Hooch Snuff Review (Chattahoochee Herbal Snuff)

This product review is long overdue. I was introduced to Hooch Snuff (also known as Chattahoochee Herbal Snuff) about 60-70 days into my quit. I’ve often said that this was my personal favorite fake dip and that I thought it was the closest on the market to the real thing. I realized that while I’ve been saying that I’d never actually done a review. Time to remedy that situation.
Hooch Snuff – Initial Impressions
The cans that I received were plastic. I’ve had metal tins in the past so this surprised me. After reviewing the site it appears that the steel tins are now offered at a premium ($0.35 per tin). Not something that I’d personally pay for, but certainly priced right (and reasonably) if you’d like the steel tin version.
Wintergreen – I started with this one cause I was a wintergreen guy. I absolutely love this stuff! There’s nothing that’s really quite like my Kodiak, but this is definitely the closest the market has to offer. It has a nice burn to it that reminds me of the real stuff. It’s been 5+ years since I’ve had a real dip so I can’t quite remember which brand this is closest to, but if my memory serves me correctly I’m thinking either Skoal Wintergreen or Silver Creek. I’ve said it before and I’ll repeat it upon this test… I’m not taking away anything from other brands, but this is hands down THE best wintergreen substitute on the market.
Cherry – While I was Kodiak Wintergreen guy for the majority of my dipping “career”, I did have a 2-3 year period where I chewed Cherry Skoal almost exclusively. This is is spot on right down to the shiver. I’m not sure if it was just my can, but this flavor seemed to be a bit less moist the the wintergreen that I’d tried previously. Product kept the burn until I took it out, though the cherry flavoring had subsided a bit (no surprise).
Mint – This is another outstanding flavor. Right from opening the can you get a tremendous minty smell. I don’t really have a ton to say when it comes to these flavors. If you’re looking for something that’s really close to the real thing, this is it. This one is Skoal Mint perfection.
Whiskey – I was very much looking forward to this one. I’ve had Hooch in the past, though this particular flavor was new to me. I popped it in and got a nice “sweet” flavor right away. Kind of reminded me of what I remember Redman Golden Blend tasting like. All of these flavors have a bit of cayenne to provide the “burn” and in this one it really sticks out. Not that it’s too hot but it just seems to stand out against the sweetness of the whiskey. I used to mix two of my favorites (Jack Daniels and Wintergreen Kodiak) so this was an interesting callback. Good flavor here.
Classic – Good “sweet” tobacco flavor. Still has a bit of the burn coming through which I don’t necessary think should be there with this flavor. The smell on my fingers (no jokes here please…) is DEAD ON for Cope or Skoal Straight (though the flavor is a bit too sweet). The closest thing I can equate this one to would be long cut Cope which I always thought was a big sweeter than the fine cut. This also kind of reminds me of the flavor that Red Man has. It has kind of a “warmer” flavor (if that makes any sense at all).
Spitfire – Honestly I was a bit scared to try this one again. It’s been quite some time since I had some Spitfire and I remember it being a little too spicy for my tastes. This time around, I have to say that I enjoyed it. I don’t know that this would be my choice of flavors but I can see why people would really like it. Like all the other Hooch flavors it’s got a burn but this one is “kicked up a notch” to really get some nice heat. Behind that heat is the nice sweetness of the Classic flavor.
Hooch Snuff – The Pros
- The closest sub to real tobacco that’s out there
(NOTE: This is listed as both a pro and a con.) - Packs like the real thing.
- Multiple flavor options.
- Good pricing ($3.15 per plastic tin, $3.50 per steel tin).
Hooch Snuff – The Cons
- The closest sub to real tobacco that’s out there
(NOTE: This is listed as both a pro and a con.)
- Messy on clean up. Very authentic.
- The cayenne pepper that provides the burn is present in all the flavors. Would be nice to have one that didn’t burn.
This brand is not quite a long cut, but it’s “bigger” than a fine cut product. All flavors sampled have that “burn” which is provided by the cayenne pepper that’s added. It’s not quite as “soft” as others I’ve tried, but it’s certainly not the “harshest” either. All flavors sampled have outstanding spitibility. Product produces quite a bit of saliva with a nice dark color.
I’ve been saying for years that this is the closest thing to real dip that’s available. To that end, this one may be a little bit too close to the real thing for some quitters. In fact, as I was sitting in my sitting in the basement with a “dip” in I almost felt like I was getting a buzz. This clearly wasn’t the case but it just goes to show how close this is… My brain was tricked. If you’re a quitter that can handle something so close to the real stuff I’d highly recommend Hooch.
Special thanks to Chet May from Hooch Snuff for providing me samples to try and review.
Hooch Snuff can be found on the web at www.hoochsnuff.com
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Have you tried Hooch? Let us know what you think and we’ll add your review to the site!
You keep comparing these Classic/Natural flavors to Copenhagen or Skoal Straight… do you mean Skoal Classic? Because NO straight tastes anything like Copenhagen or any other natural or classic dip/snuff.
I tried 2 cans last Christmas, Classic and Spitfire, and I hated it. Yuck. Tried to deal with the company for refund and they have never so much as replied to my request. I’m thinking that their “satisfaction guaranteed” promise is a hoax. I contacted them for the third time today—we will see. If you want to try this product, be aware that it is not risk free and it really doesn’t taste like snuff.
Weird, I ordered the regular Hooch to try something different from the rough cut. The only issue with the rough cut was the long strands of hat stick in your teeth. I got the regular & I could def tell the difference in taste. The regular has that herbal taste they all have, seems like the rough cut does not. Anyone else notice this or is it just me?
Makes total sense buddy. The float isn’t horrible with Rough Cut, it kinda comes & goes & you learn to deal with it. Appreciate the response.
Been using my Spitfire/Wintergreen Rough Cut mixture, really enjoying it. My question is does the Regular Cut float as bad as the Rough Cut? I’ve never tried the Regular Cut.
Hey Dan – though to say. I used to keep my chew way back in the back of my mouth so I tended to experience quite a bit of float with anything that wasn’t long cut. If I moved it to the front the float would be much less (even with say fine cut Cope). Even Rough Cut isn’t what I’d consider “long cut” and the regular is finer than that so I’d say yes it will probably float a bit more.
Sorry for the rambling. Hope this makes sense.