2014 HOF Speeches

Raider’s HOF Speech – If Quitting Was Easy

Raider's HOF Speech - If Quitting Was EasyIf quitting was easy, everyone would do it.

My journey to being free of nicotine began in February (2014). I was feeling pretty crappy for what I was doing to myself. It seemed as though I was stuffing more and more of that crap in my lip and I had to do something and quick. It was then that I prayed to God about what I was feeling and asked for help in beating this addiction. It was shortly after that when I did a Google search and KTC came up. Little did I know that I was going to find a spot to hang out and make some new friends.

The plan seemed simple. Post Roll daily and Honor your word. I remember thinking that quitting can’t be this easy. If it was, I would have done it long ago and stayed quit. Posting Roll and honoring your word are only a very small part of the KTC way. If you want to be quit, you have to be active. Active includes supporting other groups, mentoring those that need help, texting a Roll for a buddy who can’t, get into chat and helping a new guy/gal get started or just simply chatting with friends and building relationships and accountability. Making KTC a home away from home has made my quit solid as a rock.

My story began about 23 years ago, maybe sooner. I remember being at my High School graduation party and someone passed around a can of Cope. I took a pinch and almost lost it. I wish I would have, maybe I would have never needed to find KTC. It did happen eventually and I thank God every day that I found KTC. My addiction didn’t really happen till I joined the Air Force, even then I didn’t get started with nic full time till I got stationed in Las Vegas, NV. Sure I smoked a few cigs while stationed in Korea but it was never really a problem, so I thought. My addiction was in it’s early stages. The nicotine was running through my veins and little did I know, I would be a slave for many years to come. Someone asked me why I started dipping; “Chicks and Country Music” was my response. What a lame excuse. Country Music, maybe but what chick really likes a guy that dips?

I did try to quit on many occasions but each one failed. Why, you may ask? Accountability, or should I say lack thereof. My longest stop was around 3 years. I gave it my all. I was so successful at this “stop” that one evening, I got pissed at something and the first thing I went for was a can. Now I can see what my problem was back then. I avoided nic whenever possible. I would pay at the pump, look away from the wall of cancer, and stay clear of the nic aisles in the stores. Avoiding it would keep it out of my mind and therefore I would stay nicotine free, right? Wrong. What I have learned over the past 100 days is that we need to face it head on. We need to realize that even after 100 days, the nic bitch can strike. Hell she can strike at 1,000 or even 10,000 days. Keeping our guard up will help us stay quit but being accountable will make each day stronger. Never Again For any Reason.

Mogul was the first to welcome me and tell me off. He asked me if I was weak and that really struck a nerve. I started my intro by stating “wish me luck”. I quickly learned that luck, hope, and try are not quitting words. If you want to be (and stay) quit you have to have the right attitude and that’s what he taught me on day 1. I needed to have the right attitude. Mogul and I have kept in touch with each other since the beginning and I hope to continue that relationship. He has been a mentor for me and his quit has inspired me since day one. I remember one day he wrote a post in my intro that said something like “It’s like you found your switch and turned it off”. I couldn’t agree more. I am not saying that this quit has been easy but it has been easier than before. The difference is brotherhood and accountability. When I get itchy, I go into chat. When I’m getting pissy, I read intros. When I am feeling awesome, I go into other group’s rolls and post support. I also love texting some of my brothers in quit just to say. “Happy QLF today”.

Is quitting easy? HELL NO. Is it worth it to be quit? HELL YES. Each day is a new opportunity to post roll and say, “I am not using nicotine today”. The past 100 days have been amazing. I have found a new lease on life and I have made some great friends along the way.

For all you new quitters, get in here and join the club. The price for admission to KTC is simple:

  1. Post Roll daily (we don’t take days or weekends off)
  2. Honor your word
  3. Be active within the KTC community

These three things have made me a better man and they can do the same for you.

NOTE: This piece written by KillTheCan.org forum member Raider

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