Words of Wisdom

Users are Douches

Users are Douches - Jersey Shore Douchebags

In order to be a using addict you also have to be a douche. I know… it was hard for me to accept my own doucheyness as well. But, before you react and try to convince me that you weren’t a douche, stop and think it through. I am positive that if you are honest you can point to douchey things you did to feed your addiction – lying, sneaking around, missing time with family or loved ones, stupid justifications for your addiction, selfishness, or scraping enough dried up old dip residue out of the cup holders of your car to make a lipper are common examples.

Douches Everywhere

Thing is, not putting a dip in your mouth is the easy part of being quit. It is also not enough to keep you quit. No, the hard part of quitting is admitting that you are a douche and then trying to stop being such a douche. Add some honest self evaluation to not putting nicotine in your body and your prospects for maintaining your quit are greatly improved. Read enough returning caver stories and you will eventually recognize a pattern. A whole lot of them may have stopped stuffing worm dirt in their pie holes for a while, but they never figured out how to stop being a douche.

NOTE: This piece written by KillTheCan.org forum member DSmitty

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