2016 HOF Speeches

Today I Quit With All of You – The First 100 Days

Today I Quit With All of You - The First 100 DaysToday I quit with all of you. It is a promise I have made over a hundred times. It is a promise I will make another 100, 500, a thousand times to ensure that I am accountable for my promise to never use tobacco again, one day at a time.

Roughly 100 days ago, I was a desperate man looking for a way out. I wanted to quit chewing so badly, but I was scared shit less and had no idea what to do to get started. To me, the first step seemed the scariest. Then, I found KTC and all of the awesome people on here, especially my fellow Masters of May. What a bunch of bad ass quitters we are! Within the entire site, and May especially, I found a bunch of people who were going through the same thing I was. “Is it normal that skin is flaking off inside my cheek?” Yep. “Is it weird that I can’t sleep as well as I used to?” Nope. In here, I found not only answers, but people that held me accountable to my promise everyday. I also found people that I could rage at, and with, so my family didn’t have to suffer the wrath of a withdrawing A-Hole addict.

Wait, did I just say addict? Yes. Here, I’ll say it again, in all caps. ADDICT. That is what we are, and that’s one of the reasons accountability is so important. After all, we’re not givin’ away puppies in here. We’re doing hard work, one day at a time. We’re dedicated to what we are all doing and not afraid to kick someones butt back into shape if they start to lose their way.

In conclusion, I want to thank everyone who has helped me so far, and everyone who has allowed me to help them. We are all a crucial part of this whole quitting machine. I look forward to getting to know new quitters, and continuing to build the bonds with the one’s I know already.

I am proud to quit with all of you.

NOTE: This piece written by KillTheCan.org forum member mcsnapper1

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