
KTC Stocking Stuffer Pricing

KTC Stocking StufferFirst off… Before I get to the “meat” of this post, I just want to reflect for a moment on Thanksgiving.  This time of year is pretty great around KTC.  For those of you that don’t know, November 20th marks our anniversary every year.  For the past 4 years now we’ve been helping people get and stay quit.  We’re nearing 7,000 members on the message boards with almost 900,000 posts.  I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again… I’m SO thankful for all of those people.  They’ve saved my life and continue to do so every day.

Secondly… if you’ve been following my previous posts, you’ll know that we now offer Milestone Chips to help quitters celebrate big days in their quit.  I’m happy to say that I now have all of them in hand, all pre-orders have been fulfilled and we’re taking additional orders.

So finally… to the point of this point.  Now till the end of the year, all Milestone Chips have been reduced to $7 which includes shipping and handling. They’ll make great stocking stuffers for that quitter in your life.

Happy holidays!

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