2015 HOF Speeches

Shemps HOF Speech – 4 Days Early

shemp20203 - Shemps HOF Speech - 4 Days EarlyI know this is 4 days early but felt the need to go ahead and post this today to share with this group the accomplishment I am about to embark on, and the one that some in this group have already begun and for those that are coming up fast on their 100 days of being Nic free. On day 1 I never thought this day would arrive but alas here we are closing in rapidly on 100 days without being held ransom by the bitch whore called Nicotine, I also never believed I would be able to get past day 1 than came day 2 and so forth and so on. I remember when I made up my mind to quit the first thought was how will I be able to get through a day without chewing, I guess since I was so used to packing one in my lip for the last 27 years how different would my daily routine be and it kinda scared me having to think of a life without my friend Nicotine. But as that first day ended I thought that was easy enough lets see what happens on day 2 and the sweats began again the fear of how would i get through another day without my friend Nicotine and at the end of day 2 i was like ok lets try day 3 and things began to get a little easier and have gotten easier each and every day granted their were some bad days but ive gotten over them as the rest of us who have remained true to our quit. Since i began chewing at 19 years of age and am now 46 years old I am finally happy with my life I have a really loving caring girlfriend who has stuck with me through so many twists and turns in my life, not only did she come into my life at a really low point ( shortly after my divorce when i hated everyone especially myself ) and showed me what it was like to be loved and to find love in myself and in life and yet I still made the choice to lie to her on 3 separate occasions regarding my chewing tobacco and yet she still remained by my side and forgave me and hopefully will one day trust me in regards to the fact that I can say honestly that I am 100% Nic free and have been for the last 96 days of my life. I am grateful that my 3 boys can now look at me and see the person I have become to enjoy life without making excuses to take them out to play in the park so that I could sneak 2 hours away from the house to chew. now when I take them to the park i actually play with them and we all have fun. I want to thank everyone in the December 2015 quit group for helping me along the way some reminding me via text to post roll when i forgot on a busy soccer Saturday, some by the words they have written about their journey “YES I have read many and felt the same as many of you” and it was all helpful. i PLEDGE to continue beyond my 100 days of being nic free and look forward to reaching day 101, 102 and 200 and beyond, so thank you all and may all our journey’s of being Nicotine free continue. Shemp20203 aka Joe

NOTE: This piece written by KillTheCan.org forum member shemp20203

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