
Rest In Peace Lee Lewis – Nip Energy Dip Founder and President

Lee LewisIt is with a heavy heart that I write this today.  Today I am saying goodbye to a friend, to a partner in my fight against addiction and one of the best human beings I’ve ever known.  Lee Lewis, founder and president of Nip Energy Dip, passed away on Thursday, May 16, 2013 at the age of 43.  Lee is survived by his wife Meredith and their two daughters.

I never had an opportunity to meet Lee face to face, but we’d talked countless times on the phone and traded emails for years.  We’d worked together on projects for and for Nip Energy Dip.  If you’ve ever spoken with Lee you’ll know one thing: He was a family man who was passionate about his family, his church and his businesses.  When he started Nip with the nudging of his daughter, he dedicated his life to helping people fight their addiction to smokeless tobacco.  I’m happy to say that Lee won his personal battle with tobacco as he’s been quit for several years now.  He was taken from us far too soon.

Lee you will be sorely missed.  I will continue the fight against tobacco in your honor.

Rest in peace my friend.

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Greg Beavers (bis-cut)
Greg Beavers (bis-cut)
11 years ago

What a great person. Lee was a joy to be around and had a very positive impact on my life. He had a great home going celebration

11 years ago

This is very sad. I have spoken to lee a couple times myself. Very pleasant person. I am still in shock. My heart goes out to his family.

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