Skol’s HOF Speech
Hello, my name is Bryce, I’m 37 years old and I am addicted to a filthy dead weed that can kill you. My story is the same as most, tried Cherry Skoal when I was in my teens. I was a four-sport athlete and it was actually cool to chew on the diamond. Picked up smoking in college, then on to a can a day Kodiak problem until one hundred days ago.
Brotherhood + Accountability = Success
Simple, effective, and if you work hard at it, it works.
The part that really works for myself is the brotherhood.
I was always on teams my entire life, I was in Cub Scouts, I was in a fraternity, I was always around brotherhood and I really liked it.
Then something happened….. I grew up. Not saying that in a bad way at all…. I immersed myself into being the best husband I possibly could, I didn’t really need brotherhood anymore because I married my best friend. A best friend that HATED the fact that I chewed.
I have two or three really, really, close friends but that is about it. I had a 15-year career in an industry where your job is pretty much to go around and make everyone happy, be their “fake friend.” I didn’t need any more socializing, I actually wanted the opposite, to be left alone.
If you would have told me 100 days ago that I would be balls deep in a quit site and giving out my phone number to random strangers on the internet I would have laughed my ass off and told you that you were nuts.
But I am here at 100 days and I love it, drinking the Kool-aid and building bonds with guys that I may never meet in person. The brotherhood is key for me, if I just posted and ghosted it would not work. Knowing that there is a group of people that honestly and truly care for me brings a tear to my eye and I am still amazed to this day.
I can’t name all of you that have touched my quit life but here are a few special moments to me.
Tputney(Tom)- You were the first to sponsor me, I don’t think you know how much that means to a new quitter. Man, I saw my name behind your promise and it meant something. We have been close ever since and I appreciate you.
Leo(Sean)- You knew I was hurting because I was thinking I had to put my dog down, you asked if you could call. I was hesitant since I was bawling like a little girl, and I had never spoke to you. You gave me advice that helped my dog stay around longer, and is still with us today. Thank you for reaching out, you won’t know how much that meant to me.
Srains(Steve) and Gottadoit(Glen)- Our meet-up helped me see that I was not alone in this struggle, I know we will be doing it again.
Brick(Rick) and Kyle(Albert…. JK it’s Kyle)- You crazy assholes are always ready for a vortex party……man I still remember that first one. Laughter truly is my best medicine and that day I couldn’t breathe. Probe chiming in with his shitty little remarks, I had to shut my office door because my employees kept asking if I was okay. I was trying to hold the giggles in and I almost blew a gasket. I can’t imagine what it sounded like to them….. I also think I farted in the middle of it and was worried I sharted a bit.
The Ironmen of April 2015 (Golf, Steak, Upland) Golf saw me make a comment to a returning caver and he liked it. PM’s me his digits and got a whole crew of badass quitters behind me. Thank you for that, I was smiling ear to ear knowing I could reach out to some seriously solid dudes. I’m proud to post role with you all daily.
WorktoWin (Michael) and AppleJack (Shane)- Thank you for mentoring me along the way, you two are some damn fine role models and I appreciate you both. 3,756 quit days between the two of you…. Over ten years. Keep inspiring the new guys, we look up to you more than you know, and you help us more than we can show.
Johnnysmallberries(Scott)- What can I say…… you are like the creepy Uncle that is really cool. I have to go around and tell everyone….”Hey I know his avatar looks Rapey but I promise… he’s a cool dude.” I look forward to the beers we will have. Your humor helps my quit and you are always a positive force.
Batdad(Ryan), Samrs(Sam), BrianG(Brian) Thank you for mentoring our group, you guys have been there the whole time and I truly appreciate your time and effort.
MPG(Michael) and Kodiak(Mike)…. Keep killing it in the new groups, it’s been fun watching you guys grow, cheers to many years to come.
There are a ton more that I could mention but these are just a few. There is no way I could thank everyone who helped me because there are just so many.
There are amazing resources all over the site, wiser words than I could ever write. From HOF speeches, Words of Wisdom, Introductions… there is gold all over this site. But there is one piece of gold that shines brighter than all the rest……. It’s the people. It’s that Brotherhood of going into the fight of your life and you have brethren by your side to fight with you, heal you, listen to you and encourage you.
I have already taken some lifelong friendships away from KTC and I will be building more in the years to come. If you are reading this and still wondering if you should…… you should. In the words of the great Ready, “it just gets better and better.”
Finally, to my Brothers and Sister of the great April 2018 Kings and Queen of quit, it has been an honor and a pleasure to be on this trip with you all. We still have a lot of work ahead of us to pay it forward. I love you all and am honored to quit with you. It truly is a blessing to be marching with some of the coolest, weirdest, wildest bad ass quitters around. I plan on sticking around for quite a while and I hope all of you do as well. More memories to make, more relationships to develop, more quitters to save, and more brotherhood to give.
NOTE: This piece written by forum member skolvikings

What a quitter. How can you give up on something that’s always there for you? I would say you need a new “best friend “.
great to see happy addicts at 100days. Once you get to 420 daze then it no longer haunts you on a daily basis. ROCK ON