The KTC Method – More Than Just Nicotine
While we focus on our addition to nicotine at the ‘method’ that we’ve developed can be applied to other addictions and other areas of your life. KTC member MNxEngineer (August 2016) pointed this out in response to a cave that had been attributed to alcohol use. This stuff works folks… but you have to buy in.

The KTC method can be applied to more addictions than just nicotine. Stripped down, the process here is incredibly simple – post a promise; keep your word for 24 hours at a time. Obviously (as you’ve demonstrated) this isn’t always easy but for our method to work, you have to be a person of your word. You have to want to quit and not just romanticize the IDEA of being quit. You have to be willing to give up other things like alcohol if you want to be successful in addressing your nicotine addiction.
You have to be willing to change your vocabulary and be humble enough to let yourself be held accountable and reach out when you find yourself struggling. You’ve dug yourself quite the hole. At this point, your promise/word doesn’t mean much to anyone. Your only shot is to prove to yourself and everyone here by your ACTIONS that you have what it takes to fight this demon back one minute, one hour, one day at a time. Hate to break it to you but whatever your situations are that keep causing failure are no different than anyone else’s on here.
The only difference between you and us is that we aren’t willing to break our promise and find ways to ensure we take that promise unstained into tomorrow. This is life and death man, when are you going to start taking this seriously??
NOTE: This piece written by KillTheCan community member MNxEngineer