Words of Wisdom

Life Priorities

Deer Hunting - Life Priorities
Photo by Pexels User Sharath G.

Sitting in the blind or up in a tree stand has always gave me peace. The sounds of the forest as it comes alive are like no other. I grew up in the city but summers were spent at either of my grandparents, both sets living out in the country. There is a certain freedom that comes from walking in the woods. Some will never experience it.

I was sitting in the blind that morning contemplating life and the world. Actually that’s almost exactly what I was doing despite the corny sound of it. I was thinking about my faith and family. God. My wife. My 3 kids. The forest sounds helped me get lost in my thoughts. It’s all so relaxing. Then I glanced down my shooting lane and there he was. No monster by any means. A simple little 8 pointer. I wasn’t sure when or even if I would get to go back hunting again. So he feel to my 30-06.

He only went about 30 yards into the thicker timber. Nice blood trail. I dragged him back out to the lane so I could look at him. Dang, a broke tine. Oh well, he was still great in my book. Got him back to camp and then off to the taxidermist. He was going on the wall no matter the size.


Back to this line now.. I was sitting in the blind that morning contemplating life and the world. I shot this deer in November of 2005. The previous month I had found out I had cancer. The cancer was of course from dipping. I was going into the hospital the next month. As a matter of fact, less than 2 weeks after I took that deer, I had my operation. I had no idea what to expect. The doctors of course prepared me for the worst. It turned out to be not as bad and for that I praise God. But while sitting there that day, my mind was racing. Then a calm came over me. I merely sat and watched and listened and relaxed.

Being outdoors has become so much more to me now. I want to share it with everyone. I want my kids to not become what I almost had become. Complacent with life.


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