– Quit Dipping Today!

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Welcome to the first day of the rest of your life!!!

When you’ve made the decision to quit dipping you need support. You’ll get it right here at KillTheCan! This site is dedicated to helping people QUIT dip, smokeless & chewing tobacco! It will be a long & difficult road, but we are confident that you too can be successful and quit dip!

All articles on are written by members of our forums. These are people who understand what it means to quit. They write these articles from the perspective of a quitter. Don’t believe the “experts” that you find out there on the web – believe someone that has successfully QUIT DIP.

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7 years ago

Is the first three days the hardest? Or does it get much harder after that?

Cory R
Cory R
7 years ago
Reply to  paddy

2 weeks, that’s when the body is on the verge of wanting to turn on you so you can cave. The urges never stop, like any other temptation. Just take it day by day, but it does get easier. One of the best ways of thinking is if you do cave today, you just wasted all those days without, once you keep hitting more milestones, you will want to resist even on the worst days that you think you NEED IT! And the worst days without are your greatest victory.

Also I am on DAY 658, and dipped one month shy of 10 years.

7 years ago

On Day 18 but i have severe GIT disturbances auch as bloating has anyone gone through the same any solutions

7 years ago
Reply to  Nim

Yes NIM, this is not uncommon; I actually had this happen to me at day 7 or so. I had the symptoms so strongly I went to the Doc regarding possible heart issues. Long story made into Readers Digest, the Doc prescribed Omerprazole anti acid pills. They work well for me and no more issues. Try this my friend and never quit the fight.
sig45 day 671 or so aka Brothers in quit….

Bill Dance
Bill Dance
7 years ago
Reply to  Nim

254 here….trust me, it gets a lot worse before it will get better. The bad attitudes and the countless sleepless nights really wore on me and made me come to hate dip even that much more. In the end the battle is just a small piece when you see the light of day. Never look back, never look ahead. quitting is 95% mental and 5 % everything else. The hardest battle you will ever fight is between your own 2 ears.

7 years ago
Reply to  Nim

NIM, after I quit I had a sensation of a lump in my throat that wouldn’t go away. I was also really gassy. I went to an ENT Dr. and he scoped my throat, all was ok. He believed it to be acid reflux. I’ve been on Rx strength Pepcid along with TUMS, and it seems to be getting better now. Just so you know, I’m on day 50. It will take time, but you’ll get better, and it’s totally worth it.

7 years ago
Reply to  BDunn

Yeah I think acid relax needs to be something quitters perpare for. So many people have complain about it and everyone, including me freaks out (can you blame them) and thinks it’s cancer despite it being a very common problem. It goes away eventually, anxiety will make it worse.

7 years ago
Reply to  Nim

Day 34! NIM even being this early on I can attest to what you are feeling and more. I’ve been to my docs checkout my GI tract and Dentist for my mouth. I was/still having major bloating, gas and diarrhea/constipation interchangeably. Even with all of that I’ve been having more days of clarity and living in a more oxygen rich enviiorrment just feels way better. Each day without the can is another day added to your life. Keep up the good fight!

7 years ago

41 days today! Yes!

Nat Lazzaretti
Nat Lazzaretti
7 years ago

Day 3. Just registered.

Nat Lazzaretti
Nat Lazzaretti
7 years ago
Reply to  Nat Lazzaretti

Day 7. Staying the course.

7 years ago
Reply to  Nat Lazzaretti

KTC SAVED my life. Great work!

7 years ago

30 days! One of many successful milestones! Yesterday was a really good day:) Finally!

7 years ago

Day 28! Oh today the FOG decided to make a visit.. The fight continues. No more cravings but these physical symptoms are the most anointing thing ever. If you’re early in your quit don’t even think about giving in because this too shall pass.

7 years ago
Reply to  Murph32

Correct, fight the good fight and will yourself through the tough days. You too shall see that the fog will lift and you my friend will be a FREE MAN. sig45 671 DD

7 years ago

Just registered

7 years ago
Reply to  Brandon94

Welcome! Make sure to go on the boards and find your quit group and start participating. I’m fairly certain that if I didn’t fall the rules of KTC, I would not be 44 days in on my quit.

7 years ago
Reply to  Brandon94

You go Brandon.

7 years ago

Dundippin – day 666 – should I be scared??? Doesn’t this have something to do with the devil? Oh well, there is no devil like dip so I guess I am ok.

There is no devil like dip so just remember that and keep your guard up.

I quit with you today.

Jake U.
Jake U.
7 years ago
Reply to  dundippin

Hello Dundippin and Craigselk66-
Jake U. here. I was wondering how you two were doing at this point and time. I would like an update on your symptoms. I’m now 550 days into my quit and still have some fatigue, dizziness, and headaches. I am slowwwwly healing though. Thanks.
Jake U.

7 years ago
Reply to  Jake U.

Hey Jake,
Dundippin here. I am at day 670 and am ready to say everything is good but that will jinx me. It always does.

I was marveling yesterday after finishing my workout and thinking that it was not that long ago that as soon as I finished working out that I would have run to get a dip.

I am amazed at all the daily activities I can pursue now without needing a dip.

I get through most days without thinking about dip after I post roll call.

However, there are some days where I feel a tug at my dip spot, my lower lip where I feel a strange pull, a craving…. I have learned to ignore feelings like that and move on with my day.

So pretty much crave free and have sufficient energy. I will never have the energy I had when I dipped and drank coffee throughout the day. That was like doing speed not that I would ever know what that was like.

It is great to be able to sleep without a dip in your mouth, to eat without having to dip right after, to kiss your wife anytime …. and the lists goes on and on.

I quit with you today.

Jake U.
Jake U.
7 years ago
Reply to  dundippin

Thanks for replying. Keep QUIT! I’ll ask for your symptoms at a later date.

7 years ago
Reply to  Jake U.

I have been quit roughly +or – 671 days and I can state that some days I still crave a dip. I will myself to not participate and that works for me. Also, I quit drinking booze; why you may ask? If I drink, my triggers to chew are off the charts; NO DRINK, NO DIP. This works well for me. Symptoms I have experienced are as follows: muscle ache, fatigue, depression, anxiety, weight gain, weight loss, anger, RAGE, withdrawal, sweats, insomnia, irritability, etc,etc.

This deep in, you have this beat. FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT and become Victorious with your quit and overcome all OBSTACLES that may stand in your way to FREEDOM. Yes my FRIEND FREEDOM!

7 years ago

First day of quitting for the 5+ time. Finally admitting that I can’t do it alone and need all the help I can get. Any advice is appreciated.

7 years ago

Hey guys!
It is now day 5 not even thinking about chewing or anything have completely changed the habit to sunflower seeds and reward working out/ going out on a downhill session on the new bike. I would advise you all to try changing your habit and maybe even your lifestyle if you have to. I believe, so long as I continue this style, that I will not have cravings and won’t need chew. IM so much more focused on staying healthy! First Race coming up in a couple weeks!

7 years ago

day 77 quit today

7 years ago

Here is my exact withdraw symptom timeline so far. I know you may experience other symptoms but this may help ease your mind

Day 1-3
Mouth sores
Mood swings

Day 4-6
Mood swings
Intermittent Cravings

Day 7-14
Slight depression (comes in waves but goes away)
Intermittent Cravings only after eating
Weird aches and pains all over my body that come and go

Day 15-18
Constipation ( this is by far the worst symptom so far)
Intermittent Cravings only after eating

I’ll continue to update after another week I hope this helps others with their quit. I feel better every single day it amazes me what I was doing to my body. I will be honest it is hard but that is the best part about it because you feel ten times stronger as you’re doing it.

7 years ago
Reply to  Tanner

Tanner keep it up! You’re not alone as I’ve felt all of those at those exact stages. Day 27 for me and excited to be coming up on Day 30. Keep up the good fight!

7 years ago
Reply to  Murph32

Murph32 thanks buddy! We’ve got this!

7 years ago

Day 25! Now I’m actually starting to see/feel better each day.. Phew I was getting worried I’d be confined in my house forever. So I’ve started fighting the anxiety and getting out of the house. Small victories for me is working each day. Enjoy your weekend folks and remember to stay quit!

7 years ago

Hey guys,
Ive quit for 3 days, so far i have not had any major issues with headaches or any type of symptoms other than being crabby. Its kind of wierd that i havent had any sideeffects. Anyways, ill be on here to keep on quitting. Btw i have been a dipper since like 8th grade i wanna say, im 23 years old now. I have quot before, cold turkey at basic training so maybe thats why its not so hard for me but we will see!

7 years ago
Reply to  Basslopod


Standby my quit buddy. My suggestion, stay tuned with this salty group of quit veterans who know the drill. No Lone Rangers IN HERE so join a QUIT GROUP and check your ego in at the door. I can GUARANTEE you ONE thing, You will need every ounce of quit strategy and TEAMWORK offered in here to become successful in your long term quit. Plain and simple, check in and become accountable to your fellow QUIT BUDDIES………..DO IT NOW!

7 years ago

day 73 just got back into internet service. I texted a KTC member yesterday and today. hope you all had a good fourth. Daily verses will start again tommorow

7 years ago

I’m on day 57! Holy shit! I definitely didn’t think id make it this far and it’s been a while since I have posted anything but I just wanted to say this for anyone that cares, between days 30-45 (roughly) I was thinking to myself “man, these urges to chew are never going to go away” I was still experiencing constant thoughts that a dip would make this moment better, or a dip would take this stress away, through all those moments I resisted and today those urges to take a dip are now very far between. So to the people out there that havethose same thoughts there is hope in knowing that it does get better. Andas everyone else says…if I can do it, you can definitely do it. Good luck!

Tom S.
Tom S.
7 years ago

At 20 days your gums arent healed yet. You saying that just reminded me of early in my quit id be taking a shower and notice i was spitting blood? I was freaked out but it was just my gums. Are you brushing b4 bed? Are your gums bleeding then? Make sure to floss, brush and then rinse with some mouth wash( i sound like a mommy). If your gums arent bleeding after brushing or flossing then id suggest seeing a doc or dentist to find out where the bleeding is coming from.

7 years ago
Reply to  Tom S.

Day 21 quit! Happy 4th everyone! Thanks Tom S for sharing. I truly believe it was my gums because yes they have been bleeding when I brush. I do have a dentist spot tomorrow and spoke with him on the phone about it and he thinks the same about my gums are still healing. Thank you for the support and the journey continues!:)

Tom S.
Tom S.
7 years ago
Reply to  Murph32

You got this bro. Grats! 21 days/3 weeks the worst is over. I remember how bad my teeth/gums were after i quit. The bottom front ones were loose and i had an open sore through one of my gums. I would get these god awful toothaches in the root of one my my back molars. When i went to the dentist she wanted to pull my front teeth!?!? Thank god i didnt let her. I asked if it was ok to just keep them and see if they got any worse. 629 days and all my teeth are tight and solid. I havnt had a tooth ache in idk how long and my gums hardly ever bleed when i brush. I know i have some cavities that need to be filled and my teeth are still sensitive to really cold food like icecream. Brushing with sensodine helps too. Anyway bud have a safe and happy 4th!

7 years ago

Day 20 quit! Please share if youā€™ve had a similar experience. Woke up this morning with blood in my mouth. I a little freaked out. Anyone else experience this? I think itā€™s from my gums since itā€™s no longer present and not in my phlem when I cough.

Marquise Murphy
Marquise Murphy
7 years ago

Day 20 quit! Please share if you’ve had a similar experience. Woke up this morning with blood in my mouth. I a little freaked out. Anyone else experience this? I think it’s from my gums since it’s no longer present and not in my phlem when I cough.

Tom S.
Tom S.
7 years ago

Well had another seizure last night. This one while driving. I rear ended someone, luckily nobody was hurt. The guy i hit turned out to be one of my neighbors. I dont remember anything of when it happened but the guy said he witnessed me having a seizure in my car? After recovering enough to speak with police the guy pulls out a can of chew and drops a fat dip =O This is only the second time ive been around anyone who chews since i quit. I was stressed out, my brain was a mess after the seizure, i was watching this guy take a big old dip….. and i was still able to resist the temptation. I didnt ask for some or even go get my own. I ended up staying at the scene for over an hour helping the guy and the police look for the guys license the police lost. I told the guy about this site but tried not to preach too much. Laying there at home afterwards recovering i almost fantasized a dip but still reality hit me. If i had screwed up it would have made my head feel even worse with the drug rush and the altering body chemicals, it would have tasted like shit, it would have added 210% to my stress, id probably already be out by now and by today i prob wouldn’t even be getting a buzz anymore just guilt. Proud to say 627 days clean. My head is still alittle funked up from the seizures. I decided to quit driving awhile until i can talk to my doctor…. but im proud to say nothing good would have come from screwing up and chewing and i would be twice as stressed. Anyway best of luck people, have a safe and happy 4th.

Tom S.
Tom S.
7 years ago
Reply to  Tom S.

Just rereading this. Its crazy after you quit you want to share it so badly with others still using and help them quit? Talking to that guy last night about everything I’ve gained from quitting, how much better i feel, the weight ive lost, motivation ive gained, patience ive gained ….. and i get this deja-vu feeling? Where have i heard that all before??… RIGHT!! I had people telling me the exact same thing when i chewed or smoked… in one ear and out the other. It falls under that #1 rule, You really have to want to quit to do it. Some people are just not ready and/or just dont want to and you cannot force them. Some may never be until its too late? Talking with that guy about it telling me,”Ohh this can will last me all week”, i wanted to say,”give it some time it wont last you a day.” The reality is theres no way i could have made him understand and if he doesnt want to quit i cannot make him. Sorry for ranting, my brain is still somewhat scrambled from that seizure.

7 years ago

Day 160.

7 years ago

It’s 100 days! Can’t believe I made it. I have been the most addicted among all dippers around me. Today, I can say with proud that I AM QUIT. Thanks to KTC. I would definitely fail without support of KTC and YOU ALL MATES.
Thanks! Now I am on my way to next milestone of 200 days.

Leif Vanhorn
Leif Vanhorn
7 years ago

I have been 2 hours nicotine sober. I’ve got a can of grizzly on standby I think I won’t last. Oh sh*t I can’t help my hand is reaching in my pocket. F**k!

7 years ago
Reply to  Leif Vanhorn

Put somemore prep into your quit.

7 years ago

Day 17! Living in such an oxygen rich environment is great until the ANXIETY kicks in.. Ugh.. I will defeat this part of the process but WOW I’m so ecstatic that 17 days in and even with the ANXIETY I truly have not desire to go back to those old habits. Thank you all for sharing your stories and support.

7 years ago
Reply to  Murph32

I’m on day 33. Like you, I really experienced some intense anxiety. Still get a little here and there, but at day 33 I’m sleeping much better and the anxiety has leveled off considerably. Stay the course!

7 years ago

Anyone tried the Ryan Express dip? I ordered a few cans to try.

7 years ago
Reply to  DAN O

Chewie, it’s on the review, but no review. Just checking, thks.

7 years ago
Reply to  DAN O

Review page.

7 years ago
Reply to  Chewie

10 4, thks

7 years ago
Reply to  Chewie

Hi Chewie, was gonna leave a review on this stuff but I can’t on the review page.

7 years ago
Reply to  Chewie

Interesting is a fairly accurate way to put it.

Dave L
Dave L
7 years ago

Hello all, its 47 days quit for me today. Its still very hard and i think of it most of the day. Some times it comes on me very strong that i need a dip bad. I will keep fighting hope it gets better! Reading all your coments helps very much! Thanks!

7 years ago

Day 100 rookie bitches! That’s what I would say in the chat every day. Since this is somewhat of a milestone I thought I would post. I learned a lot in the past 100 days. I remember right before I quit, I was thinking I wouldn’t be able to do it. I remember after lunch on day 1, I was just going to cave and start the next day. That decision on day 1 (the same decision I have made since) has gotten me here. I remember thinking I wouldn’t be able to Golf without throwing in the griz. I remember I didn’t think I could play poker with my buddies without chewing. I didn’t think I would be able to drive to work without chewing. I didn’t think I would be able to smoke ribs all day without chewing. Would you believe that I didn’t need to chew to do any of that? Kind of weird that it took the birth of my son to figure that out. Anyway, I am 32, and I quit a habit that I had for 15 years. Everyone always says it, but if I can do it, literally anyone can do it. Thanks for the support to everyone on the site.

7 years ago
Reply to  PT

Thanks for sharing, very encouraging for a guy that’s on day 32, and still in the “fog”. It’s good to hear you can still enjoy all of those activities (especially since I love doing all that you listed) and you don’t need the dip. I’m still avoiding the golf course as I can see that as a huge emotional trigger, at least when your game is as bad as mine…LOL

7 years ago
Reply to  BDunn

One of the guys kind of simplified it…why would having a plant in your mouth make it any more enjoyable? Even when he told me that, I still thought it would be difficult to do, but once I started to see it for myself, I understood it. It is a crazy hold on us that nicotine has. You just need to shake it. Day 32 is good stuff man. Keep it up.

7 years ago

Hey folks, been awhile since I checked in. Almost 2 1/2 yrs being nic & tobacco free. Something weird happened the other day, I’ve been down for 2 1/2 weeks having had rotator cuff surgery. Can do nothing for awhile but sit on my butt while my RC tendon heals. I have 10 cans of Hooch & numerous tins of Teaza at my disposal, which I rarely even use anymore. But for some reason the other night I found myself googling a product I had read about called Tough Guy chew. It has nic & tobacco in it, but it claims to be all natural, I guess that’s a good thing. The price is right, $17 for 6 cans, a good price for a sample pack. They also have a herbal flavor but it contains nic but no tobacco. Maybe sitting on my butt or being buzzed on oxy (legally, a prescription, this surgery is a bitch) skewed my thought process, but I seriously almost ordered the sample pack. I almost threw away 2 1/2 yrs of nic & tobacco sobriety because of a moment of weakness. Thank goodness my clarity came back quickly & I DID NOT order a thing & all things are back to normal. Wow…… Thanks KTC, I stay quit with you all today.

Tom S.
Tom S.
7 years ago
Reply to  DAN O

That is crazy! I can only imagine screwing up after close to 2 years no nic? Idk if i could even live with myself? I had to look it up and you werent kidding, tough guy chew LOL!! I still have to laugh at the marketting of tobacco like joe camel. How tough would that mafia looking guy on the can be with no fucking front teeth? Glad you came to your senses and didnt order that crap, sounds like it was just the dope the doctors have you on.

7 years ago
Reply to  Tom S.

I would’ve been very disappointed in myself, KTC works people, believe it!!!!

Tom S.
Tom S.
7 years ago
Reply to  DAN O

624 days I believe it.

7 years ago

Day 166 for this guy! I’ve been using the fake stuff everyday along the way up until now. I married the woman of my dreams on Saturday! Time to quit the oral habit now. Trust me fellas, the longer you go without your fix the happier your life will become. Now time to start the next chapter ?

7 years ago
Reply to  Colton

Congrats on your marriage! I dipped throughout most of my 12 years. The worst feeling ever. Day 156. I quit with all of you!

I’ll say to those non quitters perusing this site that it is not just the “other guy” who quits. YOU will be that other guy. Join us “other guys!”

7 years ago

Day 15! Foggy but NO MORE hiding to take dip, rushing through appt just to dip, wasting good water just to have a spit cup, rinsing my mouth 5 times a day, swallowing dip spit when running into someone in public, being a dip addict, feeling guilty, not living up to my potential and the list goes on NO MORE!

7 years ago

Zach I don’t think it gets any easier because its the second time around. Ive attempted to quit a couple times now but this time I joined this site to add some accountability. This time I am QUIT for good! Day 12

7 years ago

How To Maintain Your Quit?

You must remain vigilant.

You can not let your guard down.

You can not tell yourself that you are ok.

You can not allow yourself to be around temptation.

What must you do?

Instead you must admit that you are an addict.

You must avoid things that would tempt an addict.

You must distract your mind when you are having those thoughts like just one more timeā€¦.

You must make a new decision to quit every day.

How do you renew your promise to stay quit?

Post Roll Call daily.


First thing in the morning.

Yes, Daily Roll Call

I quit with you today.

7 years ago
Reply to  dundippin

This comment went in under dundoping and should have gone in under dundippin – I would appreciate it if you could change the alias.

7 years ago
Reply to  Chewie

thank you

7 years ago

Hey fellas,
Today is day 1 of my second quit. I made it about 6 months last time and for some stupid decided to put one in.. I’ve been dipping again for about 2 months now and hate myself for it. My question is this, is it as hard to quit the second time as it was the first time? Either way I’m determined not to fail, just want to know what I have to look forward to.


7 years ago
Reply to  Zack

Hey Zack,

Everyone experiences different things during their quit. Some have more mild effects than others. As someone who has quit twice, I can’t say one was more pleasant than the other. The first time I quit I just developed anxiety in the absence of tobacco which was awful. This time I am experiencing a bout with insomnia and sleep disturbance and I am at the 60 day mark. I am not sharing this with you to frighten you by any means.

Quitting is just hard in general, what has made my second time easier is this time around I have had the support of this community. Whatever I was side effects or withdrawal symptoms I was experiencing, someone else on this site experienced to which provided me with some feeling of comfort. Use this website for support and stay focused. Dipping is a habit worth kicking.

Good Luck

7 years ago
Reply to  JoeyS

Yeah that’s kinda I was thinking. Quitting nicotine is always gonna be hard but worth it.

7 years ago
Reply to  Zack

Personally my second quit, don’t be surprise you see some new symptoms of the quit thrown your way. I was prepared for the same fight and it felt different, still just as shitty but be perpared. The first time my acid relax was off the charts but my mouth didn’t hurt. This time it’s literally the complete opppsite. That may just be me tho. Good luck….I am day 15.

7 years ago

Day 13! Trying to get over these negative thoughts and anxiety which has been keeping me in the house over the past week. I’ve had some good days in between though but I’ll hit a foggy day and it just throws everything off. Either way I pushing through and not looking back. Thank you all for your support!

7 years ago
Reply to  Murph32

13 for me bro as well. Today sucked ass after a decent (by quitting standards) weekend….KEEP IT UP.

7 years ago
Reply to  Mattvo27

Day 153. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. You can count on many more shitty days. Days full of anxiety, stress, doubt, and this constant thought that you just need one dip just to get by. I got this coming up, so I’ll just have a dip to get past it and then I’ll quit, for sure!

STAY THE COURSE. it will get more and more manageable until it’s barely an afterthought.

Days 70 to 90 were tough, and about day 110 I was constantly pissed for really no reason.

Now? Everything is great, and my life got better and better inspire of all the shit I, and we all had to go through. Kot one quitter out there wishes they hadn’t. You will be one of those. I quit with you today. Good bless.

7 years ago
Reply to  Murph32

Negative thoughts and fog are a part of the process, and by going through all that and more, rest assured that your mind, body, and spirit are healing. Know that it’s just a short few steps in the long journey of being quit.

I quit with you today.

Paul E Potter
Paul E Potter
7 years ago
Reply to  Murph32

Day 3…

7 years ago

As long as you are dipping you will always feel guilty.

Do you like yourself?



Because I feel guilty.

Why do you feel guilty?

Because as long as you are addicted, you are hiding something. You know you are doing something wrong and you need to lie and hide your addiction from the world.

You feel ashamed.

You feel out-of-touch.

You feel like you are less than you could be.

How to undue this?

Break free.

Take steps today to start your quit and move to guilt-free freedom.

I quit with you today.

This was previously posted to one of my blog sites and decided to share it here as well.

7 years ago
Reply to  Chewie

Chewie, I owe my freedom and all of my words of wisdom to you and your site. So yes, please feel welcome to add this to your words of wisdom. Thanks.

7 years ago

Day 10! I have to say that I have been so much more clear the past couple of days. My sense of smell and taste are back as well. I’m truly thankful for this site and all of you here. I know I’m early on but I’m not looking back, especially after the first 3 days (HELL ON EARTH)!

I do have a questions. Anyone notice any changes in their voice or still experiencing any dry mouth at this stage? Your stories are helpful and thank you in advance for sharing.

7 years ago
Reply to  Murph32

I wasn’t experiencing either of those, around day 10 my biggest thing was lack of energy, felt exhausted all day.

Nick Westfall
Nick Westfall
7 years ago
Reply to  Murph32

Yep and and I also had a feeling of something caught in my throat. Just stay the course and things will only continue to get better

7 years ago
Reply to  Nick Westfall

I also have the throats thing. Doctor cleared me on that so far too. One thing that helps, try some Galviscon Anti-acid for the throat. For your mouth, eat lots of yogurt as it will help your mouths bacteria adjust to no dipping.

7 years ago
Reply to  Murph32

Hey Bud, I’ve had the dry mouth, maybe more like a change in saliva, just seems different. It started a few days after quitting. I’ve been to an ENT, my dentist, and my primary, and they all said I’m fine. You probably are too.

7 years ago

Day 59 quit today.

7 years ago

Day 31! Quit cold turkey, was the hardest thing I’ve ever done but I am so happy I did it. I’ll never go back.

7 years ago

day 58 quit today

7 years ago

Day 89. Less cravings, though urge to have oral fixation is not reduced. I want to reduce oral fixation as well, any ideas how?

7 years ago
Reply to  TKV

If you are using fake dip, quit using that. I chewed on cinnamon sticks, actual cinnamon not the toothpicks. The cinnamon dries your mouth out, so after a few months I got to where I didn’t really like it and I noticed that I didn’t have an urge to constantly have something in my mouth. I still chew on a toothpick occasionally, but its not a need anymore. On the extreme end, you could always try a psychologist or hypnotherapist.

7 years ago
Reply to  TKV

I agree, i should not stop it now, as I fill I am not ready.
@redtrucker, I am not using fake dip, just any mouth freshener, say sunflower seeds, sometimes cinnamon, anything. But I need it like I needed a nicotine dip.
@Chewie, below is more than an advice to me, thanks.
“Needed it just like I needed my Kodiak and couldnā€™t go more than a few hours without one. And then one dayā€¦ I didnā€™t.”

7 years ago

Day 662 if i can you can.
Good luck

7 years ago

57 quit today no verses until thursday

7 years ago

Day 5, difficult, emotions are up and down lmfao. One moment i am incredibly sad I have given up chew the next I am so incredibly joyful I am not on the road to getting my jaw removed.

7 years ago
Reply to  Mattvo27

I definitely know how you feel. I try and focus on all the bad things and not dwell on the ‘good’.

7 years ago
Reply to  Drew

Yeah I agree…sometimes taking on semi-triggers are benifical to get over the attachment of dip. Like I realized I can have a good time golfing without a dip. Heavy triggers are still too much.

7 years ago

Day 4 after quitting cold turkey boy life sure is miserable just gotta suck it up and soldier on one day at a time 14 years without missing a day without my Skoal…..!

7 years ago

My BP dropped big time early on in my quit. Unfortunately, I started eating everything in front of my face, and now it’s elevated.

7 years ago

Been using pouches for the past 5 years and this is Day 1! I’ve been quit all day but I do have to say it’s been “Foggy” all day.. Anyone notice changes in their mucous this early on?

7 years ago
Reply to  Murph32

Yes don’t worry completely normal. During my first quit for about a week my mucous kinda blocked my throat. There are a lot of crazy things that will happen during this quit but use the site and your fellow quitters to ask questions and make your first attempt the a success (you don’t want to have to try this twice).

7 years ago
Reply to  Mattvo27

Thank you for that motivation. Today is Day 5 but for sure a CHALLENGING day. We had a heat wave today and I had an IBS flareup so you can only imagine that my initial thoughts were to get a dip and a drink to deal with the Fog and being Irritable.

With all that said I did not give in and looking forward to Day 6. It sucks now but I can’t even imagine having to start over and deal with this kind of stuff. Once this stage is over I’m going to eat a massive steak!

7 years ago
Reply to  Murph32

Awesome mentality, this stage is only temporary the benefits are forever. That steak is going to taste 5Ɨ better once you make it!

7 years ago
Reply to  Murph32

Same comedy stick in there pal brighter daze

7 years ago

You have my quit date wrong, it’s only by 1 day but I am not giving that 1 day up. That day was hell! Quit date is 6/5

Jack the Hammer
Jack the Hammer
7 years ago

134-days nic free! Went in for a check up to the Doctor today and had very high blood pressure. B/P was always normal before. Checking to see if anyone else had this problem? Thanks for your responses.

7 years ago

Yes, this was normal for me. My BP was exceedingly high for my first few months into my quit. This is primarily because you’re stressed and your body is feeling overwhelmed and craving nicotine! It’s to be expected! Your worries and concerns are heightened because you are now dealing with stress in a manner in which your body is not accustomed to respond to. Drink hot tea with ground ginger root.It’s a bit strong, but it will lower your BP levels by relaxing your blood vessels. I hope this helps.

Steve b quit
Steve b quit
7 years ago

yes Jack I had that problem.It took about 260 days to get back to normal . Never had high blood pressure till I quit.

7 years ago

My BP has increased since quitting 34 days ago.

Tom S.
Tom S.
7 years ago

Day 607 damn i went the entire weekend without even thinking about chew or this site. Been busy playing fallout new vegas so not sure if that counts. Woke up this morning feeling kinda sick to my stomach with a slightly bad taste in my mouth so that reminded me of when i used to chew. I was just thinking how bad my teeth used to hurt when i chewed? How alot of them were lose, the front ones especially? Id get these bleeding infections in my molars that would make it painful trying to eat. I bet if i were still chewing i would have lost some teeth by now because of it.

Shawn Bell
7 years ago

Day 1 Here we go!!!

7 years ago
Reply to  Shawn Bell

Me too man, good luck on your journey

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