Be A Quitter

Its Beginning To Look a Lot Like Quitmas

The holidays are right around the corner and would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! If you’re looking to quit dipping around this holiday season we’re here to help!


When you’re ready to quit dipping join us and make your holiday season a tobacco free one. You CAN do this.

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7 years ago

Quitmas? What a fantastic idea! Actually, that’s a strong inspirational motto right there, to be held as a frame on my wall someday. As I am still in contact with nicotine (always trying to stop, but weeks later I discover that I can’t) oh well, at least we all were trying to stop at an early age.

Cuz some people carry these bad habbits around their old age. I don’t know, maybe their just easily swayed by the product? I don’t know as I have never tried fake-dipping.
Is it filtered? If not, wouldn’t it be gross? I mean I really can’t bare to think of the idea image of something like that being in my mouth. But maybe its a better option, I’ll try willingly anyways to stop on my own!

Thanks to the website founder who thought of building a forum like this to encourage addicts (like me) to stop! 😀

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