
I Made It a Whole Year

One Year Later - I Made It a Whole Year

Wow.. Yesterday was one year without dip. One year without spilling dipcups in my car, having my wife accidentally take a sip in the middle of the night. One year of not having my heart racing to 125 when I am dipping.

One year of regaining the respect for myself that I had lost after all the failed attempts at dip. 1 Year (well, 8 months), of not being afraid to go to the dentist for fear he will find a lesion in my mouth.

1 year of freedom.. 1 year of camaraderie with my brothers in my quit group. 1 year of being so very thankful that I came to Kill The can. 1 year of being able to sit in my basement workshop doing my hobby stuff without a big dip in. One year of saving money.. One year of gaining the respect of my wife for sticking to it.

So many things to be thankful for. This past year has been amazing.. I have remade myself, and I have such a great future without dip. I always thought that dip was integral to who I was.. how fucked up is that? I am a new man today. I used to dip if I was having a bad day, because I “deserved it”, and I used to dip if I was having a good day because “I deserved to on a good day”.. what a crock.. Dip sucks.

Thanks you to all my friends and quit brothers at Kill The Can. A big shout out to all of the more recent quitters who might be struggling. Please know this: You can do it! I dipped for 26 of my 39 years, and quit dozens of times..never for more than 1 week.. This site will give you the support and tools you need to stay quit.

EVERYONE on here is interested in you quitting, so just drop someone a note, and you will get help. Include me in your list of people to reach out to… I will always be there for any member who needs some support in their quit.

Thanks everyone for listening to my ramble.

John Hayes (Persimmonpal)

NOTE: This piece written by forum member persimmonpal

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