Motivation and Education

Moving Forward After Tobacco Dependence

The Challenges of Moving Forward After Tobacco Dependence and Other Substance Issues

Moving Forward After Tobacco Dependence

Moving forward after tobacco dependence and other substance issues can be hard, especially if you believe that your life was over or if you lost a lot throughout your years of mental health challenges, such as your job or your relationship. However, it is possible to move forward and have a bright and peaceful future. There are a few challenges that can get in your way, though, and here are a few of them.

1. Withdrawal Symptoms

The first challenge that you need to combat is withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawal from tobacco can leave you feeling shaky and irritable. You might experience bouts of anxiety and feel unable to sleep as well as you used to. Most importantly, though, you might think constantly about the substance in question, and you might crave to use just a little bit. These cravings can destroy the hard work that you have put into quitting. Then, you can manage your withdrawal symptoms after substance abuse by enduring a medical detox. This detox can allow you to experience withdrawal in a controlled environment and can minimize cravings by eradicating any remnants of the substance from your body. This can allow you to start over with a fresh slate.

2. Peer Pressure

If you are constantly surrounded by tobacco or by peers who use tobacco or other addictive substances, you might feel tempted to give it a go again. Not only this, but these peers might pressure you to take some for yourself and might belittle your victory over your mental health challenges. If that is the case, you should try to meet up with your friends in a different environment where you will not be surrounded by tobacco on all four sides. You should also put boundaries in place. If these boundaries cannot be stuck to, you should consider looking for new hobbies and friends that can keep you occupied and help you to find joy in life again.

3. Life Struggles

Although it might be easy to stay away from tobacco and other substances when you are happy and content, this can be harder when you are facing a life struggle. For instance, if you are experiencing stress at work, if a loved one is ill, or if your relationship is going down the drain, you might be tempted to pick up tobacco again as a release. Not only this, but you might wish for an escape when you miss your old life or if you see the past through rose-tinted spectacles. If that is the case, you should make sure that you have a network of support and that you can create healthy coping mechanisms, such as going for a walk or deep breathing exercises. You might also consider seeing a therapist or going on a day trip that will allow you to step outside of the issue that you are struggling with for a while. This will make the lack of tobacco and other substances in your life appear to be less daunting than they were previously.

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