Quit News

I’ll Quit On Monday

MondayWhat is it about a weekend?

I’ve heard it hundreds of times: “I’ve got a big INSERT EVENT HERE this weekend.  I can’t quit today.  I’ll quit Monday.”

And each and every week, I see it… people register for the forums on Sunday evening / Monday morning.  Now don’t get me wrong, I’ve got no problem with people getting signed up and getting their quit started on a Monday (as I happen to be one of you too).

My point is this: If you’re going to quit… QUIT.  Don’t wait till Monday.  Don’t wait until you’ve had that last weekend with the boys.  Don’t wait until you’ve binged one last time with your Skoal, Cope, Kodiak, etc.  It takes nicotine roughly 72 hours to get out of your system.  Why not start those 72 hours NOW and get it over with?

Don’t wait… quit today.

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15 years ago

I think it’s better to quit on a Friday. that way, you can ride out the weekend (and hybernate) without having to worry about work for the first few days. But like you said, whichever day it is, Today is always better than Tomorrow.

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