2015 HOF Speeches

JBP770’s HOF Speech – Why I Promise

JBP770's HOF Speech - Why I Promise

I haven’t had a writing assignment since College. So, please bear (pun intentional) with me.

July 7, 2015 was a crazy day for me. I got a call that my Granny was in the hospital with breathing issues. I guess I didn’t really get too worried because she is 76 years old and has smoked since she was 12. She is tough as nails so I figured she would have another minor surgery and keep it moving. But not that day, not July 7th. It was the big C, Lung Cancer. The Doctor said they will try Chemo but because of her age, it’s not likely to be effective. I stood in that Villa Rica Hospital and told my Granny to relax because she is tough and she will beat it.

My Wife hugged me and led me to the car, where I grabbed a pinch of Grizz Fine Cut WG and spit the whole ride home, around 30 mins.

A month went by and my Granny was feeling better. Chemo followed by blood transfusions had her up and about. I would spend time at her house helping. Me with my pinch and her still chain smoking. Man were we are dying for this nicotine shit. This thought stuck with me. The addiction to nicotine had effectively killed my Granny and she is just hoping to stay alive to smoke another day.

September 1, I was told by the Doctor that it will not be long for my Granny. There will be no more Chemo, no more transfusions, the Cancer is as small as it can be. It will come back and it will come back with a vengeance. With a Vengeance, exact fucking words from this guy.

That was my day. I don’t know why but I knew I was done. No more chew, no more nicotine. I want my Son to see a new family tradition of hate, hate for nicotine. See, my Mom, Wife, Brother, both Uncles, all of my Aunts still smoke. I hate it but I can see it killing them all. Fucking Nicotine!

December 3, The Cancer won. Lillian Chamlee left this world. On Monday, I carried my Granny to her final resting spot and every single person in my family is chain smoking and crying. They all keep ingesting this chemical through means that have killed their Mother, Granny, and Friend. I cry too. I cry because I fear the outcome for my loved ones.

Thats my drive. Thats why I promise.

NOTE: This piece written by KillTheCan.org forum member jbp770

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9 years ago

Awesome and sad at same time. On a serious note. We are doing this together.

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