2012 HOF Speeches

Just Like The Rest

05wrxing avatarI have no idea where to really start out so, I’ll start with a bit about myself. I started dipping sometime around 15 yrs old because a friend offered me the can and like an idiot, I took a chew. I was sick as hell bout an hour later and then within the next week I was buying my own. Most all the men in my family used some kind of tobacco be it dip or leaf tobacco so, I thought I was being a man just like the rest of my family. I see now that I was just being stupid and dumb. For the first few years I never dipped a lot and after 5 or so years I was picking it up and dipping almost a can a day, by the time I was starting to realize that I was just killing myself I was dipping a can to a can and a half a day.

Well now letsĀ fast forward to my quit date. I wasn’t planning on quitting at all and on the 19th of September my wife had my debit card and I had no cash, so I was unable to buy a can of cope that day but, instead of running to the store and buying a can as soon as I could I got online while I was at work and found ktc and read it for hour’s on end. That is when I knew I was going to QUIT. I had tried to quit a million time’s before for all kind’s of different reason’s. My wife alway’s hated my dipping and tried to make or persuade me to quit atleast once a day, I was to stubborn and just didn’t want to quit. I was still dipping when my first son was born and I alway’s said I would quit for him but I never did. Then 4 years after that my 2nd son was born so I said I would for sure quit for him but, you know what? I didn’t. when he really started talking good he would alway’s ask me if he could have my spit bottle, he said he needed to spit too. I was crying on the inside everyday because I just knew I would never be able to quit and set a better example for my kid’s. I hated myself. I hated what that damn can was doing to me. I was working my way into an early grave with how much I was increasing my cancer risk, I had shit breath and stained teeth and I will never understand how my wife ever kissed me.

I dipped for around 12 year’s before that great day back in September when my wife took my debit card and I found ktc. I got some great support on this site from alot of people and I want to thank all of you from the bottom of my heart. Kdip, ERDVM, sirderek, sportsfan231, Loot, ffmoofus, gmann, copenhaten, boelker62, mich34 and skoal monster, whom I never reached out to but I should have. His post really hit home with me and made my quit even stronger, and to all the people that put up with my shit in the wildcard post’s, Thank you. I plan to be on this site as for as long as I can. as soon as I get another smart phone ill be back to posting 75 time’s a day. Sorry for the crappy spelling and bad use of punctuation. Thank you so much to KTC and every one that has supported me on this journey.

NOTE: This piece written byĀ KillTheCan.org forumĀ memberĀ 05wrxing

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