Words of Wisdom

It Is Your Day

Your Day

Well UST it is your day.

I quit 92 days ago. Today is not good. My head hurts, my neck hurts, my left eye feels like it is shifted over it is hard to hear out of my left ear. They say I have a cyst in my sinuses it might be it might not. I feel like shit today dizzy again and just pissed. That’s ok though today is your day.

No I will not buy your product today, I will not use your product. No Mr. Tobacco man you will not earn me back today. I am not your customer anymore.

I was good and loyal for 30 years and now I am gone. You can tell your boss what a mainstay I was if you want. I am sure he will force you to try and advertise your shitty product some other way to try to smooze me up so I come back. I will not, however it is your day.

I have lingered silently for 92 days with little blame shared in my long use of your product. No for 92 days I have realized it was my fault that I shoved cancer in my face for 30 years.

But it is your day.

Yes indeed I made the decision at 9 years old to use your product. It was right between the double bubble and the york peppermint patty’s. It is not your fault it went there at eye level in the gas station. Right where me and all other kids could focus right in on it. No I do not blame you for putting it right where I could reach it and look like that badass cowboy, football player, baseball player, my uncles, cousins, and even my dad. They used. They looked cool. Oh yes now I could too.

But its your day.

All my life I took all of the blame but today I feel different.

No today you need to hear this.


You are a fatass faggot Mr Tobacco. You sir are a fuck face. I hope you die soon and burn in hell. I hope its hot and I hope you are real thirsty. I hope when you get to quench that thirst that all you can find to drink are the filthy, moldy, stinky ass, bacteria filled bottles, cups, and cans that I needed to use for spit. The ones I would seal and throw in the woods so mom and dad wouldn’t see would be real nice. I hope it makes you puke when you drink it you mighty fine faggot you.

I hope your wife sees what you really are and fucks all your friends and all your enemies. Maybe she will let us all line up and train her ass. Maybe she will kiss you with my giz in her mouth. It shouldn’t taste like chemicals anymore. She didn’t like that.

I hope your kids figure out what you are too. I hope they de-nut you or at least realize how you sought out little kids with your death in a can and refuse your empire when you die. If not I hope then you hooked them at 9 too just to be fair.

Oh yeah big boy you hooked me then. Did it feel good. Did you feel big and empowered. Yeah did you celebrate a 9 year old buying into your lifestyle. Feel good please.

May you never feel good again though. Nope its your day fagman. You lost me. You lost me for good.

I will not dip. Not for you, not for me, my mom, my wife, my kids. I will not dip for anything in the world.

Fuck you son of a bitch. I hope I am stepping on your balls. If you need custom attention then come buy. I will feed them to you. But I will not dip.

Nope fuck you. Its your day to know that. Its your day to feel my wrath. Read this you chickenshit. Grow balls. Stop by please Mr. Man. Stop by please. I have some shit for your mouth. Come by. I can ram my foot in your ass and roll over. Should feel good. Compared to how I feel it should be pleasant.

Jody B

NOTE: This piece written by KillTheCan.org forum member signal31x

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