2011 HOF Speeches

My Fellow Quitters

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I have to admit that this date kinda snuck up on me, so I’m just gonna wing it. This placed saved my life, I was 9 days quit when i found this site and got really involved in it. I thought I had it all figured out, so around day 30 hanging out with my Brother, I got plastered and Caved. I didn’t even remember the cave and had to be told by my wife the next day. I made up my mind and got right back in the saddle. I came in here, admitted what i had done and sat back and waited for the shit storm. Some believed me, some did not, and may still not. I couldn’t change that then can’t change it now. To those who have gotten to know me through out my quit, i feel confident ya’ll know the truth. I have tried to take every opportunity to share my stories the newbies in the hopes of preventing them from making the same mistake. I have been told that i am an inspiration. I don’t know about that. I fucked up and had to start over, but to be honest I wouldn’t change it now, because it has made me the quitter i am today. There are so many of you to thank, I know that I am going to miss some, and for that feel free to rip my ass in chat. Ryan, Box-o-wine, tarp, MikeA, Flo, Gator, AN, TQ, Bait, Nola, Seth, Pista, Klark. You folks are the glue that have held my quit together and for this I am forever thankful. This is only the first step you sumbithches Stay quit and I love Ya’ll.

AKA The Prez. of the Republic of Texas

NOTE: This piece written by KillTheCan.org forum member Gomer76825

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