Words of Wisdom

Moose Droppings – Hey You!

Moose Droppings - Hey You!
Image credit Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Hey You!

I hope everyone is doing good and buckled up for another weekend of quit.

I have a friend named Michael that got into a terrible auto accident. His truck flipped several times and he lost a leg, an arm, one eye, and his penis was severed at the base. He was rushed to the hospital for a radical new surgical procedure called Replacitwithanimalparts. His leg was replaced with an ostrich leg, his arm with a gorilla arm, his eye with an eagles eye, and his pecker with an elephant trunk. The 22 hour surgery was a success. It took 14 Dr’s to undergo the surgery and an untold amount of donated blood.

About three weeks after the surgery, I invited Michael over because I wanted to see how my old friend was doing. While eating dinner I asked him how the parts were doing and if he liked them. He hesitated, and told me the ins and outs of having undergone this new procedure.

“well Moose, my Ostrich leg is fast, but I had to get all new pants because my knee is on the opposite side, and it bends backwards now, my gorillas arm is VERY strong but its hairy and every time I come near anyone with long hair I start sifting through it for little insects to eat, the eagles eye is great for seeing far and clear but it kinda freaks people out, cause I have that extra eyelid like birds have and when I blink it makes people uncomfortable, and well Moose… I’m very embarrassed about this but… the elephant trunk defiantly has its perks, but honestly…. MAN, I cant even walk my dog Buster in the park …cause it always grabs big clumps of grass and shoves it up my ass, and honestly…it hurts…”

As you can tell my friend was in no accident, but do you think that we are like this? Do we always look and focus on all the bad things, and forget to see what’s right in front of our faces? He was so concerned about all the shit that was wrong that he couldn’t see that #1 He was alive, and that he could breath and see his family for another day. #2 That he had all this cool stuff, he could pick up huge things, see for miles, run faster than any human, and had a “TOOL” that made a porn star envious. We do this here at KTC so much …. We only see the bad post and the shit that we don’t want to be worried with. I was on chat the other night and we had 3 new people trying to quit using Nicotine…. Man, That is friggen GREAT!! If we can help just one of the three, we have done our job.

I see post stating that this is not a good place to become quit. I strongly, and respectively disagree. There ARE so many people here that genuinely care for someone that they will never meet. They will put their lives on hold to help each other out at all hours of the night. I do however agree that we do focus on too many of the negative issues much too often. I do ask that before anyone leaves this terrific site, that they consider one thing.

We as people have many different values, standards, beliefs, religions, and last but not least opinions. We (including myself) have to take a step back and see that we are never going to agree with each other about everything, but we can respect each other in their thoughts and the occasional opinionated post. I simply ask that you (along with myself) do not focus on the negative stuff, rather… focus on a growing February group, a completely insane January group, and many people that are here to help, no matter what time of day or night.

If you haven’t figured out that I’ve lost my fuckin mind, then you haven’t been paying attention…

NOTE: This piece written by KillTheCan.org forum member Moose

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