Some People Never Get It
This post was in response to someone announcing, on their day 1,000 no less, that they were leaving the site.
Some people just never get it.
Guys like this are usually doing the goodbye post for attention. And usually they don’t come back until they are posting a new day 1. Can’t quit for them.
This isn’t quitting for x number of days…. it’s quitting for today.
Around my 4 year mark I hit a bump in the road. Some personal and professional things were going on that had me stressed…. I wanted a dip so ducking bad. Like really bad… would I have caved?? Who knows. I even hesitated putting myself on roll that day…. I was called out by people on this forum. I finally made my promise, and took nicotine off the table. I struggled for a few days, then it finally passed.
If I wasn’t a daily poster I don’t know what would have happened… but as soon as I’m on roll, I know I’m quit for the day.
Will I be posting roll for 10 years? 10 weeks? 10 months??? Again, no idea. But I’ll post roll today. And more than likely again tomorrow. And that’s enough.
Congrats on all of you for hitting this huge milestone. I remember your HoF very well, you’ve always been a solid group of quitters. Proud to be quit one more day with you all.
NOTE: This piece written by forum member batdad