Words of Wisdom

Serial Failure – a Banable Offense?

Failure is, sadly, a part of quitting dip for many people. Some people ‘get it’ right away and manage to make their first quit stick. Others take a while to truly understand what we’re fighting against. A third group, serial cavers, seem to never really ‘get it’ and continue to ‘try’ or ‘attempt’ to quit over and over again.

This particular response was made by MN_Engineer (August 16) in response to a serial caver coming back once again…


There were a handful of guys (but primary one in particular) back on the old forum that was the same way. Part of me wonders if it’s the same guy under a new name. Serial caver who simply didn’t get it.

KTC doesn’t ban folks like this because while pathetic, it serves as a stark reminder for folks the ugliness of addiction and provides opportunities to use these serial cavers as moments to teach and guide the newbies. I’ve found myself flirting with complacency so many times over my 7+ year quit and each time it seems like the universe sends a cave which wakes me up. Folks like this serve as an example if nothing else. Yeah, some will argue that it’s a shit stain in the fabric of KTC but as long as they don’t lie on roll, there isn’t a magic number of caves that would get you banned. Cause if there was, it would send the message that ‘x’ number of caves are ok but after that you’re out.

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