Words of Wisdom

Talk is Cheap

Talk is CheapIn reading in this group and other groups as well, a couple of old adages come to mind.

“Talk is cheap” and “Actions speak louder than words”.

Coming in here and posting roll saying that you will not dip today is a good thing, isn’t it? I mean, you are pledging to your quit brothers and sisters that you will not dip that day. That is what we are here for isn’t it? Pledging not to dip or ingest tobacco in any form. That is why we are here. It doesn’t get any better than that, does it?

Yes, it does get better. Talk is cheap. We are not here to post roll and promise not to dip.

Are you paying closer attention now? Are you thinking that perhaps Remshot has lost it? If you are paying closer attention, good. If you are thinking that I’ve lost it, shame on you!

Posting roll and pledging not to dip for that day is HUGE. It is bigger than big. If your word is worth anything to you, posting roll must carry tremendous weight. Your word. A promise. An oath. There was a time when those things meant a lot more than they seem to in today’s world. Sadly, it is not enough.

I’ve seen it all too often. It happens and the culprit hits and runs, leaving confusion, pain and sadness in his wake. From out of the blue. From left field. Out of nowhere.

If your plan is to post roll everyday and stay quit, I wish you the best. It is the right step in the right direction. Beware though. It may not be enough.

Actions speak louder than words.

You are having a rough day. Your cravings are driving you crazy. You are arguing with co-workers, your wife, your husband, your kids, your paper boy, your dog. You are grinding your teeth. You are thinking. “Just one dip.” It happens. It has happened to you. It may happen again.

This brings me back to what I wrote earlier – We are not just here to post roll and promise not to dip.

When you crave, when you writhe with withdrawals, when you think “Just one dip”. Those are key times for you to come here! That is what you need! Get in here and post your feelings. Rant, rave, yell and scream.

More importantly, ask for help!

Let me type that slower, so everyone understands.


This is where your actions will really start to speak loudly. Ask for help. Such a simple concept. When posting roll is not enough, when in danger of breaking your word, your oath, your promise, ask for help. Before you do damage to your marriage, your children, your job security, ask for help. Your dog loves you. Ask for help.

The people on this site are a giving group. We can be hard, but we can be pliable too. There are people on this site who will do so much to help you remain quit, I think you would be amazed. Ask or help.

Before you go to the convenience store, before you buy a can, before you put that cancer weed in to your mouth – ask for help.

I’m talking about a cave. Someone who has caved. We had no idea. No clue. We are caught off guard. Unaware. When someone caves, it hurts us all. It hurts those of us who have invested time, energy, resources, and emotion into helping or trying to help that person. We were robbed! We never had a chance. You never had a chance because you never gave us a chance.

I have yet to hear one story of someone who caved while they were on the phone with someone, trying to get help. Not one. Same goes for someone being online receiving help by chatting back and forth. No. The cave is like its namesake. Dark. Incognito. Anonymous. Undercover.

When in danger, when in doubt, ask for help. Get in here and ask. If not here, go somewhere else. Just ask for help. Days 1, 2, 3 are hellish. None of us want to go back and relive those days. Ask for help. Give us a chance.

By giving us a chance, you give yourself a chance. It is that simple.

NOTE: This piece written by KillTheCan.org forum member Remshot 

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