Words of Wisdom

Skoal Monster’s Welcome



Stay pissed off, that will serve you well. Get pissed that big tobacco hooked your ass when you were a baby. Get pissed that dip is killing you. Get pissed that shit that addicting is even legal and that those fuckers continue making it and hooking kids. Fight back by beating this addiction.

First thing first, go to cancer and quitter stories and find the Tom and Jenny Kern story and read it. Follow the link to the caring bridge site and read that. Next find the contract to give up, now print it out and put it in your wallet. Every time you feel like caving take it out and read it. Now, start at the beginning and read ALL the cancer and quitter stories and then read ALL of the Hof speeches. Then go find Jan 09 group. Start with the last post and spend a week reading it thru to the beginning. You will know exactly what to expect when you do this. I say Jan because your January, but any group below the line will do, the pattern is the same.

Your balance/ spacing out etc. is normal, Welcome to the fog. Make sure you have read what to expect when you quit. drink alot of juice and water, that will help. Finally PM some fellow quitters in your group, or some vets that you have met, including me and ask for numbers. If you find yourself sitting in the parking lot of 7-11 getting ready to buy a can of cowshit you can call those numbers and suprise suprise we might just keep you quit.

Last, remember this- There is only ONE thing that you have to do today. and that is to stay quit. Everything else is secondary. To be successful you must be willing to stay quit regardless of all consequences. If you can embrace that your quit will be much easier.


NOTE: This piece written by KillTheCan.org forum member Skoal Monster

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