Words of Wisdom

Pissed Is Good, and Will Keep You Quit

Pissed Off
Image by Engin Akyurt from Pixabay

I’m pissed off… You know what… FUCK BIG TOBACCO..

I commented on this yesterday in my quit group but ever since then I had been thinking about what I wrote and it just got me madder and madder.

I never really realized, or should I say I never really acknowledged just how fucking addictive big tobacco makes their products. I know it sounds elementary, but hear me out.

Tobacco is the leading cause of preventable illness and death in the United States. It causes many different cancers as well as chronic lung diseases, such as emphysema and bronchitis, and heart disease

The part that fucking really Torques me is how addictive their products are.

They make these products soooo fucking addictive, that it’s actually Painful to stop using their stuff.

It isn’t like fucking coffee or even some seriously illegal drugs. Tobacco causes long term pain when trying to stop using the substance.

Get Pissed Off

Just think about it.

  • Headaches
  • Body aches
  • Mental pain (Fogginess, Cravings, Rage)
  • Relationship Pains.. Lets face it.. relationships suffer when we quit. Just ask our wives

And some of these things go on for a long long time.

As an example… When I first quit…

  • the fogginess alone lasted into my 100th day.
  • My body hurt and there were physical manifestations until day 40 or so.
  • I didn’t feel like I was mentally sharp and myself again until day 600 or so of my quit.

That’s a FUCKING LONG time to get over something.

Big Tobacco has finely tuned their products to be unbelievably addictive and sooooo fucking painful to get off that your either have to 1. Go through emotional and physical pain to get off it.. OR 2. Fucking die from it.

That’s why so many people just don’t stop using the stuff.

They just can’t go through the suffering it takes to quit. They choose death over quitting. Even when people desperately WANT to quit… they can’t.

That’s fucking insane when you think about it.

How fucking mentally controlling is this drug, that people would rather DIE from it then to fucking quit it?


I know how hard it is to quit, and how much it hurts at first….

But what the fuck are my options? To be a weak ass bitch and let tobacco kill my fuckin ass? To have it leave my family wondering what if? Fuck that!

Bring on the quit bitchyness, bring on the rage, bring on the pain… I don’t give a fuck!!! I’m taking my life back.

I’m so fucking pissed off about this shit. I didn’t realize it my first quit, but now that I’m quit again and had this experience a second time around, it’s really opened my eyes to so many things.

So fuck you nic bitch… and anyone else that gets in my way to quitting.

NOTE: This piece written byĀ KillTheCan.org forum member CrazyAces

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