Words of Wisdom

Newbie News – You May Be a Quitter

Newbie News - You May Be a QuitterNewbie news for youse (yall)(yins) newbies

If quit ain’t the first thing on your mind when you wake, you might not post roll.
If quit isn’t the last thing on your mind when you sleep, you might not post roll.
If you don’t give a rat’s ass about yourself, you might not post roll.
If you are still lying to the man in the mirror, you might not post roll.

If you can say “I forgot to post roll cause I was not thinking about my quit”, then nic bitch loves you a lot.
If you post roll everyday your feet hit the floor, removing it from the card table for the day, you might be badass quitter.
If you look at the man in the mirror and can forgive yourself for dipping all those years, you might be a badass quitter.
If your quit has a positive affect on many other aspects of your life (personal and professional), you might be a badass quitter.
If you can participate in helping other nicotine addicts, you’re a badass quitter.

NOTE: This piece written by KillTheCan.org forum member 30isEnuff

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