2011 HOF Speeches

Today I Posted Roll Call and Today I am Quit

TheMissingPeace avatarI started dipping young and dipped for 30 years. Although I tried quitting a thousand times, when I would contemplate the idea of “never dipping again” it was just too much, and I would resign myself to the fact that I would be dipping all my life.

But I knew I was playing with death. I was dealing with worsening health issues related to dipping. I wanted “to want” to quit. So I went online and googled “how to quit dipping.” KTC came up. I started reading and found something Ready had posted by Skoalmonster called The Void. (It’s in Words of Wisdom) That led to a phone call with chewie…

Chewie spent a lot of time on the phone with me. Can you imagine trying to get a 30 year user to stop cold turkey? Well, he did it. Although the nic-bitch held on for one more day, after getting squared away with my log in info, I posted Roll Call for the first time on April 14, 2011. I have posted every single day since then. I am now 106 Days Quit.

The most difficult aspect of being Quit for me has been dealing with the periodic episodes of depression. They came out of nowhere and hit pretty hard. By reaching out I found that I was not alone in this. Besides reaching out to people on this site the thing that really helped was staying active and exercising.

I was fortunate enough during my first 100 days to get to meet some fellow Quitters at a Houston Get Together. I think I got more out of meeting them than they did me so thanks guys! (rebeldog, Kdip, Sadjr111, bubblehed668, Ricko and 2manycans)

So many have helped by posting support, PM’s, phone calls… CORNWALLACE got me through those first few days and is still always there. Thanks Corn! Romandog (my Army of Quit Brother) joined the site right after me and has been a constant source of inspiration. 30yrAddict, how could I ever thank you enough? Jfosh and sas32032, the phone calls are going to be even more appreciated as the days add up. Thank you to all of my fellow July 2011 Tornadoes. We are a Bad Ass group of Quitters! Thanks also to BreakingtheHabit, MOA, rocketman, gmann, theNow!, rebeldog, ODAAT, Scowick65, miles, J2b, … Sorry for the names I’m leaving out!

And thanks to the moderators and vets. You have all helped more than you know…

For anyone reading this thinking about being Quit, I can tell you that a little over a hundred days ago I didn’t think it was possible. You can do this! Post Roll Call and Keep Your Word. You will get all the help you need here and then some…

Today I Posted Roll Call and Today I am Quit.


NOTE: This piece written by KillTheCan.org forum member TheMissingPeace

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