2013 Smokeless Summit

KTC Representatives To The Smokeless Summit Announced!

Finish LineThe continuing saga of narratives about the The 7th National Summit on Smokeless and Spit Tobacco Summit in Missoula, MT. which is THIS WEEK!!!  KillTheCan.org is a sponsor of the event and is sending two representatives to talk about our brand of quit.  Thank you SO much to everyone who donated to the cause!

If you haven’t checked out Part 1Part 2Part 3 and Part 4 check them out.

And now, the saga concludes…

Luby:  We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming for this important announcement: The Seventh Annual Smokeless Summit begins tomorrow, and KTC still has not picked its two representatives.  (Pauses…looks directly into the camera)  Seriously?  Come on people.  The talent show that was to decide who would attend was postponed when it came to light that new admin GMann (file photo) was using it as his own personal (and I quote) “black leather couch”.

(Cuts to)

Razd:  (Wiping a tear away)  He touched my bottom.

Luby:  The admins immediately issued this press release:

“Due to some libido issues with our staff, we are canceling the talent portion of the competition.  Tickets will be refunded at face value.  Please contact Loot for further details.  We are in the process of selecting two representatives, and will make our announcement shortly.  We would like to thank Copehater for his extremely generous gifts, Coach Steve for his wonderful reporting leading up to the event, and each and every quitter that will make this possible with their support and gifts.  Thank you.  This site doesn’t exist without you.”

Luby:  To date, the KTC has raised nearly $6,000 towards attending the event.  The talent show was thought to bring in an additional $3.50.   Who will the KTC send to this year’s summit?  2012’s representatives were Chewie and Klark.  Both represented well as two of only a few quit groups in attendance.  The summit focuses on education and prevention of smokeless tobacco’s use, but few there actually have experienced quitting the evil substance.

Chewie:  Groups like ours are an enigma to many non-users.  Many people think “Just don’t do it”.  They don’t see the work that needs to be done.  They don’t see that our strength comes from our solidarity in message.  In fact, one of the statistics we will be pointing out at this year’s conference is a study on our own site through our spreadsheets.

  • 1 out of 3 people that sign up for our site posts a day 1.
  • Of the people that post day 1, 1 out of 3 make the Hall of Fame.

Those are huge numbers for any quit program as the baseline is 5% success when quitting cold turkey on your own.  In fact, over 17% of all quitters that post a day 1 are still posting today.  That number may actually be higher.
Luby:   Chewie, that is truly amazing.  I look forward to the announcement on who will attend the Summit…

Chewie:  Why wait?  Let’s do it now!  Hell, their flights are already in the air.

I’m thrilled to (finally) announce that attending this year’s Summit are none other than site moderators wastepanel and kdip!  We are thrilled to have these two fine gentlemen representing KillTheCan.org and we know that they’ll make a great showing.  Thanks for taking up the cause guys.  Enjoy Missoula!!!

PS – Thanks to the incredible generosity of our members, we raised nearly $6,200 for this event!  THANK YOU!!!

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