Words of Wisdom

Things I Think After 8 Weeks

Quit Spit AZThese are the things I think that I think after 8 weeks of quit:

I think I think that it’s been the longest 8 weeks of my life. Having said that though, it seems in some ways that the time has flown by.

I think I think I feel better physically 8 weeks in than I did 8 weeks before quitting. On the other hand, the physical cravings have been hard on me, but maybe that’s just mental?

I think I think I’m seeing my life in general with a more positive outlook. There is a sense of accomplishment and courage that didn’t used to be there. Or maybe it was and I just didn’t let myself have it.

This is the one thing I know without a doubt: this is the best thing I have ever done for myself. By doing this one big thing for me, I have also done a huge thing for the people who love me. At times it seems that I have lost part of my identity; so much of the way I used to live my life was about accommodating my habit. Now that I am free of the habit, it seems that, at times, I don’t know what to do with myself.

But having made it through the first 8 weeks, I think I think that I will keep figuring it out day by day.


NOTE: This piece written by KillTheCan.org forum member JSummers of Quit Spit AZ

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8 years ago

Taking the time to read some Words of Wisdom. Thank you for this piece and I feel the same way that I sometimes don’t know what to do with myself…lol. Before if I’m bored I would throw in a chew and I would magically have a to do list pop in front of me….now a to do list is scary cause it might trigger something. Definitely agree that slowly we addicts will get back on track and all will fall into place.

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