2017 HOF Speeches

The Rock I Cling To

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I am a nicotine addict and KTC is the Rock I cling to stay Quit.

No one has ever said that quitting would be easy. Like just about everyone here this isnt my first rodeo, but I promise it is my last.
Does that mean I am cured? HELL NO!
Then why cling to something that hasn’t fixed the problem yet?

That answer is simple … Look at the 5th word in my first sentence…… Addict.

What does addict mean to you?
Addict to me is someone that cannot have just one of whatever substance you want to insert….. for me it is nicotine.

I have to stay alert and aware every damn day, and fight to stay quit.
Some days the battle is fiercer than others and then some days it’s like a picnic.
The reason I choose to stay at KTC after my first 100 days is when I show up here and post roll 100% of the time
I know that on those bad days when the battle rages out of control and the Nic Bitch is gaining ground I can send
one text, email, jump on chat whatever method of reaching out I choose to use and Then I will not be fighting the battle alone.

I went through my phone today and while I may not talk to all of my KTC Brothers and Sisters that I have swapped numbers with every day
I know that they are a text away if I need them. Prohunter Tiswritten ReWire Harvest Chickdip Nolaq PAB1964 Nomore Flucky Kdip Teray you will
probably never know how instrumental you have been in my Quit these first 100 days the wisdom laughter anger and pure quit gold that you
share not only with me but in chat and in the threads. I am proud to be part of the KTC family.

To the New quitters that may read this in the future don’t buck the system drink the kool-aid post roll reach out and link arms with the quitters
that post above you and the ones who post below you we all come from different walks but we all share the same story we are all addicts and if
you use this site properly you will be quit One Day At A Time Every Damn Day All Day Long ……….and after the fog begins to clear begin to give back
it adds another layer to the foundation of your quit that you will be glad for when you hit between day 75-90 when you somewhere in those days you will
inevitably hit a funk.

I am Proud to be Quit With the League of Extraordinary Quitters!!!!

Quit Strong Quit Proud!!!

NOTE: This piece written by KillTheCan.org forum member dieselchick87

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