Words of Wisdom

My Favorite Emotion – Relief

Sigh of Relief
One of my all-time favorite emotions is relief. That’s how I feel each day where I am not dipping.

Relief that I don’t have that need to put nicotine in my system when stress and other triggers flare up.

Relief that I don’t have anxiety when I guesstimate I have maybe 3-4 more pinches left.

Relief that I don’t have to go to the gas station or c-store and waste more of my hard-earned money and time. $6.50 for a tin of Skoal cherry adds up quickly, and I always would throw in unnecessary snacks, drinks, and other crap (excess calories) to further validate why I stepped foot in the store in the first place.

Relief that I am using my disposable income and increased energy/cardio health to pursue better, more productive activities (like muay thai boxing, which I absolutely love now).

Relief that I am not paying for something that negates any of the healthy initiatives I undertake (eating right, exercising, etc).

Relief that I have not let others down. I have let myself down more times than I can count, but I absolutely HATE to let others down.

Relief that my gums are healed and my lips are not constantly chapped and I don’t have to dump gallons of nasty spit.

Relief that every day I don’t dip, I am healthier than I was on this exact day 1 year ago.

All this relief has made me a happier man and a less stressed-out individual. Sure, all my challenges, the negatives, and life in general is still coming at me from all corners. But I am standing up on my own two feet without a crutch and handling my business with a clear mind and with better health.

NOTE: This piece written by KillTheCan.org forum member jimmykeeper

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