Is Tobacco Free Smokeless Chew (Fake Dip) Gluten Free?
At, we’re always looking to get as much information into the hands of people looking to quit dipping as possible. We get questions on a regular (daily) basis about quitting smokeless tobacco and the products we talk about and suggest. We got this question the other day and wanted to pass along the information here on the site.
Question: Is tobacco free smokeless chew gluten free? I was diagnosed gluten allergic, used to chew tobacco, changed to mint chew, but I have not been able to confirm that Jake’s chew is gluten free or any of the others. Can you help?
I honestly didn’t know the answer to this question so I reached out to Jake’s Mint Chew to get the answer. Here’s what Jake himself said:
Answer: We get this question from time to time asking if our product is gluten free. I always tell the customers that it is not, due to the fact that our flavor company uses many different ingredients and although they are certified organic we can’t state that they are 100% gluten free. Another question that we often get is asking whether Jake’s Mint Chew is safe for diabetics. I always reply that although we don’t use sugar in the production of our mint chew we do use vegetable glycerin. The glycerin which although is metabolized differently from and doesn’t promote tooth decay like sugar does have an affect on blood sugar levels. When it comes to health related issues which many of our customers inquire about, I always tell them to consult with their doctor if they have any concerns such as these.
So there you have it strait from Jake! Got a question you’d like us to answer? Contact us and we’ll see what we can do!