Words of Wisdom

Moose Dropping – Friggen Caver

Moose Dropping - Friggen Caver

Have any of you ever seen one of those water striders that run around on little air bubbles on their feet? Their technical names are “gerridae” should some of you want to look it up and see exactly what I’m talking about. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerridae

Anyway… back to what I was thinking about. We used to have a large tank (stock pond) on our property when I was growing up for the cattle. I noticed that these bugs were running all over the surface of the water. When other bugs like mosquito’s and gnats would come in they would catch them because they have specialized feet to run on the top of the water. Everything was just as it was intended until the 6 foot 12 year old named Moose came and threw rocks and other debris in the water to make ripples and make these little bugs sometimes go underwater. Their feet could not grab the surface because it was too rough and they would lose their footing. It was cool to see how they would swim and make their way back to the edge and wait until the water would settle before getting back onto where they were most comfortable. Then the little shit Moose would start the entire process over again.

I was in chat last night and someone (whom I will not name) came in and explained that they had caved. He was very apologetic and caught a hailstorm of shit from about six different members. This by no means is a pass for him, however I am very proud that #1 He was honest and #2 that he had the fortitude to stay here after doing the unthinkable. I was trying to explain to him what his cave did to MY community, and really I was at a loss for words. I sat in bed last night and was trying to come up with an analogy to how I felt it affected the KTC community.

Our quit is exactly like the lives of the water striders that I spoke of earlier. Our world is calm and we are trying to stay afloat, then something happens that makes the water ripple, makes us sink, and we struggle to find a path back to calm ground. When someone caves its exactly like Moose throwing in that huge ole rock to make the striders panic, and run around in circles to try to avoid the incoming misfortune. We do not need any more ripples in our quit, its already raining and the water is choppy before any action is taken to make us falter.

This community is rough, tough, and sometimes explosive. With that said however it is also very delicate, and easily damaged. Should you feel that you are on the brink of a cave, please, please, please at least pick up the phone and let US try to help you get the big ass gun out chor mush. Let us do our job as quitters to help you achieve something that you at the moment do not believe yourself. You can do it, I and others believe in you and KNOW that you can do it if you put it in your head. Last but not least, don’t ripple my water, I’m having a hard enough time on my own to stay on top of my quit.

Last but certainly not least, THANK YOU VETERANS, your service and your selfless sacrifices are appreciated and cherished. I thank you for giving me and my loved ones a safe and free country. I pray that you and all of your families remain safe, and that you know in your hearts that there are Americans that know the sacrifices that you have made for US, and America. Thank you, thank you, thank you….

NOTE: This piece written by KillTheCan.org forum member Moose

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