Ode To Day 69 – I’m Out of the Haze!
As I sit here and ponder the last 69 days,
I can’t help but smile, cuz I’m out of the haze!
I thought that I couldn’t live without my can,
But in doing so I became a much better man!
I don’t have to lie, and hide my spit cup
Or swallow that shit when my boss just shows up.
My jeans fit much better without the ring in the seat,
And food tastes much better, from the sour to the sweet.
But the best thing of all, I’m now my son’s HERO,
And tomorrow I’ll post up day SEVEN ZERO!!!
NOTE: This is part of the Ode To The Quitter series written by KillTheCan.org forum member Phillip. For more details see Ode To The Quitter.
NOTE #2: It’s really difficult to find an image for the #69 that’s remotely appropriate. Feel free to Google the number “69”and see what you get. Be warned… you shouldn’t do this in an office environment as it’s definitely NSFW 🙂