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Taking a Bite Out of Big Tobacco – One Day at a Time

Big TobaccoYesterday, celebrated it’s 6 year anniversary of helping people quit chewing tobacco.  As part of that celebration, we had a one-day, site-wide roll call where folks put their name on a line and promised to be quit from chewing tobacco for that day.  We’ve done this in the past but the turnout this year was quite simply AMAZING.

I wanted to share some numbers with you for a couple of reasons.  First, if you’re a member of I want you to understand just how much good you’re doing helping others quit dipping.  This addiction is one of the most difficult things we will ever tackle in our lifetime.  Just knowing that you’ve got friends and fellow quitters with you on that journey is incredibly comforting.

Second, if you’re NOT a current member of our support forums, I want to share these numbers to let you know that you’re NOT alone in your quest for freedom.  There are quite literally THOUSANDS of like-minded folks who know what you’re going through.  I’ve obviously not visited every site on the web, but I’m pretty confident in saying that we’re the largest smokeless-specific support forum on the web. That means that you’ve got 13,000 + resources to rely on in your fight against Big Tobacco.  What a powerful tool!

Yesterday’s roll represented:

  •  112,453 days of quit
  • 308.09 YEARS of quit

And also, thanks to forum admin and Founding Father loot, we’ve got these amazing stats:

  • At an average of a can/day/user…that’s 7,169 POUNDS of dip!
  • At an average of a can/day/user @ $5 each ….that’s $562,265!

That’s over a half a MILLION dollars that was taken out of the pocket of Big Tobacco on November 20th, 2012.  I said it on Facebook earlier today and I’ll repeat it again here: I’m simply in AWE of the community at KTC.  It never ceases to amaze me, and it’s days like yesterday that make me want to work even harder to make sure that it continues to flourish.

Happy Thanksgiving to all the quitters out there.  Be thankful for your freedom from tobacco tomorrow!

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David D. (Grizzlysnuffer)
David D. (Grizzlysnuffer)
12 years ago

So glad to have this community in my early stages of quit. The frequency of quit brothers checking in on me is amazing. Truly inspires me every day.

Craig M. (Diesel2112)
Craig M. (Diesel2112)
12 years ago

KTC may have saved my life. That’s no bullshit. For that I am beyond thankful. Keep up the good work, and thank you.

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