You’re a couple of weeks in… You’re feeling good about your decision to quit… But some thing’s just not quite right… You feel “dizzy”. Maybe not quite dizzy, but like you’ve had a beer or two. You’re “off”. You don’t feel quite right. You can’t concentrate. Reading is difficult and typing is damn near impossible.
Welcome to the fog ladies and gentlemen. I can tell you that it will pass. I can’t tell you when. I can’t tell you how foggy it will be… But i can tell you that you’ll get out of it.
I quit on July 24th, 2006. My birthday was August 2nd. I literally don’t remember what I did that day I was so foggy. I was playing ping pong with a co-worker that week and almost fell over… I was having trouble tracking the ball. I couldn’t concentrate on work. I couldn’t think about family. I was focused on my quit and how bad life SUCKED without my friend the Kodiak bear.
And then something happened ~~ the fog lifted. I saw the light. I didn’t need dip anymore. Sure there were bad days, but I wasn’t feeling like crap anymore.
You too will see the light — You too will get out of the fog. I promise you!!! I know it’s difficult to believe at this point in your quit, but trust me/us — We know what we’re talking about.
Realize this… You NEVER have to go through the fog again once you get through it — unless you cave.
You never have to feel this crappy again — unless you cave.
You’ve taken the first step, you’re quit and you’re on the site. Now take the next step and walk through the fog. You’ll have a new outlook, a bunch of great friends and a dip free life!
NOTE: This piece written by forum member Chewie
Hey guys, my name is Gregg, i am 60 days cold turkey after over 35 years of copenhagen.
I just wanted to say thank you for this site, it is the only thing keeping my halfway sanity halfway normal.
I seriously thought that quitting was going to kill me, and sometimes still think that though i know better. The insane headaches, brain mushy feeling, anxiety,depression, this shit is real. Thank you all, it helps me just to re read old posts about the same horrid feelings people have been through.
Never thought quitting a poison could make a man feel so awful
Go to read article kick your habit in th butt-using essential oils to quit smoking
Try to eat well exercise meditate and seek a hypnotherapist.
Praying for all of you
How long did your brain fog last Gregg and how long until you felt like your old self with mental clarity?
Does anybody have any suggestions for the concentration thing? I’m struggling like no other at my job.
Hello fellow quitters! I am 22 days quit. I have been using chew, dip etc. for over 32 years. I’m going to be honest and tell you stopping isn’t as difficult as you may think, once you get through week number one. Hell, I’ve stopped for 5 years before! But quitting is a whole different story. You must commit to not ever chew, smoke or vape ever again. Nicotine is no longer allowed in your body!
I still have to turn my mental concentration away from chew when I’m doing things I’ve associated with chew. I need to distract myself just long enough to forget about it and all is well. I have not yet experienced this FOG being spoken of…… Hopefully I will not. I have gained five pounds due to over grazing to compensate for the chew. In any event, I am a quarter of the way to my 100 days and I will survive!
I just wanted to say I’m 33 days dip free. Fighting through the fog is what brought me to this page. trying to find out about how long it can last. I feel better knowing I’m not the only one fighting this fog and that even though it might take awhile it will go away. To everyone that’s quitting out there keep up the good fight it well get better.
Hi Richard. Do you belong to a Quit group yet? If not, I recommend joining by pressing the ‘FORUM REGISTRATION – CLICK HERE’ link in the upper right corner of this page. Let your quit brothers know how you are doing in your daily roll post. Trust me it helps.
Ah.. the fog… this was the toughest part of my quit and seemed to linger the longest. I felt like I had a steel helmet on. After 30 days, you will find yourself having ‘good’ days and ‘bad’ days with the fog. Between 30 – 60 days, each week it will get better and you will start to have more Good days than bad. Mine did last until 90 days, but I was only experiencing a few hours in the morning and evening where I felt foggy. I am now at 131 days and have no fog at all.. .feel great.
Thank you for telling me about this forum I just signed up.
Has anyone else used dip/pouches in their upper lip, or just strictly lower?
Brad, I switched to Camel Snus for two months for portion control and to break the habit of wanting something in my lower lip. I started at around 7 pouches a day and reduced until I was down to three. Stopping wasn’t bad after that.
Day 45 tomorrow and still feel like absolute shit. 75% of the day im lightheaded and can’t focus it’s so frustrating, and I’m not doing my job well as a result. Seeing a neurologist after many doctors and ENTs and tests… Still haven’t found anything definitive. The thought that my dip usage caused this is haunting me and is very depressing.
I felt like crap for 3-4 months then the fog and anxiety just went away. Now I’m almost 3 years quit and life is good. Stick with it everything will get better.
I just saw the doctor today and have an MRI for tomorrow. Constant pressure/regular headaches/fog. Severe headaches at the gym. I told the doc it may be from quitting, as they began just as I was down to about 1/3 of my regular daily nicotine intake. I quit 40 days ago. But I’ve stopped about 10 times for a month or two and never had this before.
I was off on my quit date. I’m now at day 46. Still getting headaches, though they are slightly better. MRI came back normal, so it looks like it’s just nicotine withdrawal.
I feel you Brad. I quit 36 days ago and generally feel like crap almost everyday. This stupid throat irritation is the worse. My DR wanted me to see a Neurologist but when i asked why he couldn’t give me a solid answer. I DO NOT trust MD’s. I did change my diet and some days are better than others.
Keep fighting the fight of not being a slave to Nicotine.
Brad, How are you now?
I’ve been off 31 days and feel very dizzy. I’m about to go though the same round of Doctors you did because I’m a little scared.
How long did your fog last brad? Tomorrow is day 45 for me so it would be nice to have some insight.
This “fog” – is this what I’ve been going through this past week? It’s not like anything I recall – I’ve “quit” a few times and I don’t recall my mind being such MUSH. Is it the fact that I was exclusively doing a certain brand this last time around that my body is having a hard(er) time with it?
I stopped on the 8th – today is the 16th and my mind has been absolute hell the last few days. I am on some meds I don’t feel publicly talking about here though that I felt were playing into it, but at this point I think it’s the chew that is causing this insanity in my at this point. If I don’t get better over the weekend I literally am quitting my job it is that bad.
Stick with it man. I am going through something very similar.
March 1st was my quit day – 14 days in – going strong! The fog has been very tough, however, and is leading to a lesser quality of life. Constant racing thoughts that it will be this way forever, and the “sharpness” I had prior to quitting is lost. There is a constant heavy feeling in my mind and I just don’t quite feel like my previous “everyday self”. The racing thoughts have manifested themselves into a gloomy depression that lingers daily. Conversations are hard to focus on, remembering small details are difficult. Is this normal? Will it conclude?
Has anyone had inner ear issues when quitting? I did this VNG test to see how well my inner ears worked and the left one showed a little less efficiency… The doc seems to think this is what’s causing my lightheadedness and slight dizziness, and it sounds like only PT can help. Hoping the fog I feel is seprate from this and will go away but not too confident.
I’ve personally not had any issues with my inner ear, however, I have read that nicotine does mess with the inner ears. I was looking into the relationship between Menieres Disease (an inner ear disease) and nicotine and some articles out there that support a relationship between nicotine and inner ear problems. Tinnitus being just one. I’d Google “nicotine and inner ear problems”.
Hey brad, it’s been 25 days for me, it took two weeks for my headaches and light headed ness to go away. Everyone is different but it will pass. Pretty work keep it going
Wow I can’t not explain how miserable I am with inner ear pain! Let me tell you it’s so bad I can’t drive at times I’ve quit for about 8 days ago. Sore throat too.
Hi Johnny.. I am not a Doctor, but you should see one if you have a sore throat and inner ear pain, sounds like an ear infection.
I agree with John, especially the ear pain? Could be infection.
What about trouble trouble falling asleep and slight ringing in your ear? All started happening when I quit, ent and doctor found nothing concerning, but both symptoms are concerning and annoying to me… Not sure if anyone else has had this?
Absolutely Brad…both are also quit symptoms. Ringing in the ears (tinnitus) is common with the use/quitting of nicotine. I can’t remember what I read on “how” nicotine affects the inner ears, but it does, throw a search to Google. Same.with sleeping. I had.a lot trouble getting a good night sleep when I started my quit. Nicotine has a relaxing element too it…I can remember the countless times I fell asleep with a dip in. Your brain is in overdrive, looking for that chemical. You’re going to have to let it re-boot itself and learn to operate without the aid of nicotine. So, yes, very common…both of those symptoms. Keep at it…you will get through these symptoms too.
Brad & JAYP, I can’t tell you what an almost life altering relief this is to see your comments. I have been dealing with the ringing in my ears and trouble sleeping for the last four weeks (almost exactly to the day I quit dipping), and just stumbled onto this site tonight. I had already been to see my doctor with no luck, he referred me to another doctor with no luck, and was just getting ready to schedule my third visit and other more serious options like MRI or cat-scan. I have been getting progressively more worried about it and anxiety ridden (had a cousin recently diagnosed with a brain tumor), almost to the point of depression, and no sleep this whole time either. But seeing your posts was like a weight was lifted off my shoulders and I feel a thousand times better already. Your words were not only what this lost soul needed, but inspired me to redouble my efforts and never go back. Can’t you thank you enough, and to anyone else out there considering quitting, you can do it! So do it NOW. The rest of your life begins the moment you do.
Glad to hear Tim. Certainly doesn’t hurt getting a doctors opinion, but many of us here have been through your pain. Not saying there couldn’t be something more to your symptoms, but they do fall in line with what people go through when getting away from the junk.
Keep at it…these terrible symptoms do eventually fade away, the longer you put put that chemical in your body. Stay strong, keep fighting!
“This too, shall pass…”
Can sometime more clearly describe what the fog feels like? I’ve been dipping pretty heavily for maybe five years, with pouches and in either top or bottom lip. I quit around a month ago but have been feeling extremely lightheaded… Not quite dizzy but more of a headache/lightheadedness/pressure, and there’s really nothing I can do to get relief. I’ve had an mri which was clear, and I’ve visited multiple doctors and ents… Conclusion was it looks like my sinuses are really irritated, they just thought allergies. I’m just wondering if this lightheadedness I feel is the fog, a result of quitting and will go away.
Anyways… Just wanted to get a clearer description of what the fog feels like.
Ahh… the fog. I remember it so well its scary.
It feels like you’re 3 or 4 beers in to your evening. You shouldn’t be driving and you know it but the party is just getting started.
I too dealt with sinus issues during my quit which intensified my fog. I honestly felt like I was gonna fall over at some points. The good news is, yes, it’ll go away. For me it was a good couple of weeks before it started to subside and it even came roaring back for a few days here and there in the mid 80’s (day range). Drink lots of water and keep fighting.
Hey Brad.. Chewie explained it pretty well. I am currently at 76 days and have been experiencing the fog on and off for the last month or so. I also have sinus issues. I have used the analogy that I have a steel helmet on. I feel pressure in my head and my head feels heavy. If I move too quickly, I feel unbalanced. Also, I feel spacey (kinda drunk) and find that I really have to concentrate on what I am doing, from driving to walking. Water and exercise (a simple walk even) seems to help the best. On days it was really bad, around 30 days in, I would just take some aspirin/tylenol and take a nap. I would wake up refreshed as the symptoms subsided.
To Me, The fog is where My Brain just cannot function Properly. I have a hard time thinking of words. I am a salesman at the Same Chevrolet Store for 30 Years, and a couple of times I could not think of the work 4×4 or Transmission. I am 6 weeks quit, and it is getting better. I quit Dip and Caffeine the same day.
I am on day 3 of a cold turkey quit. Dipped off and on for 25 years, more on than off especially the last several years. Close to 3 cans a day habit.
I started having what felt like a severe allergy–stuffy and runny nose, cough, then watery and itchy eyes to the point where I wanted to scratch them out of my head. Even the skin around them became inflamed and red–ended up looking a little bit like Uncle Fester.
I have seen allergists, dermatologists, ophthalmologists and none of them can treat this. I’ve spent literally tens of thousands on figuring out a cure without success. The only variable I have not eliminated–the chew.
I’ve done my homework, too. There’s no research that links chew to the symptoms I’ve described, although some may say “increased risk of blepharitis.”) But I also know there are several hundred nasty chemicals inside chew, and I’m stuffing a bunch of that in my head daily–directly under my eyes and right next to my sinuses.
Anyone else have these symptoms? If so it’d be great to talk about how/if they abate as I continue to stay off chew. Thanks!
Mitch I was curious to see if you are still tobacco free and if so are you feeling any better in relation to the allergy symptoms you experienced. You are correct that you do not hear specially that chew cause this but with all the chemicals and toxins I suppose it makes sense that there is a risk that you were allergic to one of the ingredients or by product.
I’m a 30 year user, on my 7th day and the watery extremely itchy eyes is the worst. And the red Ness around the edge of the eyelid is present.
I was wondering if these might be related. I have some other health issues so I’m wondering if these might be the dip. I quit smoking about 14 15 months ago and put dip in its place I know not good but I wouldn’t have quit smoking. I haven’t quit dip yet but went two days without it. This week and I couldn’t get to sleep wasn’t even tired every night when I finally did I woke up every 10 minutes or so and that is not a lie three nights straight. My jaw mouth and tip of my tongue has felt almost exhausted and feels like it is going to lock up and with my tongue sometimes the letter s has turned into sh and feels like my tongue is locking up. I got a can today and have been way more active but the mouth feeling is still there but with the other health issue this can be a symptom. I just wanted to know if any of you had that with the speech and over worked feeling in mouth?
Hello everyone, my name is Robert and I have been using Copenhagen snuff for over 32 years. I believe it has finally caught up with me; my health and quality of life is suffering tremendously. My symptoms include: headaches, neck pain, jaw pain, sinuses/ sneezing fits, depression, loss of appetite to name a few. I have talked to many doctors about my symptoms and they are all stumped. This leads me to the conclusion that it’s all caused from many years of using smokeless tobacco. I truly feel that if I continue to use Copenhagen that it will kill me so, I’m honestly ready to give this disgusting habit up and start living a healthier life. I’m curious to hear if anyone who has used smokeless tobacco as long or longer than I have, experienced any of the same symptoms as me? I will continue to read all your comments and am sure they will help me thru the hard times coming. Thank you.
Hey Rob I have the same neck/jaw pain an the doctors I went to don’t have a clue either. It doesn’t hurt I jus know it’s there like a dull pain. I had exrays, an all the stuff you could get done an nothing showed up. I dipped for 25 or so years about a can every 2 day’s and it’s been a year since I quit. Nobody seems to have had this an actually you’re the 1st person I’ve seen kinda describe what I’ve been feeling. it’s only on the side I dipped. Idk if my body is repairing it’s self or as my anxiety say! It’s definitely scary.
Rob/David, I dipped for dam near 30 years myself. I’m over 3 years clean now. I had many, if not all the symptoms you’ve outlined. I won’t lie, it was pure hell them first 60-80 days. Things will begin to get better, the longer you get away from the junk. I know it seems impossible right now…and I had several “veterans” come to my aid in those first 100 days. I promise you, there is a happy life without the dip, you just gotta get past the dark days, I say they are the first 100 days. Start counting them down. You will have some good ones in that 100, but the dark ones outnumbered the bright ones. It was the toughest, yet most rewarding thing I ever did in my life, beating nicotine addiction.
What you and David described is what I “think” is TMJ. Google it and talk to your dentist too. I dealt with it myself. It is linked to anxiety and anxiety is linked to the quit. I think if things get too bad, go see your doctor more often. I just dealt with the shit…it wasn’t easy, but I appreciate it more now that I’m over 3 years clean. I ain’t ever going back. Reading your struggles (I’m sorry) reminds me of where I was at the beginning and I ain’t going back there again. You guys are doing good, both stories echo my own experiences. Keep busy & stay away from nicotine. You’re mind, body and soul is re-wiring itself at this time, keep at it!
Always remember during the hard times, “this too, shall pass” this was my quit battle cry…and all this bullshit DOES pass!
Take care, good luck and keep quit!
Thanks JP… Posts like yours are helpful. I am just starting to get the withdrawal symptoms and I feel like my body is falling apart at the seams, but you are right, slowly my mind, body and soul is rewriting itself. I did chew for 20 years, but I did exercise and try to eat right… now without nicotine.. I am having all sorts of weird things going on as mentioned in all the posts. Before I found this sight, I just kept thinking that why is this happening, I am a healthy guy. Now, I know.. it is the nicotine which was creating a falseness of being ‘healthy’.
No problem John, you just keep moving forward buddy, it DOES get better. Yes, it’s probably the toughest thing I’ve done…also the most rewarding. I will repeat that the rest of my life. And even though I don’t post as much anymore, I’m still around to offer what I can to people trying to get free from that shit. There were quite a few people here who helped me along…we’re all here to help. All I can say is, keep busy. Keep working out. Use this website. I never joined a group, but felt like I had a quit family on the message boards. There is A WEALTH of knowledge out here. I used the fake stuff, I used seeds, I used gum…anything but that sorry ass tobacco. You will start having better days the longer you stay away….life is normal without dip, it just takes a bit to get there. Just keep counting the days and don’t ever look or go back. Yes, nicotine is a falsehood. You can be just as productive and healthier, without it. Keep at it and keep quit!
Good luck John, everyone here is pulling for you!!
After the first couple of weeks without nicotine, every time I finished a workout it felt as if I was dying for the rest of the day. That thankfully is going away, but I still get splitting headaches at the gym. 40 days in.
I have had the same symptoms for almost 4 months brother. Had X-rays and waiting on taking an MRI. I feel like i have a knot in the back of my head and a burning feeling on the side of my neck and tingling in my cheek on the same side. Headaches that start from the side of my head and seem to end behind my eye. Jaw pain just like you, almost like a swollen feeling. What’s odd is that the pain seems to move from the back/side of my head down my jaw, down my neck. Doc seems to think i have a pinvhed nerve with muscle spasms. I have had prescribed muscle relaxers and steriods with that in mind. It’s improved over the 4 months but it’s been minuscule. I’m encouraged by some of the other comments but i’ll be honest i’m scared shitless. Hang in there, most important thing is to quit. Stop poisoning your body with this shit. I chewed Kodiak for almost 25 years and I obviously regret it. Good or bad news i’ll respond to this thread when i get the results of the MRI. Good luck Robert!!
Sounds like TMJ syndrome. Go see a dentist who specializes in this and a physical therapist who deals with this and trigger point therapy. I had same symptoms for about 18 months after I quit. Almost 3 years quit now and no problems for over a year. Stay strong, everything keeps getting better.
Thank you. Planning on it in the next week as well
I dipped Kodak very heavily for roughly 25 years. I have had a lot of sinus problems and anxiety related issues. The anxiety and stress of trying to quit has led to ibs and digestive problems. I am on day 60 and am still having problems getting a deep breath through my nose. Hoping that it will eventually get better, but my God, this has been so hard. I feel afraid all the time and cant seem to control my thoughts. I’m hoping by day 100 I’ll start to feel a little better and maybe even be able to sleep through an entire night which I haven’t been able to do in a long time. Good luck to everyone who is battling this.
Try chantix. Helps a lot why try to quit cold turkey when there are things that can help u quit without all the suffering. I dipped snuff for 40 years tried to quit countless times but with the chantix I am now on day 46 and can’t ever see myself dipping again. I only get occasional cravings now, I have it whipped !
Second the chantix. 25 days so far after dipping for 24 years.
My experience with cold turkey…and the pure HELL that came with the cease and resist method, made me appreciate my quit more. It also reminds me of the struggles I had in shaking the nicotine demon. In my opinion, there is no better way to quit and stay quit, than cold turkey. I tried to quit with Nicorette gum 20 years ago, I caved 6 months later. Cold Turkey? I’ve been clean for over 3 years…But, to each their own.
Good Luck!
Today is my quit day 1 cold turkey after 18 yrs of atleast a can a day of grizzy longcut straight.
I’m almost at 4 weeks without my Kodiak. Fog is till strong but i see the light. I’m 42 and been dipping on and off for almost 20 years. Stay strong everyone!
Where are you now? Everything picked up and feeling better? Fog lifted?
Day one into quitting the snus. The fog is here and I’m on edge. After a few failed attempts trying quit, this time I feel will be it. For the first time, I have a purpose to quit. After spending a four day vacation with my girlfriend and her daughter, realizing my habit was only putting me on edge, zoning out and only thinking about the next dip to level back out and enjoy my trip was not how I envisioned it. After about 10 years it’s time to move on.
Any suggestions for the fog or useful remedies from anyone?
And exercise
Does anyone have any advice on the best time to quit? I know the best answer is “Right Now!”, but I’m swamped with work and will be for the next few months. I was able to quit 8 years ago, only to fold two years ago with a change to more stressful job (Sales). I remember the fog well, I could barely function at work and I cannot lose this job as my wife and I just had our first child a month ago and money is tight.
Above all, I want to remember every detail of child’s first months and enjoy them to the fullest, I don’t want “the fog” to rob me of this special time. Would you wait at least until the busy season is over at work in the fall or go for it now?
Thank you for any suggestions,
Well… I think you already know the answer you’re going to get, but I’d say do it now.
Yes, it will be rough. Yes, you’ll turn into an asshole. Yes, you’ll lose sleep and be abnormally irritable.
However… if you’ve got a month old child you’re ALREADY not sleeping well, ALREADY probably an asshole and are probably ALREADY irritable. Might as well go all in.
I’ll also leave you with this. It recounts a day nearly 11 years ago when I was almost exactly where you are. My first son was 53 days old:
Great post Chewie, that link fit perfect!
Agree 1000% percent, gotta be about YOU and only you.
Love this post! Touching and heartfelt. I really love this Blog. People are so very kind and supportive to others it’s amazing. We all have been through so much and I’m very glad I found this page bc I intend to stay connected as I pull through my own journey. Today is day 4 and the fog is thick. Been there the last time I tried to quit the “dip”. Been feeling like the odd one out at work. Sometimes I think I don’t belong there bc I’m so lost. Yesterday was probably my worst day so far. I work a fairly fast paced job and felt like I was just walking in circles all day and people are glancing at me like I’m crazy as I’m pacing all over. Anyone have issues with their throats feeling restricted? Was wondering if anyone had any idea how long this typically lasts.
3 weeks no dip was feeling good. Started having very bad fog. I couldn’t take it anymore didn’t know what else to do. Went to my Doctor she gave me nicotine patches that didn’t change anything. Tried dip again that also didn’t change anything. Still suffering with severe fog. Doctor now tells me I need to be taking antidepressants. Please can anyone help me??
Iam on week four no dip its been rough still is. Been to the doctor with palpatations done ekgs blood work all came back fine.Went to a diff doctor because i did not like the answers i got now the fog is real it does suck also perscribe anti depresent i do not take it but the struggle is real you just gotta drive on till you get to the other side
Dude I’m in the same boat only been 2 weeks did all that you did. This is rough
W, first off if you have a religious faith pray to God that he will give you the desire to want to quit. Most people like the idea of quitting, not quiting itself. for example This is my second time quiting. I tried to quit a few months ago because I wanted to be healthy. Yet I loved dipping. When you love something you don’t really want to quit. I prayed to God and the blessed Mother that God would give me the desire to stop. The other night my heart stopped and It felt like my arm was set on fire. This is directly due to the excessive amount of niccotine I am takikng in. Needless to say It was my reality check. I’m 3 days In and going strong. I am in the Army and I realized that life is not going to give you a break. If you don’t do it now you will find another excuse not to do it next time. Sorry I know that’s probally not what you wanted to hear, but it’s true. Whatever decision you make I hope you remember fully every detail of your kids years. I hope he is an inspiration for you to recover from this.
You just have to do it. Life will never give you a ‘good time’ to quit. I finally realized that myself and realized the only way was to just power thru it. For me, chantix helped with the ‘fog’. As for the first few days of withdrawal, take a day off and make it a long weekend. It’s worth it.
I’m 35 days quit after 17 years. I loved dipping. I worried about being bored on long drives without dipping, about working outside all day without chewing, I had become so accustomed to doing all my daily routines with a chew in. I too had planned on quitting about 20 times in the last 10 years, only to get to that point and realize that I was going to quit, just not at that moment. I know I have only quit for 33 long days, but here are a few things that have helped me.
1. I’ll second the Chantix. I would have loved to quit cold turkey, to have the feeling of accomplishing it on my own, but I knew what was most important was to quit. Plain and simple. One advantage with using Chantix is you are able to dip for the first week of taking the medication. So you start your quit without having to quit. What this did for me was it gave me a timeline that in order to follow the medication properly, there was a set date, not just when I had the will to quit.
2. Don’t wait for life to slow down to quit. Next thing you know, you’re having a kid, then a second then a third, then you are changing jobs, then you lose someone close, then this, then that. You continue to chew because it’s just not the right time all while becoming more and more addicted with less and less time to dip (I didn’t dip in front of my kids), making it harder and harder to quit the next time.
3. I loved the idea of quitting for yourself. By quitting for yourself, in turn, you are quitting for all of your loved ones. I think it has been important for me to silently acknowledge to myself when I am ‘present’ when before I wouldn’t have been. My life evolved around chewing, so even when I was with my kids, I’d be thinking about my next dip. While I’m still early in my quitting, I can already notice that I don’t feel like the person that’s already planning his leaving the party. Instead, im enjoying the party.
4. Involve your significant other. My wife has never used any form of tobacco, she has never experienced nicotine or it’s withdrawals. Telling her about it gives her a better understanding of what I’m going through, which allows her to better support and encourage me in my journey.
5. I’ll say it again in case anyone reading this is looking for encouragement to quit. Don’t feel that getting help from a medication means you cheated in your quit. There is no such thing as cheating, all that matters is that you quit. Whatever it takes to get you there, do it.
6. Lastly, never have a tin on hand in case you just can’t take it, because you will fail. You will eventually use all of that tin and have another emergency tin on hand and then use all of that.
Good job everyone, talking about it and seeking encouragement really does help, and there are a number of good people on here that have quit or are in the process that are willing to help.
How long did your fog last when you quit both times? I am on day 67 today and I still have it. Can barely drive and can’t work.
After 20 years of dipping i quit for good 10 months ago. But now the brain fog and emotionless bluesy feeling is back. Is this normal? Thanks for the support.
Exact same here. 20 years and haven’t dipped in 10 months. I had one of those kind of pissed off days today, but they are further and further apart. I didn’t want a dip, but my body did.
I’m one year and feeling the same fog.
I’m a little over 2 years quit. It took about 13-14 months before I was feeling like myself again.
I didn’t use the can but I smoked cigarettes for 7 years. I quit exactly 3 months ago and that fog has lifted for the most part but I still get this ” off ” feeling and it creeps me out. That with shady memory and everything associated with the fog. I just want it to be over. I know this is a site for dip… but nicotine is nicotine.. and I just need help coping.
Hey Joe – you’re right… nic is nic and that’s what we were / are addicted to. Glad to have you. Stick around!
How long does it last? I mean it’s clearing up and I’ve noticed that it gets worse when I can’t control my emotions or obsess about the symptoms. Zoning out a lot, feel off, anxiety, and just weird like I’m not normal.. Plus it’s kept me from working… any advice?
For me the worst of it, that REALLY intense fog, was only a few days… maybe a week. From there it started to gradually lighten up. I’d get a bad day now and then well into my quit but it became less and less intense and further and further between “episodes”.
Joe, having the same terrible problems. Did yours ever get better?
To be honest it has in a way… it’s still there but lighter like chewie was saying. It gets easier and lighter. Sometimes I still have my episodes but they’re temporary. I’m on 5 months now and it’s manageable. The anxiety has gone away. The zoning out and everything. I feel half assed normal if that makes sense? I do see progression though and that keeps me going. Also my girlfriend had experienced this before as well when she quit.. the only difference is she thought it was because she didn’t take her iron cause she’s anemic. Anyway long story short she had it for a year due to the fact she was smoking on and off.. which is basically like quitting on and off.. since she was a light smoker once she finally quit quit. It faded after a couple months for her.. I’d say 3-4. She did tell me how terrible it was and she explains to me how she felt during that time and couldn’t remember, felt off, zoned out, in ” limbo ” etc. made working hard for her but it eventually faded. That gave me comfort lol. It just sucks and is an annoying feeling. What helped me is to see the progression in the fog.. lightening up even if it’s slight. Now I’m able to do everything.. drive.. work.. concentrate for the most part.. it’s just that last little haze that is left. Also.. I’m a cigarette smoker.. idk if you did the can.. or are also a cigarette smoker but nicotine is nicotine… you’ll see progression. Just be patient and ride it out. Im a gamer so i keep myself distracted with that. But do something you love or try working harder at work. That’s what I did.
Just be patient. Don’t try to analyze every little symptom which is what I did and it only made me feel miserable and paranoid. Everybody is different and everybody’s body is different. It might take time but it won’t be forever. Hope this helped.
Today is day 50. I used the patch for 6 weeks, stepping down every two. Tomorrow makes a week since I’ve used the patch and the fog is insane. I am missing turns on the road, stopping at green lights, you name it, I’m struggling. I literally told my wife tonight I was gonna go out and get a can. I just didn’t care anymore. I’m a probation officer and deal with addiction everyday. I am going to stay strong tonight and hope the urge to use fades away tomorrow. 50 days and it’s still this hard. I’ve got sunflower seeds, smoky mountain chew, straws, toothpicks, nothing is working right now….
You’re actually only 1 week into your quit since you just stopped nicotine when you stopped the patch. Keep yourself distracted- exercise works for a lot of people – and keep trying different things for the oral fixation- a lot of people like the nicotine free fake chews. Things will continue to improve. Remember these first few weeks anytime you have a craving because you don’t want to go through this again.
50 days away from Tobacco, but only 7 away from Nicotine. Not trying to be a jerk, but this is the very reason we recommend NOT using anything nicotine when you “quit”. Quit means just that, no Nicotine. You are finally getting what the quit is all about, pure hell. The first 30 are tough, then it becomes manageable until about 70, then you get slammed again before the 100 day mark, then you are free.
My advice…DO NOT run back to the can, DO NOT use anymore nicotine in any form. This too, shall pass….but ONLY if you refrain from using. The further you get from nicotine, the better you will feel. 7 down, 93 to go, YOU CAN DO THIS!
Jesus, and here I thought I was going crazy. Thank y’all from the bottom of my heart for sharing your experiences. 30 year old vet, been smoking/chewing half a tin of pouches for the last 10 years on and off… more on than off the last 5 years since dealing with civ life and going to college. I quit last year for about 3 months – the first week sucked ass, and then I felt fine until I developed such bad anxiety that I ended up in the hospital because I thought I was having a heart attack or something. I ended up going back to tobacco, but when college is out in a few weeks I’m going to give ‘er another go. Thanks again for sharing, it’s good to know this isn’t uncommon and I’m not alone.
I’m 18 years old and have been dipping for about 3 years. I often feel like I’m too dependant on the damn CAN and feel I will be happier without having this shit as a crutch in my life. I’m a strong kid mentally but I’m kinda scared about quitting at this point and time. I’m afraid with everything going on like spring break, prom, grad parties, baseball games, boys nights and entering college that I don’t want to have to deal with all of the physical and mental withdrawal symptoms. I want to stop but I feel like it will get me so stressed and all that shot during a great time in my life. So my question is will I really feel so much weight that I will be unhappy with the next few months or will I be able to handle it?
Hey Chris- I am 3 weeks in and just about to get out of the fog. Now is the perfect time to quit with all the changes. As you said, you are a strong kid mentally… bite your lip and remind yourself that you are worth it!
Chris the best thing you can do is stop now…I started when I was about 16, here I am 32 and finally quitting. I’m a week in and it has been horrible, but the end result is worth it. Stop now, the longer you wait the harder it will be buddy.
Just wondering if there’s anyone around day 50-60 of their quit? I’m on day 55 and have awful anxiety and feel like the days are longer and sometimes I think I didn’t feel this way when I chewed and think about going back to it but I refrain because of all the work I put in already and my family. Long story as short as I can make it, in 2006 my special needs son passed away and from then on I developed generalized anxiety disorder and was put on xanax. Well 11 years later I’m still on xanax although a low dose (.25mg 2-3 times a day) and now I’m on this quitting dipping everything that’s tough in life seems amplified a ton. I’m trying to stay positive, I’m doing as much exercise as I can (having cervical spine surgery beginning of may) but find my moods and overall personality is different, don’t feel like myself, tried Wellbutrin but had horrible side effects so cautious about taking anything else. I’ve read about the fog/anxiety lasting for 70+ days and just wondering if that’s it? Anyone know or gone through this?
Absolutely. Your story definitely echoes my experiences in that first 100 days.
Not the same exact story, but I too had a small encounter with anxiety before I quit dipping. Almost a two year encounter.
Fast forward to after I got control of the anixety and decided to quit chewing. About the same period (mine, 40-60 days) I “felt” that familiar anxiety feeling returning. Thought for sure I was headed back down Anxiety Avenue again.
Fortunately, it only lasted for maybe a week or 2, then it was gone..thankfully.
I viewed this period as, “Round 2: Are you sure you want to quit?”.
I am not saying this is surely your issue, but I do recall the feelings in the very beginning, then returning in that timeline.
I do think your future surgery may be weighing in a bit there too, good luck with that and good luck on your continued quit.
Ya I want to quit or I wouldn’t have lasted this long but you got a point in maybe my surgery is weighing on me, just the waiting. I find myself short and on edge sometimes and it’s not fair to my son now or my wife but thankfully my wife is understanding and supportive… any other advice would be great thank you JayP
I too was short and on the edge…Adjusting to life without the nicotine crutch, that too will get better. Yes, Mood swings are in full force…I remember that 100 days all too well. So we’ll, that I will not ever go through it again, I’m done (almost 1000 days now).
The best advice I can give you on quitting is to just keep busy and try to get through the first 100 days, one day at a time. I guarantee you, if you get to the 100 day mark, it does get easier. Especially about the 120 day mark and beyond. You’ll still think about it, but it’ll be a faint noise across the valley. And use this website. It really was my “rock” during the quit…Many great people here, dealing with the same misery as you.
The “oral fixation” part of the habit is what hung around with me for a bit…But even that began to wither away. I used seeds like they were stopping production of them. I used gum and the fake dips (still do a little). But all of this is much, much less these days.
Excersise (running) was a HUGE tool in the arsenal. Which was good because eating became a big part of my quit too. So, working out helped keep the weight gain at bay (still slapped on 20, but ended up losing it a over year ago).
Spiritual guidance (if you do that) always helped too. Relaxing… Fortunately there is a hottub near, so that too helped with the stress.
We chewed to deal with life’s problems….Now we need to learn how to deal with life without the chemical nicotine.. it takes time to learn how to do that.
Overall, it was the most selfish thing I did in my life, But also the most rewarding.
No regrets. Now days I just pop in here and there on this website to pay it forward…I was where you are & I know the pain. Just keep at it, what you said “yeah, I want to quit or else I wouldn’t have lasted this long”…that was the exact same attitude that pushed me to the 100 days and beyond…even up to today. Too much invested now, I ain’t ever going back!
Good luck and keep quit…and remember “This too…Shall pass”. That was my motto during the tough times, still is and it ALWAYS does pass!
Take Care
Thankful for this site already. I’m 20, started a year ago and decided to quit two days ago. I’m on day two and already feeling the need for nicotine. College classes are also part of my stress that I would use dip to relieve but, I trust I am stronger than the urge, and so is everyone else. I tell myself it will get easier and I’m sure it will. Just taking it a day at a time for now! God bless
Thanks man!
yes. going through this now. quit chew 3-08-17. chewed Skoal for almost 30 years, smoked before that and did both on occasion. I feel as though the fog will never lift.
How long did your fog last Dan? It is day 64 for me with no let up from dizziness. I haven’t been able to work or drive at all.
Hey Ryan,
Just scrolling through comments and I really resonated with yours. I was just curious if you stuck with it or not? It’s been a struggle for me. I had terrible anxiety even before my quit and it has amplified it.
Thanks for sharing your story.
Quit chewing 17 days ago. I figured it out by trying to quit a few times that the fog was going to be no joke. So I decided to quit half way through work on a Friday. I was going to suffer badly but not at work. Seemingly the fog was bearable by Monday with help from nicotine gum. I always want to buy some, and literally yell random things like I want a chew! I get rid of fog with runners high and straight exhaustion. I needed something in my mouth constantly up until 14 days. I also noticed I was fully addicted to nicotine gum. So, round two, quit that at day fourteen and hoping for less hardship. I have rough patches in my mouth that scare me pretty bad and people are dying from cancer all around. Quitting is going to be worth it I can tell. Hope I didn’t wait too long!
I quit yesterday. I’ve chewed for about a decade. When I started I only did it when I was drinking or perhaps some social events with friends. Then about 6 years ago I went overseas and started going through a tin of skoal long cut every 2 days. I’ve been working on an online degree in addition to my 8 hour work days and it keeps me awake. I used to take Adderall legally and I didn’t have to do that with chew. I once had the most depressing withdrawal when I stopped taking that. This is different but…not better but more confusing. Anyhow, this all started cuz have an office job and I found myself throwing in pouches in the morning in the bathroom scuz I had a craving. Felt pathetic and I hate being beholden to anything like that. It’s only been 45 hours for me and it just feels like there is a massive blockage between my eyes in my head. I have to drive 90 miles very often for work and I always look forward to my chew driving. Can tell during my workouts that chewing is causing my shortness of breath too. I’m sick of it. Also not sure what’s going to happen though. Have chewed since I met my girl. I’m worried I’m gonna change cuz right now I feel miserable and just not like myself. Not quite sure if I’ll be the same person and that’s prob the scariest part. Anyway, Im set on this and I’m going to do it. I also just turned 30 and I always considered chewing something I did as a “kid”. Yeah, if it seems like this post is all over the place that’s how I’m thinking right now.
I know what you mean man. Been weening off my chewing (can a day to one chew now) and it makes me have those same thoughts (e.g., what if my personality changes, what if I’m mean, what if I get depressed?). Quit date is next monday and i’m getting pretty anxious. I heard something the other day that stuck with me while i’m preparing for my quit, “you won’t regret quitting.” A little mantra from the future self. Stick it out. Don’t know if this makes any sense, since i’m in a fog also. haha.
I quit right around the same time as you- Lent for me but I caved and chewed a bit the following day. I am also about to turn 30. I had no idea that quitting was going to be this psychological roller coaster of anxiety/depression like symptoms. Your post made me feel like how I am feeling is normal. Good to hear I’m not going crazy! best of luck to you
Just wanted to say I have dipped for close to 10yrs atleast a can a day. Always wondered how & when I was ever gonna quit if ever. Then just 2 days ago a friend of mine died of cancer & he was a year younger at age 33. I don’t know why, but something happened & it scared me so bad I haven’t had a dip since. I was gonna give in the first day & just tell myself I’ll cut back, but seriously when I would go to grab the can, I just got so scared & affraid. Something I’d never felt before. Anyways I took that as a sign. Day 3 now. While I dont have any cravings I do have the “fog”. What really sucks too is I just bought 10 cans, because it was on sale. Long story longer if your thinking about quiting what change my mind was I didn’t want to find out I have cancer & wish I would have done something long ago. It’s not worth my life.
Day 15 here, miserable, broken, hungry, dizzy, lost…. I can’t seem to focus on anything — I am struggling so bad with this, but I can’t let my wife down any more. How long does the “fog” last???-(13 years of nicotine use, now cold turkey)
Hang in there Dustin. 15 days is a great start. I’d say that fog hangs around, on and off for the first 30 days. It will leave and make a return again around the 60-100 day mark…Then after the 100 days, it will be far a few between feeling it.
Different for everyone, you might be done with it after the 30 day mark and it may not return. I see several variations of it. You WILL get a stretch (and soon) when you’ll be free from that awful fog, just stay free from the junk. Your brain is rewiring itself, thus the fog. Appreciate (easier said than done) the struggle…It’ll be rewarding later.
I dipped between 25-30 years…the first 30 days was crazy, pure hell! Then the fog was on and off from there to around 70 day mark, then it came back for a very short time just before the 100 day mark, then it never returned. Hang in there, easier days are on the way!
Going through the same thing. Restless legs and dizziness. Can’t focus. I’m just not myself. My wife has been taking care of me and I feel pathetic. Day 15 for me, but been feeling this for a week now. Did yours get better?
I quit over vacation in 4 months ago. I definitely feel better overall, but was using dip as a crutch to help me work 12-14 hour days. I used to only do that occasionally, but for the last several years, it has been 4-5 times a week. I’d get tired around 5 or 6, throw in a dip, and go several more hours. At 40 y.o. it just isn’t worth it any more. However, I’m over 100 days into not having had a dip, but finally broke down with some nicotene gum. It’s not much help, but at least I’m not thinking “I need to dip to get this work done tonight.” I’ve also started exercising in hopes to get some energy from that. But still fighting through the damn fog, especially later in the day. It helps to know from this site that it’s pretty typical, and to hear that it may clear. I really hate the gum and realize it’s still nicotene. I don’t think I’ll need it if I can see the fog lift, and making an effort to properly balance my work load while getting older will hopefully help as well.
Chewed for 32 years 3 cans a day quit cold turkey its been 10 days and starting to come out of the fog
Last dip today at 8 am….entered the fog…can i get thru it
Hour 36 since my last dip I just don’t feel normal right now and my head hurts, my gums are sore and I want to dip again, hanging in there but damn life sucks right now. Had dipped for only 2 hears but I was going through a can a day no problem.
I’m there with you right now day 2….dipped for 15 years at 1.5 cans a day….I just wanna dip just once to feel normal but I know I can’t keep strong
Been dipping for over 40 years, tried quitting a few times but always went back. This time, I’m done. Been over a week now, but my gums got numb and I thought this was a warning sign, although regular dentist visits were ok. That nicotine is a powerful slave master.
Day 31 for me and the fog is still thick..pretty much everyday seems like my mind is just in cruise control..almost like a constant light headed feeling and at times randomly losing my balance. I’m glad I came across this though and have discovered that its not just me..hopefully soon it ends!! I just keep telling myself that it’ll be worth it in the end!!
Totally normal to feel like that for the first 30-40 days. They say the nicotine is out by day 3, but man…that fog (and anxiety) is no joke in those first 30-40 days. I’d say by 60, I started feeling half-assed normal again…then I had another bout of bullshit around the 80-90 day mark, then after 100 it was spotty. Just hang in there and stay the course. You will not go through this forever (promise) and ever again, so long you stay quit, good luck!
Jay P, day 80 here and feel slight fog back. The biggest issue im facing this time is my vision. Seems like a bunch of tiny dots everywhere. Anyone else experience any vision distortions during quit?
Hey Logan, congrats on 80 days free!
I had some “what I call” zaps. That DID seem to mess with my vision. They seemed to start around that time period too…70-100 day period.
I think the dots you speak of, is the start of a astigmatism. My vision has dramatically went to the shitter since the age of 38 (42 now)…so depending on your age, it may just be your eyes getting old. I’d recommend an eye exam.
But I do understand how you feel…I just felt “off” that first 100 days.
Keep the course, 80 days free is awesome!!
I’m 2 years and around 153 days free…just keep on keeping on!
Thanks for the response man! I’m 22, also around day 73 just started noticing a ton of weird spots and sores in the mouth. Did you have these that far into your QUIT? I am getting an oral screen tomorrow
Yes, your mouth seems tonget worse, before it gets better. You’d think that quitting would automatically make the lip/cheek normal again. I do recall my mouth being sore and even had some “blood-blisters”. I did have my mouth screened too. It all “thankfully” came back good. My dentist said it may take years for the mouth to become normal again. I dipped for dam near 30 years of my life, hardcore for 25. So, yes, it too is normal. I’m glad to hear you’re getting It looked at. While I am no doctor or dentist, I think all will be ok.
Stay the course!
Good Luck!!
Well got my oral screen today… And THANK GOD everything looks fine! I hope everyone is doing great today and continuing to stay QUIT for good. It is such a blessing and please if anyone has any worry about or sore or anything in the mouth just get it checked out.; Early detection is the key.God bless
Day 3 for me,,,no nic gum or dip,, it’s been a rough day! Been dipping 25 years
Hey I quit a month ago and now I can’t remember anything. How ling does the fog last.
How long is different for everyone Leonard. I have been quit for almost 690 days, bit I still am here reading posts and I say the average is 60-70 days. It will return again around 90-100, then it will be spotty (day to day). Then, it will just be an afterthought. Stay quit and you’ll ever feel this way again. Just hang in there man, it’s a 100 day challenge, you’re doing great and what you’re feeling totally normal if you want to be quit. Good luck!
If it becomes too much, go talk to a doctor, he/she would gladly help you with something to take the edge off….and commend you on efforts.
Thanks. I can’t believe what this stuff can do to your brain. Thanks for the reply. I thought I was crazy. I still am having mental voids. Can’t remember what I was doing. Freaky.
But this is a great site. Who ever started this did a great thing for people who want to quit. Great.
I hear ya. Yes, I too was a bit taken by the side effects of the quit. Never in my almost 30 years abusing the shit, did I ever think about or notice, how much it affects the brain, mood, insulin levels, metabolism…there are so many physiological things that nicotine partners with, that go unnoticed until you quit.
Happy to see you are still at it, keep it up! Promise, you’ll get back to your old self the longer you refrain from does take a while, be patient and strong, the reward of freedom from that shit is immeasurable.
Good Luck, I’m on your side!
Day #723 Free
#722 today, but it will for sure, without a doubt, be #723 tomorrow?
I don’t know why the hell I decided to quit today, but my can ran out and I decided the hell with it. I realize that is not a good place to start, but in the meantime I’ve done what I should have done leading up to today and built out all the reasons I want to quit and a methodology to handle what does come.
But I will be honest, I’m worried as hell. Last time I didn’t dip for a day or two, the “fog” mentioned here was brutal. I felt like I’d ingested a huge amount of drugs, walking around in what seemed to be a “tension-filled” slumber. I couldn’t concentrate on anything people said and just ended up staring at walls. So here I am, around 4 hours after stopping, and it’s already starting to fog a bit. I also have anxiety slipping in. Combined with other stress in life, I don’t know why I did this today.
So I am not even through day one yet, wondering how I am going to get to day 2. When people say here that it takes about a week or two…god, that sounds like an eternity.
Praying for you brother! You can do it. Make sure you post roll
Today is my first day too, and I agree it sucks bad. Glad I found this site though, it gives us a place to vent a bit. The more I know about the symptoms and what to expect, the better I will do. I wish you all the endurance possible to kick it!
Day two for me. Waiting for jakes mint chew in the mail. Mouth feels empty. 18yrs old dipping for 3+ years
Ive tried to quit so many times man and never made it past a week. This site has really helped in what to expect and support. I will be going on 3 weeks Sun and I still space out alot. The urges are no where near as bad. I have to play alot of mind games and fight the voices of just one while we play cards is ok. My buddies still all chew and I have the fake stuff for when I’m around them and it has really helped. Other than that gum and seeds ready all the time. Be prepared with those things you need to get through the urges and mentally what you are gonna tell yourself when the urge comes on. I havent fully made it yet but this is the longest I’ve gone ever and I also really hope it gets better. Somedays I say why did I quit no one really had a problem with it and I loved it. Not true I didn’t love it I just did it. Stay strong, focused, prepared and active. Ive been golfing and hitting the gym and punching bags to stay busy. YOY CAN DO IT MAN!
Quit on Friday after a panic attack at work and now I feel worse. Please tell me it will pass. Day 4 and I’m numb.
Hang in there Russ. Believe it or not, you’re right on track:
Thank you. I am on day 3 and it is far and away the toughest. I am a grown ass man and had to run to the bathroom to cry today at work. I was sure I could not make it after that embarrassing incident. Im fidgety as hell, anxious as all get out, and angry AF and crying the next second! I found this sight right in time. thanks men.
First 3 days are the toughest….i will always beleive that. Stay on course and you’ll never feel this way again. Good Luck!
I started dipping when I left the Service due to a medical discharge. Before I had smoked since age 13 and I before I enlisted I had been through meth and pills and coke. After I decided to enlist it was….well compared to quitting dip it was easy. The withdraws were difficult but compared to day 1 of quitting dip it was nothing. This is harder then quitting anything else I’ve ever quit. But I’m going to do it. I don’t have anybody in my life I can use for support but I didn’t last time.
Idk just needed to share this and say it. Feels good.
Chris, glad you’ve shared your story. Reach out to people here at this blog. Join the Forum(s). Everyone here will support your quit. Don’t feel like you’re all alone in this quit. This is what I found fascinating about this blog, everyone here “gets” what you’re going through. From the symptoms above, to the postings below, we’re all here to help each other. I would strongly suggest spending some time here, reach out to new quitter, join a group, you can choose a date to quit and join others on that date here, and run through the quit together. I am so grateful I found this place and the strangers that I made friendships with. I will probably never meet any of the people in person, but they’ve all had a hand in on my quit right here. I am here to say it can be done.
Good Luck…and if you can beat Meth, Pills and Coke, you surely got the balls to beat this addiction! Take Care
Day #624 Free
There really is no easy technique at the beginning….I won’t lie to you, it’s probably one, if not “the”, hardest thing I ever did. Fortunately, you’re an athlete, like I was at your age. You ” know” what the term “gut it out” means…..that is exactly how you need to approach your quit if you want to have success at it. Mentally, there is no easy way to play the game.
Some things…or “tools” I adopted to help me through were, fake dips, sunflower seeds and lots of cardio and weight lifting. You will have an excess amount of energy (mine was similar to rage) and possibly some anxiety, that needs to be spent. I spent it on running and lifting. I found myself a fake dip that “worked” (there are so many GOOD alternatives today). I acquainted myself with sunflower seeds….i also drank a lot of water to flush that poison (nicotine) out. I dipped a lot longer than you (30 years), but started for the same reasons (athletics). I know you are surrounded by it, like I was….football and wrestling were my things and almost the entire team dipped….it’s what we did…I can relate. Best get away from it now when your young. The next thing you know, you’ll be turning 40 with that can in your pocket still. Get on it now!
This is a wonderful site to help your quit…use it, reach out to people, they’re all here to help you be successful with your quit. Good luck!
Day #611 free of that shit
Great message JP. In the same boat turning 40 this year and dont remember when I started. My goal is to stop every kid from starting this garbage. I had no idea it was this tough mentally, physically and emotionally. What a joke. Thanks for the post. Im on week 3.
I missed your message Joe, I hope you are still plugging away at your quit.
You hit it head on, this is a horrible habit that is one tough monkey to get off the back. Hope all is well and you’re still marching to the first floor (day 100)
This sucks
Hey y’all, my names Patrick and I’m 19 years old, have been dippin’ since 13/14 years old. I play college football so it is basically a way of life for a lot of guys, i’m basically surrounded by it and was at 1-2 cans per day a little bit ago. I’m only starting on this journey now, and i’m only on day one, but I can’t even explain how strong the desire is for me to go buy a can right now and throw in, I haven’t felt many pulls this strong ever in my life. Any advice on what worked for people in the early going when you’re fighting a really strong urge?
No problem Robert….you will get past all of the anxiety. I battled that shit about a year before I quit. Never had it, didn’t know what it was, scared me. I thought I was losing my mind. I got it under control, then it returned when I quit tobacco. It was short lived though….and I am happy to say I feel awesome today. Lost my weight from when I quit, continue to exercise and eat well…I “feel” so much healthier. And “I” was in charge of it all. It’s been a rewarding journey, just stay the course, shiny days are on the way!
Thank you for your response…. That really helps. The more I fill my mind with explanations the more the anxiety subsides
You’re dealing with your fears of being free from nicotine. Believe me, I asked myself several times before I quit “how am I going to function without this stuff I’ve had for 30 years?”. I mean, how would I get through my morning? Shower? Drive to the office? At my desk? After lunch? On my way home after work? Mowing my lawn? Doing home projects? Going out and having some drinks without my can? How could I possibly LIVE without my can? I don’t know….I can tell you I am here, 604 days free from it and besides being a little bitchy and amped up for the first 40-60 days, I managed to do it. You can too. You are your biggest motivator, YOU. It’s in all of us to be great, and if it’s quitting the nicotine that makes you great, you can accomplish it.
I wasn’t any less productive in any of the things I outlined above….in fact, I have much more clarity without the aid of nicotine. It isn’t easy, I won’t lie. But it’s probably the most personal, rewarding thing I’ve done in my life. I beat the nicotine…you can too, dig deep!
Robert, Dry mouth, new tastes, panic, anxiety….welcome to the “Fog”. We all have had similar symptoms. All I can tell you, stay the course and gut it out. IT WILL GET BETTER! This coming from a 30 year addict that is about to finish his 604th day free from nicotine. There is no easy way to go about it. We’ve abused a substance and the brain has accepted it as part of life. Now, you’ve removed that part of life and you’ve shocked your system. It will subside, the further nicotine is in the rearview mirror.
Keep at it, relief is coming. Mine personally, was strong for about 40 days. It came back around 70-80, then was spotty after the 100 day mark.
That said, we are all different, but you will get back to normal, promise. In fact, you’ll have a better you, normal is normal, but better is better! Ya dig?
Keep on keeping on!
I’ve had anxiety attacks before chew. A friend of mine quit smokeless tobacco because he was having anxiety attacks. Can chew do this to you? I’m on my 14th day of quit and still feel anxiety. Will it go away?
Yes, the anxiety will subside. The longer you refrain from using nicotine, the closer you get to feeling anxiety free. Mine lasted for about 40-60 days, along with many of the symptoms outlined above. Then, one day, I just started feeling better. I still had spotty bouts with it, but they were mild compared to those first 40-60 days.
I read somewhere that many of us chewed to calm our anxiety, so I think that we used it as a crutch to sooth or cope with our anxiety. I beleive that more so than it actually causing the anxiety. We are retraining our brain to cope with stress or worry (that is the root of anxiety), without the aid of nicotine….this why I think we have it when we stop.
That’s my 2 cents on it.
Keep plugging away
Thanks Jayp. Still trying to go strong. Now I’m in a major fog! Really dizzy . Can’t think straight and more anxiety and headaches. This is pure hell! Hope it ends soon! Thanks for your reply.
Stay with it honey- kids and I are so proud of you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The dizziness for me has been intense
Hi, everyone’s words are so encouraging. I’ve tried so many times to quit. I was a workaholic and injured my back and 5 major back surgeries and living with chronic pain. I would get a dip I’ve never kept it in my mouth over 5 minutes if tht but I feel so worthless as I don’t seem to have self control when it comes to this crap. I am so desperate. I turn to God crying out to please take this can, and everything tht goes with it. I can quit for 24 hrs if not less as I live alone and when I head home I get anxious about going into my empty apt. Even though I know I am never alone this stuff has me by the ball and I don’t have any. I desperately need help. I want to quit period. I tried putting in my quit date and how many cans I dipped per day and cost but when I tap on calculate it keeps telling me to fill all out. Well I do. This is scary as why as hard as I’m trying to quit and trying to do and fill out what I need to fill out it kicks it out. I only have the net via my cell. But do not understand why every step I take in order to get the full benefits of KTC it doesn’t work. I have NO. Support from anyone. Of course I do from God but I even let him down. I am doing a 40 day fast from wrong thinking and praying tht between tht and having such a strong support group as here I can persevere. But g it’s so hard then I beat myself up as I feel like everyone can do it but me. I’ve been dipping everyday since recovering from back surgeries and lost and feeling so alone in this battle tht I don’t think I can do it. But I know I can as I desperately want to. I put in my start date as may nut it only lets me put in Ma. Ughh then I put in the rest of the info required and kicks back to u have to fill it all in. To calculate. I do put in the day I start my quit correct? Please, I am so desperate for helpn
This is exactly what has been keeping me from quitting. I work in politics which means nonstop stress filled days and no time off. Everytime I try to stop it gets to the point where I know that I’m not working as well as I normally would. Not sure what to do about that yet.
How about this… Quit for 3 weeks now…. Constant anxiety… But now noticing a lot of dry mouth and nasty, almost bitter taste in my mouth that almost makes you react like something sour.. Anyone else??
Yes brother, omg I’m going through what you are. Been quit for 3 weeks now’s.. Terrible
I’m not craving… Just the crazy foggy days and panic attacks
Right there with you Robert! Let’s keep strong!
3 weeks…18 of my 24 hour days are panic attacks
Robert I’m going through the same thing. I just hope this gets easier. Stay strong
How are your panic attacks Robert? Are you taking anything for them?
Day 37…. the FOG remains thick!
Don’t be a slave to that freaking can. Be free!
Hey brother you’re stronger than that dad gum can. You can do this…just fight it. Nothing is more powerful than you! Take the thought captive and don’t believe the lie that you can’t be okay without it….you will be better without it!
Potts…I was the same way when I quit. Needed something for security…my security for 30 years, was my can. The best suggestion I can give, get yourself some fake dip. They will not taste, smell or feel the exact same, but they will help you with that “emptiness” you feel without a dip. The day I quit, I bought a can of Smokey Mountain Wintergreen. I have to admit, it was NOT the same as my Skoal Wintergreen Longcut, but it did give me something to pack in my cheek and the spit was brown, lol.
Get yourself some fake stuff to help you through the early part of your quit. There is a tobacco alternative page out here on this blog….that has links to many of the companies offering Herbal Chew. They were a God send to me….and I am 590 days free from tobacco today. You will eventually taper your use on the fake ones as time passes. Anything, but nicotine!! That’s my advice for you…good luck!
I am 24 and I’ve been chewing since I was 15 I chew a lot about 2 cans a day Grizzly long cut, I have cut down over the past couple days but I really don’t know how to stop completely it breaks me down I get in arguments with my girl friend if I go a Lil while with out it I have to have a can on me or I won’t feel safe or in a good place Any help or advice This chew has literally taken over my life