Words of Wisdom

Letter To the Wife

KTC Letter

Being today’s discussion got me thinking about my quit day, I thought I would share this e-mail with the group. I also plan to post it in August. I’ve made a couple of edits to remove names, but that is the only thing changed.

I keep this e-mail with me at all times. There have been a couple of occasions where I was nearing a cave but after reading this and then thinking about all the folks here on KTC and my promise to them….the idea of ever putting that shit in my mouth again goes right out of my head…not going to happen.

If you have not, I strongly encourage everyone in July to write down why they have made the decision to quit…writing this down and always keeping it with you could possibly be the difference between success and failure.

From: bamadan
Sent: Monday, March 22, 2010 2:28 PM
To: bamadan’s wife
Subject: Mark this day down…
Importance: High

Hello Wife,

I’ve been doing a fair amount of thinking today and have made a solid/firm decision. This afternoon I partook in the last dip I will ever have. After last week and the whole cutting back thing I’ve decided this is the only way to accomplish my goal. I know this is going to be damn hard but I have no intention of failing…it’s going to happen, and happen now.

For the past several weeks I haven’t been able to stop thinking about “what if I’m not around to watch daughters name grow up.” I realize some things are out of my control…the tragic/freak accident with coworkers name kid proves anything can happen at any time. But the possibility of getting oral cancer and an increased risk of heart disease is something I can prevent.

I’m going to do everything possible to lead a healthy lifestyle to make sure that I’m always around for my two wonderfully special ladies. I’ve thrown out all dip cans and bottles in the house and car….I’m ready to make this happen…no turning back now. Today is the day!!!!!!!

Your Hubs

NOTE: This piece written by KillTheCan.org forum member bigbamadan

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