2008 HOF Speeches

My Quit – Give Your Word Every Day

bubblehed668 avatarThis is kind of long so bear with me. I just started typing and when I stopped I had all of this.

Friday, March 21, 2008 at 5:01pm I spit out my last dip for the rest of my life. (Now I know there are some of you who say well that’s 101 days.) I started counting differently before I joined the site and I have kept it that way. I spent those first 3 days and nights curled up in a fetal position in my recliner doing the DT shuffle. My wife and son knew what I was doing and steered clear of me for the most part except to ask if I needed anything. I made it through with sheer determination.

Came to work on Monday morning and was talking to a vendor about quitting and she faxed over a flyer about Hooch snuff. I went their site and found the holy grail of quitting sites KillTheCan.Org. Now 100 days later here I am clean and nic free. I don’t think, no I know that I would not have made it this far with out this site and all my brothers and sisters that are here.

My first day here there were several people who welcomed me in with open arms and really helped me out. Some even talked a lot of smack while doing it. The first to greet me Skoaldaddy (aka skoalsmokeshairlesscamelpenis). I registered at 9:06 and by 10:58 I had his number. With in the next couple of days painthorse68 and 11×4 gave me their numbers. Later on Timmay gave me his number. Thankfully with all the numbers I have, I have never had to use them, other than to give Skoaldaddy crap about his Royals and to have Timmay post roll for me while I was out camping with Scouts.

Now for thee other folks in chat my psycho quitter brothers and sisters talking all that smack in there. Timmay (Timtubesock), Jpine, Seanfhear, QT, Gracie, FAL (Tedder Salad), Turkey, Mule, Visa, P35 (Cooch), NIT & Monty (IMW). There are many others I am sure I have missed but you are also a great part of my quit.

When you give your word everyday that you will not take a dip or use nic that is big. But I found one thing that made my quit even bigger and stronger. That was a lunch I went to with some brother quitters here in Texas back in May. There were three old timer quitters and two newbies. It’s one thing to talk to people in chat, banter back and forth on the boards or PM, but to put a live face to the people you are giving your word to every day to not dip, that is huge. OutDoorTexan (ODT), Mahum, 2manycans & CTD2500 (<— other newbie) thanks for helping out greatly with my quit.

To all those who think that they can’t quit, all I can say is “BULLSHIT”. You don’t want to quit. I dipped for 35 years. At my worst I was at two cans a day, at the end a can every three days. You have to want to quit and quit for yourself and no one else and you can do it. Now get your ass in here, take that shit out your lip and flush it down the toilet. . . . . . . . . Done, good now log in, post roll and get into chat with a great group of quitters and in 100 days you will write a story like this.

To all who have made this site possible we (I) owe you a great debt of gratitude. As I said before I know I would not have made it without KTC by my side and holding me up.

Last but not least I want to thank my wife and son. They also know the hell I have gone thru for this quit and they have lived with it and still encouraged me. I know in the long run they are the beneficiaries of my quit because I will still be here 10 or 20 years down the road enjoying life with them.

‘Finger’ nic biotch kiss my ‘arse’


NOTE: This piece written by KillTheCan.org forum member bubblehed668

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10 years ago

30 year dipper would love some help.
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