Ode To The Quitter

Ode To Copehater and His Comma

Comma SenseDamn Sir you did it! I bet you feel great.
One Thousand days down. The first comma you make!
I’m sure to get there it feels just like heaven.
So we’re posting with you in Feb 2011!
If you don’t know ‘Hater, he’s one Helluva guy.
Ask any on this site, I promise they won’t lie.
You can find him in chat, and all over the site.
Always helping the newbs, telling them what’s right.
I’ve heard rumors about him, he gives from his heart,
He does what he can. He plays his quit part.
And that’s saying a lot, for quitting so long.
In that much time, so many have gone wrong.
But Hater stayed in there, when many did cave,
R4TB and LacrosseMiddie helped him from an early grave.
Now from what I’ve heard, Hater’s a CFO.
That’s a whole lot of pressure, wherever you go!
To do that and stay quit, I bet your tested each day.
And even after 1,000 dip’s demon you slay.
It’s guys like this, that keep KTC tough,
And we know the old saying, “when the going get’s rough”
The tenth floor you’re on, way up in the air.
There’s many like me, who are working to get there.
So we’ll keep on pushing and follow your lead.
One helluva quitter, an example indeed.

NOTE: This is part of the Ode To The Quitter series written by KillTheCan.org forum member Phillip. For more details see Ode To The Quitter.

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8 years ago

What a great site, stumbled across this some how after day 5 of quitting and now on day 11. It’s helped me out big time thanks! I’ve chewed cope for 22 years. Tried quitting before, always ended going back and dippin even harder. It’s not easy but happy to see others going through the same thing and being supportive. Good luck to all of you, kill the can

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