog: I “chew” on Ginseng root, really its sucking like a lozenge. It helps keep my head clear, gives a little boost of energy, and satisfies my oral fixation. Draw backs are that it does not help with sleeplessness and as with nicotine if you use ginseng later at night, it makes falling asleep harder.

Habitual triggers: When I am in the right state of mind of “I definitely don’t want to dip” I try to expose myself to my old triggers that would really make me want to dip. It gives me a craving, but doing this intentionally lets me fight it easier and the next time the trigger comes along, its not as hard.

My biggest problem is eating when I feel like I don’t have anything to do and normally would dip. I was 3 months into a diet when I decided on a whim to quit dipping. My diet has done to hell, but I don’t regret it. Now 2 months quit, I want to go back to my diet, but I find it harder. Any advice?

8 years ago
Reply to  redtrucker

Couldn’t agree more! I quit 4 days ago and just reading the others comments have helped me immensely.

8 years ago

I was straight edge for a good portion of my life, never had a taste of alcohol or nicotine til i hit 21. It all changed when i joined the military. i kept dipping for a few months after getting out until i noticed how receded my bottom gums are. finally one day i just stopped. I stopped around the time my daughter was born (1st child), being only 23 years old I wanna be able to live a full enough life to see her grow up and be a momma one day. However, i have given in a couple of times since. Anyone know any good tactics to help completely shut it out?

No more
No more
8 years ago

Yeah! Don’t dip!! Stay strong and focused!

8 years ago

Just stay away from the triggers, get fake dips, something to help with the cravings. Be prepared.

8 years ago

So tonight I had 5 friends over. We all serve on a board of directors for a golf club and we were doing compensation/employee reviews. 3 of the 5 dipped. I’m 56 days quit. They all know I’m quit and asked of they could dip at my house. I said “absolutely!”. They all dipped, they offered me dip which I politely declined. I feel sad for them as I know what they are doing to themselves but very happy I had no desire to partake. I am quit. I’m sorry if I offend someone but “cavers” are sissies. If you REALLY want to quit, you can succeed.

8 years ago
Reply to  JustaPinch

Yeah, dipper friends can be complete asshats @ times.

8 years ago
Reply to  DAN O

At day 27 and I feel angry and frustrated at times. When will that end……

Tom S.
Tom S.
8 years ago
Reply to  Rick

Idk that id ever say it ends. It certainly gets better but keep this in mind, even if you dip you are still going to feel angry and frustrated. Nicotine is a very temporary solution and when the effect wears off you will be right back at being angry and frustrated wanting more over and over. Day 27 dont throw it away because you may never make it back.

8 years ago

Day 883 quit. The first time I quit I thought the same thing, I can enjoy/handle a cigar once and awhile. Well that was a mistake. Next thing you know 6 months clean and I’m back at a can a day. Don’t fool yourself. I will never smoke a cigar again for fear it will eventually suck me back in. Stay strong!

8 years ago

Day 53 for me and I had my 1st “Dip.Dream” last night. I have read about others who have had them so maybe that’s why I had 1. Either way, after I woke up in the middle of the night and confirmed that I hadn’t had a dip, I easily went back to sleep. Nicotine is not a part of me no more.

8 years ago

I need help! I am hoping to get into contact with someone, I have been chewing coming up around 5 years. I need to stop and need a little support group. One week from today I plan on stopping and all the other times I have tried I have looked at the forums but I just need someone to be in contact with I believe.

8 years ago
Reply to  Iowacorn

You are at the right place IOWACORN. We have all been thru it, but quit today, stop that procrastinating crap. Get some fake dip or something to help with the cravings, they are a bitch. You can do it, but you gotta put in the time. Good Luck.

8 years ago
Reply to  DAN O

10 days now thanks to you guys and looking at all the posts. Loving life. Can kiss my girlfriend without guilt/shame! I want it to be the last time I have ever dipped and probably done drinking too helping kick all these habits will maintain some great health! Thanks guys!

T Man
T Man
8 years ago
Reply to  Iowacorn

It’s a one-day-at-a-time kind of thing. I chewed for 35 years and decided one day to see how it would go without a chew. It was not easy but at the end of each day I realized I was doing it. A couple weeks went by and then a couple months. Again, this is not easy but little by little you start forgetting about it. Some days I really want one but now at the 6 month mark without a chew, I feel I am over the hump. I chew a lot of gum and have gained 15 pounds but knowing I am chew free is worth it. I am convinced that anyone can do this. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and making excuses. I agree with Dan O, don’t wait a week- STOP NOW. You can do it.

Tom D.
Tom D.
8 years ago
Reply to  Iowacorn

Some say don’t wait and start your quit today. I agree, but also feel that YOU have to be ready to quit. If you marked a date on your calendar then you need to stick with it. I quit on 10/20/16 cold turkey and after chewing for 30 years and am not looking back. I got a lot of help just by reading through the posts on this forum. Nobody here is here to judge as everyone is here to help.

8 years ago

I am on day 2…I was starring at my mouth the other day searching for anything that looks suspicious when I thought to myself what the hell am I am doing, I am young got my whole life ahead of me. The thing is though I have been dipping for 5 years but I average 1.5 chaws per day and mostly at night so I am hoping nicotine gum will help me given that my intake is low. Ready for a fight still.

8 years ago
Reply to  Mattnochaw

Hi Matt

Good luck! Please remember this is a nicotine free site.

8 years ago
Reply to  Matt

Oh iam sorry. Why is that,l? If I may ask.

8 years ago
Reply to  Mattnochaw

Nicotine is the demon we are all trying to overcome. Dipping was our way of getting it into our system. By not eliminating Nicotine your setting yourself up for potential failure. Throw the can away and get on with quitting. There are a lot of successful quitters on this site that can help you through the tough times. The 1st couple weeks of withdrawl are pretty shitty BUT we all deserve to suffer the consequences of withdrawal because we all did this to ourselves.

8 years ago
Reply to  Matt

Matt will let you know how it goes. So it far it has been a big help.

8 years ago
Reply to  Mattnochaw

I’m on day 51. I’ve tried to quitting supplements like gum before, all it does is help you stay away from dipping while keeping you tied to the drug. 3 days, is all it takes to kick nicotine. After that its mental, and you will go through the mental torture whether you use nicotine substitutes or are completely nicotine free. So in reality its easier to go cold turkey after the first 3 days, because you already won the physical battle and now you only have to fight the mental battle. With supplements, you are constantly fighting both.

8 years ago

Day 269 and out of nowhere I just got a big craving for a dip. Not sure where it came from but I knew I wasn’t going to give in. So, instead of going to get some, I just ordered some Bacc Off pouches from dipstop.

8 years ago
Reply to  Fraze

Is there a place I can get bacc locally? Tried Walgreens and cvs.

8 years ago

I am trying to quit I have been 24 hours without a dip so hope all goes well

Open Range
8 years ago
Reply to  Taylor

Taylor keep working at it pal its been 60 + days for me you can do it.

8 years ago
Reply to  Open Range

Thanks open range I still haven’t put one in lord knows I want to but I’m holding strong

Rick Diamond
Rick Diamond
8 years ago
Reply to  Taylor

Taylor and Open Range and all y’all – this is Bluebonnetman, I’m on day 1816 today, I promise you as I approach 5 years quit, it gets easier and better and it is WORTH THE WORK. You’ll feel bad – but you’ll feel better. I am grateful for this community! Stay plugged in! The secret: keep your promise to your quit brothers and sisters and don’t use tobacco today. You can do it.

8 years ago
Reply to  Taylor

I’m now two weeks without dip. I carry a new can of Kodiak as a security blanket with me everywhere I go. I also have a vaporizer with low nicotine 6mg to cut the withdrawal. Vaping does not replace the nicotine punch of a real dip but keeps me from freaking out.

First 24 to 48 hours were most intense. Started on weekend. Come Monday it was just powering through the day and relearning how to commute, take a break, post meal, relax without a dip.

Keeping busy is king. Having a can on hand makes me feal in control and time takes the craving away.

8 years ago
Reply to  Taylor

Same Taylor I am at 36 you can do it!

8 years ago

I am 22 years old. I have been dipping about a can a day since I was 17. My mom has been asking me to quit for a while now. I’ve been telling myself that I would quit for a year now, but I was always thinking I needed to wait for the right time and that time has never come. Today I decided that if I’m gonna quit I need to just do it. So I just threw away two fresh cans with only a pinch missing and have decided to quit. I can already feel the anxiety. I very badly want to go the the trash and dig those cans out and justify it by saying that it would be a waste of $10. I can already tell this is going to be pretty difficult but it’s time to kill the can.

8 years ago

I originally posted here in 2007, determined to make a change in my life. I even signed up with the name “Iwantmylifeback”. I held strong for many years. However I failed two years ago and have been dipping every day since. To add to my Nicotine addiction, I have started drinking every day. I can’t do it anymore. I hit a low point today. I will spare you of the details but it is time to get my life back again. I know I can do it. It’s now time to do it. I will struggle. I will doubt myself. I will feel in adequate. I will feel desperate. I will look in the mirror and wonder how I can do this. However, anything is better than the last two years and how I have felt. I want my life back and it starts now.

8 years ago

I am sorry to hear about you hitting a low point and I hope that motivates you to quit the struggle once and for all. You don’t need to feel inadequate at all. I know it is easier said than done, but we all have been there. The fact that you are here and looking to take your life back on your own is a good sign. I wish you strength and hope you hang in there with the rest of us and post roll every day.

Jim Riter
Jim Riter
8 years ago

The best thing for me was to know that quitting is through steps (through fall-downs). You quit. You fall back You quit a little more. You fall back a little more. You quit a little more. You fall back (maybe not so more if you’re still trying). You need to find the simple substitute for your simple addiction. Just as easily as something can addict you, something just as easily not. Jim.

Rick Diamond
Rick Diamond
8 years ago

GO FOR IT. You’ve made the right choice! Get in a quit group and post every day. You deserve to have your life back! It feels great. I did it; you can too.

Brittany Raven
8 years ago

my boyfriend has dipped for 9 years now and he’s almost 18. i’m so very proud of him, he’s on hour 36 without tobacco. hes extremely stressed out and didn’t even make it to school today due to him throwing up so bad. this is the longest he has gone without tobacco in 9 years. any advice as to how i can help him go 100% through with this?

8 years ago
Reply to  Brittany Raven

Did you get a response earlier, Brittany? It’s the best decision he’s ever made! He needs to sign up here and post a promise every day, and then keep his promise. It sounds too easy but it’s worked for a lot of us.

8 years ago
Reply to  AWOL

As a more practical answer – keep busy. Chew gum and/or sunflower seeds. Constantly remind himself why he’s done it. But this site can really help him and he will be able to text or talk with many people who have gone through the same thing if he wants to.

8 years ago
Reply to  AWOL

Tell him to join the march group as I am also in the march group. My quit date was 12/06/16. I didn’t throw up but I did get some stomach issues. Tell your friend, it will pass and not to throw away his hard work!

8 years ago
Reply to  Brittany Raven

My wife just offered support encouragement and told me how proud she was that I have made the commitment to quit.

Jim Riter
Jim Riter
8 years ago
Reply to  Brittany Raven

Dipping is 90% mental. it’s a way for the body and mind to have structure. And even though that’s a bad thing because you’re going to get mouth cancer, you still do it because you believe it’s your only way through life.

But! Fill that time with something else. Do some fake chew and “go crazy” on the internet (just an example of how to simulate). The point being is addictions are just to “fill time and space” so the cure is to “fill time and space” another way. So, go do some fake chew and ride a roller-coaster…..This may seam silly until…oh wait, your boy-friend isn’t putting stuff into his mouth that will kill him anymore. I guess he’ll live and be happy….wow, that’s a great thing. Jim

8 years ago

New guy here. Need to quit the dip ! I used it to stop smoking, a year of no ciggs, but now im on dip. Needs to go. Ive dipped on and off for about 12 years. Ruff feeling with dip too. Dang ! Help.

8 years ago
Reply to  patrick

Throw the can away and get on with quitting. Withdrawal will suck for a few days but absolutely manageable. For me, I made a personal decision that I didn’t want to die from oral cancer. A few quick searches on Google will scare you straight if you need additional motivation. I was a tin a day for 20 years. I’m 40 days quit and while I’m proud of myself I’m also disappointed that it took me so long to get here. My last 40 days have been filled with Dentist and Doctor appointments with CT Scans, Blood work etc. Praise God, everything is good thus far – I feel extremely fortunate and will never touch the stuff again. So Patrick, everyone on this site will give you tough love, feed back, empathy and experiences but the journey is yours alone and your success will come down to how bad do YOU want to quit. You can do it! Good Luck!

8 years ago
Reply to  Matt

Yea I figured a good dose of reality was coming. You are indeed correct. I suppose the thought of my face melting should do it, but its the old just one more can and ill stop. Thanks Matt

8 years ago
Reply to  Matt

God bless u. I just decided to quit the love of my life, Copenhagen. I was chewing about one tin 1.5 weeks. I m sad, I dipped watching FB games , playing Xbox, walking dog. My gums are receding bad. I decided to go to dentist and I m scared as shit. Great ur making it. Any advice.

Chris, Seattle

8 years ago
Reply to  Chris

Hi Chris

This stuff is crazy isn’t it? Your nervous about what the dentist is going to find/say but you’re still sad you quit chewing! Amazing what this stuff will do! I know exactly what you mean though, as I’m sure most everyone on this site does as well. In August I had a heart issue while in Vegas and spent 3 days in Hoslital. I can promise you I had a dip in the whole time (other than sleeping or eating). I dared the nurses and Doctors to take it away. It was absolutely my Blankie (like Linus on Peanuts HA!). I was in Hospital due to a SCAD (Google it) in my Right Coronary Artery. This is a pretty rare circumstance and resulted in me having anxiety attacks on a regular basis after I got home. I never had anxiety before and it is not cool. The 1st couple months after I got home I chewed more than ever (most likely as a coping mechanism for the anxiety). As I started to recover/get better I made a decision to start making better decisions concerning my health – especially on things I could directly control. Chew was the 1st thing to go. Then I re-evaluated my diet and starting exercising more, etc. Bottom line, I feel better after 46 days then I can remember feeling in a long time. I have friends and co-workers that still chew and I am around them all the time and it doesn’t phase me. At 1st I would feel a little sorry for me (because I wasn’t chewing). Now I feel sorry for them. You can do this and 1 month from now you will be surprised at how much easier it gets every day. Make sure you tell your dentist you recently quit and ask him to look over for for anything that’s not supposed to be there. My dentist does an Oral Cancer scan on every visit. Good Luck! You got this!

Jim Riter
Jim Riter
8 years ago
Reply to  Matt

Matt, I’m the same as you. Chew for 20 years and quit,…and thank God we can both live 20 more years. But! I tell all my family and friends, “I “quit” chewing but I “stopped” smoking.” I’ll never do chew again but I WILL HAVE a cigarette or a cigar sometimes. The point being that it’s good to quit but not good to not enjoy. Smoking is fun, and if can quit the physical addiction, then why-not-have a good puff on a swisher sweet cigarillo to celebrate?

Wha? Que? Yes?

Tate Smith
Tate Smith
8 years ago
Reply to  patrick

Just go ahead and quit the shit suffer thru the first week or so then you will just have a day here and there where you catch hell.. Stay on the site reading everyone’s struggles it helps believe it or not your not alone.

8 years ago
Reply to  Tate Smith

Makes sense.

8 years ago

Hi! I had a question if anyone could help me out. My boyfriend is about two-months nicotine free and he’s suffering from constant fatigue and random bouts of nausea. I’ll tease him occasionally that he’s pregnant but I’m actually pretty worried. I understand that these can be symptoms of withdrawal, but when I say fatigue… I mean 24/7 since he got over the “on-edge” phase. Personally, I’ve never gone through this and it’s hard for me to help him when I don’t understand what he’s going through. Has anyone else experienced this level of constant exhaustion or could there be something more serious going on? Any help is greatly appreciated! 🙂

Jake U.
Jake U.
8 years ago
Reply to  Emily

I can understand this level of fatigue because I’ve gone through the same thing. I quit months ago and still experience fatigue. There probably isn’t anything else going on other then withdrawal, but you could schedule an appointment to see the doctor. The doctor could run tests on him to weed anything else out. I would tell him to hang tough and allow the fatigue to run its course.

Mark Grago
8 years ago
Reply to  Emily

I’m almost 400 days clean and still experience extreme fatigue from time to time. HEAVY nicotine abuse controls almost ALL aspects and areas of your life and bodily functions, as well as your feelings, your emotions, YOUR ENERGY, your overall, general outlook on life! Once you stop your usage, you get the pleasure of experiencing this unpleasantness. That said, I’m in agreement with Jake; that is, it is nothing more than vile withdrawal. Being that he has only been off of nicotine for only two months is why I can state that with sincerity. However, if he or both of you feel he should get checked out, then do so.

Dan O
Dan O
8 years ago
Reply to  Emily

Emily, it wouldn’t hurt him to go get a once over from a doctor. But don’t be surprised if these are signs of anxiety. I had a severe anxiety attack last yr after being quit for 6 months after 30 yrs of dipping. That crap for some reason served as some kind of coping therapy for me. I just pushed through it, but all bodies are different. Good luck to your BF, stand by him, it helps.

8 years ago

Today I am 10 months quit and I can tell everyone of you that it’s the best decision I’ve ever made. I was a slave to grizzly and never thought I would quit. I knew that little can had control of my life but I didn’t think I was strong enough to quit. Reading these newly quit posters makes me smile because I remember when I was at that point and how far I’ve come to completely kick that can clean out of my life. To you new quitters: you can do it! Hard of course but you can! Push through this month and the rest will be history. Pray and ask the good lord for assistance, he will surely give you strength when you need it. The new you will be so much happier and have much more energy. All I can say is hang in there and it’s more than worth it in the end. One small bit of advice to those who are considering quitting…take that last dip at night and toss the can. When you wake up you will be 8 hrs quit and that helped me. Every hour counts! God bless you guys and kick that can outta your life!

Jason C
Jason C
8 years ago

On day #66 and it hasn’t gotten any easier but I have not given into the cravings!

8 years ago
Reply to  Jason C

Stay strong, Jason. You can do this. Each day free is a great accomplishment. It’s not easy but it is better.

Dan O
Dan O
8 years ago

On a very similiar road Craig. I had an anxiety attack last Sept., I spoke of it here after the fact last yr once any heart issues were ruled out. I guess that shit in those cans became my coping mechanism. Will be 2 yrs nic/tob free in Feb. I agree with you, I rarely think about unless I have some cold beers, I then have Hooch to get me by. I still use Teaza & Skittles too. I too still pop in here from time to time, I just don’t post as much. Glad you are doing better.

jake aldridge
jake aldridge
8 years ago

Just joined. I have a quit date in mind. Not only am i preparing physically but mentally as well. After 15 yrs (my wife will say 17) I decided I want to truly quit. Not a heavy chewer, but consistent. Reading these post is helping me see the struggles many went through and thier victories. I am trying to prepare my self more so for the habitual task of quitting. Everything was associated with my next dip from driving home from work, after dinner, ect…I understand it will be rough but the heath benefits certainly outweigh the alternative to continue to chew. At 51 yrs old my body is feeling it. I take care of my self with the right foods and exercise but my body still feels run down. I took a break from this crap several years ago for about a month and I must say I felt good…energy levels were back to norm but Grizzly reared its ugly head and I gave in. I will also mention my Libido was back on par to when I stopped for that time :). I read tobacco creates issues in that neck of the woods as well. Anyhow, I check back in soon when I start my first day. To all who are in progress and those wanting to quit , stay strong, it can be done, but will take much support and will power.


Dan O
Dan O
8 years ago
Reply to  jake aldridge

Hi Jake, do not procrastinate, quit today. Not easy but doable. Not alot of hand holding around here, but we will talk you off the ledge when needed, I couldn’t have stayed quit without it. Good luck my man.

8 years ago
Reply to  jake aldridge

Hi Jake

Dan O is right. This site is for quitters and quitting is doable. I myself am a newbie on day 38. Last night, about an hour after dinner, I realized I didn’t look for my can right after eating. A small but pretty cool victory. For me, I ask my myself every day “Did myou Daddy raise a Pussy?”. The answer is No so I stay quit. There’s only 1 thing in this world that has me by the nuts and that’s my wife – sure as he’ll ain’t Nicotine! Good luck bro! Just throw throw the can in the trash and walk away

Dan O
Dan O
8 years ago
Reply to  Matt

I will be 2 yrs, yes 2 yrs, quit in Feb. Not been easy, but those little victories you speak of Matt mean everything. Onto day 39 for you Matt, keep up the great work.

8 years ago
Reply to  jake aldridge

Congratulations on your decision to quit. I have been quit since December 7 2015. So you can do it. There are weak moments that I still get even to this day, but the benefits far outweigh the alternative.

8 years ago
Reply to  jake aldridge

Hi Jake. 3 things here chief.
1st, welcome to the best decision ever!
2 “Planned Quits” almost never work so jump on in and do it man!
And 3, this stuff is poison man. If I knew I was ingesting arsenic, should I plan to stop ingesting it or just do it? Probably just do it I’m sure.

Come on in in take a drink of the Kool-aid. Today’s flavor is QLAMF!!! I would wish you luck but we don’t do luck here, we just do it. 😉

Take care man. I quit with y’all edd!

Ray – 449

Bob Gustafson
Bob Gustafson
8 years ago

Wow 414 days and still struggles come up. I’m at 118 days after 35 years. Went to Walmart today and got some Smokey Mountain for the first time. Held the can in the car, dragged my thumb nail around the lid and opened up the can. Put a pinch between my thumb and pointer finger and put it in the right side. Not sure I ever took notice of what side I chose before today. We are all working to get the devil out of us. That’s how I see it. Hopefully the 150’s won’t be so bad. I will dig my heels in and continue my quit. Thanks for sharing!

Jake U.
Jake U.
8 years ago

Good to here you are still healing. As for me, I’m on day 330 of my quit and still have symptoms. The headaches are the most common. Are you experiencing headaches this far into your quit? I’m glad the “cloudy brain” feeling is gone for you. I still have it. Keep up the fight!
Jake U.

Tom S.
Tom S.
8 years ago

Grats. Im still here with you. Honestly i dont come on here every day anymore. Not to sound ungrateful but nic isnt my life anymore. Sometimes ill go days without even thinking about it. Ill remember and have to come back and check how many days i have.

Mark Grago
8 years ago

Yes, Craig, you’re so right on spot with this! The 150’s to 180’s were HORRIBLE for me; I thought I would never make it! Now, on day 382, I’m still nicotine free. I can go into a store, stare at a chew can behind the cashier, and not go into an anxiety attack. That feels powerful! I still have a bit of anxiety from time to time and my eyelids, especially in the morning, feel like sheets of lead. I hope that passes away soon. It just feels so nice to be nicotine free and be independent, to exercise total control over every aspect of my life! The best part of this quit is not having a collection of spit bottles in my car and all over the house!!! Remember opening them to spit and how bad they stunk??? Progress!!!!

8 years ago

Day 462. Went to the dentist for a teethe cleaning for the second time after quitting. Felt really good in knowing i am not an active dipper. That right there is a reason to quit.I quit with all of you. Good luck

Brett h
Brett h
8 years ago

I’m at about 26 hours off the nic bitch. Feel better already. Chewed off and on for 28 years. I was kinda forced to quit…it was making my stomach very acidic to the point where it hurt, I wasn’t digesting food very well and I was tired. I always though it was due to stress, but then I started tapering off of chew, going most the day without one, and I noticed whenever I had one is when my stomach hurt with the acidic feel to it and I would feel run down and tired. But since my last chew yesterday it feels way better and my energy is returning. My gums are itchy as crap, hopefully that gets better too.

8 years ago
Reply to  Brett h

Brett, remember this post of yours and be sure to reference it because I too hada very similar experience just 34 days ago. It is amazing how the nic bitch will make us forget these pains, and make us start thinking that dipping will make us feel better. They call this “the suck” and they are right. This site helps me continue my quit, and I suggest you use this very powerful tool!

8 years ago

Ugh… How/when do you get passed the constant reminders that everything you loved was because you had dip?

8 years ago
Reply to  Bill_lynch

I’m on day 99. I just went fly fishing for the first time without it. It was tough because dip was always an important part of the experience. As a matter of fact it may have been the experience. This time I went and it seemed not as hyped without it. What’s real though is owning it instead of it owning you. I just have to accept that my life is different without dip. The positives outweigh the constant addiction. Hiding the shit from my wife. Hiding places for the tins. I think I would have caved earlier in my quit but waited till I had passed many tests before facing the challenge of fishing without it. As far as the love-it’s dependence not love. I was a slave every day. Your mind will get right with each passing day

S Richard Reed
8 years ago
Reply to  Nobearforme

I totally understand what your talking about. Been chewing since I was 12, I’m 50 now.
Trying the gum, patch thing with herbal chew…molasses. Thank God the gum-patch injects a little nicotine into the system to curb the irritability. Hope this works…

8 years ago
Reply to  S Richard Reed

No patch use on this site.

8 years ago
Reply to  S Richard Reed

S Richard Reed – I started in 6th grade and finally quit at the ripe age of 59. Use of nicotine gum or lozenges will not work. You just need to quit. Go cold turkey and prepare to be free from the nicotine monster.

Just stop. Quit debating about whether to stop or not. Stop today.

I quit with you today.

8 years ago
Reply to  Bill_lynch

I am exactly where you are, you can only try to quit so many times before it gets difficult to believe in yourself. It’s as if you don’t even have control of your body walking back to a gas station to get a tin. It’s very frustrating that you can start something out of curiosity and end up living with an itch for life. No one to blame but myself, just frustrating. If you’re still young, please just don’t start. It’s not cool, it’s not a stress relief, it’s an extremely addictive and unproductive vice.

8 years ago
Reply to  Bill_lynch

That happened for me around day 55 son!

Doug Wilkerson
Doug Wilkerson
8 years ago



Fec Estech
Fec Estech
8 years ago

Zeta Boards
Sorry, I caved.

8 years ago

Njohns23 – 303 Days Quit!!

8 years ago

Jake Frawley, 1

Michael Amstein
Michael Amstein
8 years ago

Day 6 of going cold turkey and I am doing well. I should have done this many years ago! You really can do it!

8 years ago

I’m on day 6 too!!!

8 years ago

Y2Baier – 421 – MAGA

8 years ago

Day 22 and keeping on keeping on.

8 years ago

Day 986

Joe Mama
Joe Mama
8 years ago

April 2015!

8 years ago

sjfdmicp Day 2656 ,

Charles Wells
Charles Wells
8 years ago

Idaho Spuds 827

Noel J Bosco
Noel J Bosco
8 years ago

Bronc – 985

8 years ago

CrazyVolts 830-ish quit of nic and 580-ish quit of caffeine with or without a forum I quit with you bastards!

8 years ago

JB65 – 464 Looks like Big Tobacco finally hacked the boards!

Justin B.
Justin B.
8 years ago

chewbacca5 – 835 – 11/23/16

8 years ago

Been dipping copenhagen long cut almost 1 can a day for 10 years. Quit October 25th. Went through a lot of emotions. I can’t describe it, but I still have an “itchy” almost slight burning feeling in the throat from time to time. Is this normal and how long does it last? Still have lots of anxiety from time to time. Went shopping with the wife the other day and had a near panic attack in the supermarket. I am still swirling my tongue on my lips and spitting saliva from time to time. It’s true that I do sleep better now and I feel better rested in the morning even though I get less sleep. How long does this itchy feeling last? Any advice? Thanks.

8 years ago
Reply to  SCOTT

Scott I haven’t had the itchy feeling yet in my throat but I was wondering if you have had pain in your gums on the other side where you used to put your chew. I quit about 2 days ago and this pain started right then and it’s unbearable. Good luck with quitting man we both don’t need this shit

8 years ago
Reply to  SCOTT

I’m at 24 hours since I quit…this time anyways. Making another attempt. Anyways, my gums, especially the one side I usually put chew, feels itchy. From the last time I quite, which lasted 7 months, the itchiness eventually went away. I never felt any pain or burning so I don’t know what that’s about. In my research one of the things I learned is that nicotine restricts blood vessels. As nicotine leaves our bodies the blood vessels relax and open up again. It’s possible the itchiness is caused by the blood vessels opening up and blood returning to the area again.

8 years ago

Guess the forums are still down

SVD 528

8 years ago

I quit 296 days ago with the help of this site and the forum. I have struggled with anxiety for 13 years. I can honestly say that I feel the best I have ever felt. Nicotine helped mask the reasons for my anxiety and my emotional immaturity. If you haven’t joined the site I urge you to do it as soon as the forum is back up and running. If you are on the site hit me up and I’ll try my hardest to make sure you have all the tools to kick this shit for good.

8 years ago
Reply to  moddyd

I’m 42yrs old and I’ve been dipping since I was about 9, I want to quit but don’t know how. I can’t remember the last time I went more that 20mins with an empty gum

8 years ago

Day 21 thanks to the KTC community! In it to win it, one day at a time, with the February crew!

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