2024 Hall of Fame Speeches

This Quit Is Different – I Can See a Trend

This Quit Is Different - I Can See a Trend
Photo Credit: Deposit Photos User Olivier26

This quit is different. I promise.

I can say I see a trend.

1. You Need to stay active. Every long stop, retread I talk with has the same story.

“I Got to xxx day and stopped posting.”

Mine was 200. I posted the big ones after 200. Floors and years. Until comma then nothing.

2. Staying active will keep your mind on quitting.

If you forget. Things like a buddy tapping one out. And you making silent love to the can, letting him know you really want one. So he nonchalant hands ya the can. You mindlessly tap one out.

Or someone offering you that Cigar for relaxing or celebrating. You don’t think so. But I can count a few long time quits that where snuffed out with one cigar. 1 cigar will lead you directly back to a can a day habit. Im sure of it. We have a saying “you’re not special.” I can tell you most quitters can’t handle a cigar. I know for 100% fact I will never suck on a lit dog turd again. And I need to be ok with that.

3. If you don’t have personal side conversations with more than 1 quitter here. Chances are you will be posting a day 1 in the near future.

Share numbers. Dms, even AOL instant messenger. What ever it takes. At 2 am when your staring at a can thats calling your name. Your gonna wish you had that weirdos number. He’s gonna wish you did too.

I hear some of these guys talk about posting only takes 4 seconds. Haha I think your doing it wrong!

I have timed myself a few times now. It’s right at 10 mins for me.
I post in 14 rooms Regularly.
I send 4 DMs, some people are scared of commitment.
And 20 texts daily.
Why? Well 1 I don’t do anything soft. It’s all the way or nothing, and full bore. 2 it’s my penitence for being a retread. I don’t wanna forget.

Will I keep that up for 10 years? I don’t know yet. For the foreseeable future sure.

I may move to posting to 2024 instead of all 12 months of 2024. But that will be a wile until that happens.

Some people ask why I changed the name.
If you remember me from 2011. I was JimWot or Jim, Wot depending when you found me.

The guys in May 24 are a huge resource and a good reason why I’m here. Early on a few of the retreads and I hit it off. They picked up a pet name for me. Twat, cuz I was a pussy for caving after 38xx days.
They’re not wrong.

I thought about it. The twat reminds me. I’m not infallible. If I’m not careful I could be back at day 1 again. So I decided to take on the twat. Mr Twat if ya will.
It will help me not be a pussy again.

This will be my last HoF speech. I promise!

Twat out.

NOTE: This piece written by Kill The Can community member JimWot

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4 months ago

Mr Twat

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