2011 HOF Speeches

Play Ball!!! – BusterT’s HOF Speech

BusterTSkynyrd avatarSPEECH,Ā SPEECH,Ā Speech,Ā Speech,Ā speech,Ā speech


The ManĀ – 31 yrs old, married to the love of my life, father to the coolest 2 yr old boy in the world. NC State Grad, Landscaper, Played football and wrestled in high school. Dipped Kodiak Wintergreen for 17 years – beginning my freshman year of High School during summer football practices.

The MythĀ – ex-MMA fighter who’s been known to bust peoples teeth out

The LegendĀ – Kills men by the hundreds! And if he were here, heā€™d consume the English with balls of fire from his eyesā€¦and bolts of lightning from his arse!

My StoryĀ – On June 1st, 2011 I was introduced to the KTC way of life. A simple search for “quit dipping” landed me on a site that has absolutely changed my life. With a fat dip in, I read through some stuff that intrigued me enough to attempt to sign up. My goal was to quit over a month later on “Independence Day” – July 4th. It made sense to me to have an important date like that be my quit date. Besides, it was some distant date in the future that I wouldn’t have to worry about right now. Had I been able to register on my own that night, I’d say there’s a good change I’d still be dipping today. However, for some reason I kept getting an error message. Determined, I logged in as a guest in the chat room just to figure out why I couldn’t register. Once my plan to quit on July 4th came out, the entire room boldly encouraged me to quit TODAY! I was honestly somewhat taken aback by this blunt method of encouragement…as I was used to people just being excited that I wanted to “try” to quit. Kdip told me to contact chewie about my registration problem, but I left that chat room wondering if I should just throw it all away and quit now. Of course chewie replied with the same advise…and pointed out that my logical thinking was nothing more than the ramblings of an addict. I can proudly say that I have been dip free, nicotine free since June 2nd 2011!!! I was shortly welcomed by another vet…LOOT…who apparently shares a quit date with me. He told me that I was on his radar…which actually kept me on my toes! It helps to know that someone’s lookin’ out for you…even if it is the site’s most notorious homo!

In all seriousness, I’m grateful for LOOT’s support! In fact, this site has given me the support, resources, encouragement, motivation, and sheer will power to make it through the tough times. No amount of instant gratification was worth the humiliation and discouragement that would come with having to tell my fellow pirates that I caved. It’s almost humorous to think of how dedicated I’ve been to a bunch of guys (and gals) that I’ve never met. I gave them my word everyday for the past 100+ days. That simple act was crucial to my remaining quit. Every other time I’ve attempted to quit, my downfall was thinking I could have just one. Thanks to KTC I’m much more educated on what to expect from the infamous Nic Bitch, I KNOW that I’ll never be able to have just one, and I’ve accepted the fact that I will always be an addict. More importantly, I’ve recognized my need for KTC and the accountability that comes with it.

I’d like to personally thank my fellow Pirates of September. Every single one of you have played a role in my success. A special thanks to Jonbags, Ace, Bow, tgafish, Leahy, Trey, BtH, Denny and Big-H for being there when I needed a hand. I’m proud to be quit with you guys…and look forward to many more milestone to come!!!

Finally, I’d like to say a word to anyone reading this who’s still enslaved by the can. If you’re considering quitting, QUIT TODAY!!! There will never be a good time to quit. Life will always throw you curves. If you keep fouling them off, you’ll never get to run the bases. KTC gives you the tools to knock one out of the park:

Post Role – Keep Your Word – Repeat

It’s time to play ball!!!

NOTE: This piece written byĀ KillTheCan.org forumĀ member BusterTSkynyrd

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