Words of Wisdom

Quittin Excellence

KTC Road To Excellence

Funny thing, this KTC site. I have given my word to a group of strangers. Excluding Clampy I have never met any of you. Yet for some reason, my ability to stay accountable to you guys and keep my daily promise has come to be my daily affirmation as to the quality of my character. I quit for me! I stay quit for me! I will remain quit for me! But I make my promise to all of you and it means the world to me. I have no fear of the abusive nature of the written word. Should I cave, you would simply never hear from me again. What I fear is my ability to look in the mirror knowing I let everyone down. I fear having to tell myself that I am weak. I fear I would have to acknowledge my dependancy. I fear giving up my freedom of choice!

How many of us initially kept this Quit a secret from people we encounter everyday just in case we could not do it. Rather we enlisted the support of total strangers. As it turns out this June group, these June supporters, and our promise to each other is just as powerful.

I’ve read that many of us kept this dirty little secret from the wife, kids, family, friends, co-workers. For some reason we could lie to the most important people in our lives in order to keep dipping. We did not fear the retribution from these people if we could not quit … yet I will not allow you guys to be quit better than me!

One day at a time is the only approach to quitting the addiction to nicotine. To view this as a challenge with a goal or a time frame is silly. But honor and integrity endure long past today. If I were to break my promise to you guys it would haunt me far past the 24th hour on the clock! I would have to live with the knowledge that I am not as strong as all of you, that you are better than me, that I lost and you won! Never!

I admire all of you that have made it this far because I know how bad it sucks! I know you are all men of character because you have kept your promise to me every time for XX-Days.

Peace … may the Quit be with you …

NOTE: This piece written by KillTheCan.org forum member btdogboy

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