Your Quit

How You Can Break Your Nicotine Addiction With Spa Treatments

Spa Treatments
Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash

The country and its residents continue to face the increasing consequences of a rising issue: tobacco and nicotine use. According to an analysis by the CDC, almost 90 cents of every $10 spent on healthcare is attributed to smoking. Nicotine and tobacco use also adds $170 billion to the healthcare bill each year. Although data has shown a decline in cigarettes and small cigars in the last 15 years, there has also been a notable shift in consumption patterns including a rise in consumption of snuff and other smokeless tobacco products. This has also led to a rise in the number of Americans who are battling a nicotine addiction stemming from smokeless tobacco. Those that plan to quit smokeless tobacco can find it difficult due to nicotine addiction. However, there is now a growing list of interventions you can rely on such as counseling, medications, and even the use of spa treatments.

Withdrawal Symptoms Of Smokeless Tobacco

For those that quit smokeless tobacco, the effects of withdrawal can be intense during the first week. Being prepared for what those symptoms may look like can help you prepare to handle them. One of the most commonly cited withdrawal symptoms is cravings. Others also report experiencing headaches in the first 5 days alongside their cravings. This is due to the nicotine leaving your body. However, there are other side effects you can expect to experience as you go through nicotine withdrawal and many can be managed with the help of spa treatments.

Combat Feelings Of Depression With Massage And Aromatherapy

It has been well documented that you may feel depressed, sad, or grumpy during your initial withdrawal from nicotine. While it often resolves itself within a month from you quitting smokeless tobacco, several spa treatments can help you navigate the highs and lows while you wait. For instance, massage therapy has been proven to be incredibly effective at reducing stress levels. Research by Field, et al. (2005) found that massage therapy can reduce your cortisol levels by 31 percent. Elsewhere, other studies have shown that massage therapy can lead to a 50 percent reduction in cortisol levels.

Massage Therapy Can Help You Get Better Sleep

The same research by Field et al. (2005) also found that massage therapy can improve your serotonin levels by 28 percent. The increase in serotonin levels can boost your sleeping patterns and help you overcome insomnia, another common nicotine withdrawal symptom. This has been particularly proven with the use of deep tissue massages which can help to relieve physical tension in your body. Other spa treatments can help you sleep better including acupuncture and reflexology. Those seeking better sleep during their withdrawal can also incorporate exercise and a reduction in caffeine usage into their daily life. For those that want to combine fitness and the effects of spa treatments, a lavish health retreat in the rainforest can immerse you in new experiences while giving you the chance to experience natural spa or holistic spa treatments used by natives of the Philippines, Costa Rica, and other countries.

Yoga Can Aid Your Detox And Curb Your Hunger Cravings

Those who quit smokeless tobacco can also experience appetite changes during their initial nicotine withdrawal. Some experience a decline in appetite with others may experience increased hunger, a temptation to binge eat, and weight gain. The use of yoga can decrease binge eating by 51 percent, making it a useful tool in combating those symptoms during your withdrawal. Practicing yoga can improve your body awareness and mindfulness. This then filters down to your eating habits and decisions including binge eating temptations. Many spas offer innovative yoga sessions that are easily accessible to all levels, from beginners to the advanced. Another option is an in-spa detox program, many of which often include yoga and meditation as a part of its program. Recently, more published studies have linked mindful meditation to quitting smoking.

Quitting smokeless tobacco and dealing with nicotine addiction is an ongoing commitment. While the initial withdrawal may subside with the help of treatment programs and spa therapy, there is also a good chance you may face instances of temptation again in the future. The good news is, booking one of these spa treatments can help you gather a list of effective tools you can rely on time and time again if you ever need help dealing with your nicotine addiction.

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