Ode To The Quitter
It’s Day SIXTY-SEVEN and Who Would Have Thunk
It’s day SIXTY-SEVEN and who would have thunk
That I’d last this long without getting drunk.
I’ve been tested and I’ve been tried,
But I’ve also POSTED UP, so I’ve never lied!
Yeah there’s been days that I’ve wanted to CAVE,
But I’d txt a FOG CUTTER, and that killed the crave.
You see, you can’t do this alone, no one’s that strong,
So suck up that pride, KTC won’t lead you wrong.
Just keep postin up, everyday, never fail,
Look the nic-bitch head on, you’re STRONG, not frail.
Cuz at the end of the day, you’ll be feeling great,
I know I will, tomorrow I’m postin DAY 68!!!
NOTE: This is part of the Ode To The Quitter series written byĀ KillTheCan.org forumĀ member Phillip. Ā For more details seeĀ Ode To The Quitter.